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  1. I just found out that the guy I've been seeing for 9 month has a 1.5 yrs live-in girlfriend. He told me that he's trying to sort out his relationship with her now, and want me to give him till the end of this year. Of course I said NO. But it hurts so much...I feel guilty being the 3rd woman. He told me he was married for 12 year, divorced in 2000, and now have a live-in girlfriend (knew her for 10 years, been screwing her for 6-7 years). I can see a pattern here, yes, he's been cheating in his previous marriage. I know I should be strong and walk away, but I can't help myself reading his emails, taking his phone calls. I know the longer i stay in this relationship the more it'll hurt. He insists that he didn't do anything wrong, because he's not married. I already ask him to stop all the communication with me. But I am too weak, and I can't stop myself reading the email he send. He said he never experience any relationship like the one he had with me. He said he's the happiest when he's with me, but he still has sex with his live in gf. I feel disgust. i can't talk to him when I think about it, but when he stand in front of me, I just melt. What shuold I do?
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