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  1. thanks to both of you. I have had close people in my life that were in this kind of lifestyle so unfortuanetly i have had a look into it. But i do realize that i cant help her if she doesnt want be. but i just thought it would be a good idea to at least see if someone out there had another idea i could try that i havent thought of. but it seems like none of her friends even care. they tell me they do but they dont do anything about it. Cause i know if they all went to her it would be the best no only cause they are close friends but also cause she doesnt trust men.
  2. Ok, i dont know if this would be the right place to post this but oh well, I met this girl about 3 months ago, From the moment we met we unsepratable.i honestly have never felt the way i feel for her. We continued to see each other everyday for about 2 months. somewhere in there she asked me out and i said yea. Her and i honestly are perfect for eachother. But anyhows here's the problem, her past is filled with bad guys. It starts when she was a little kid with her dad beating her mom. It got no better with the guys she dated cause they either cut her down mentally or like her last cut her down mentally and beat her. Like this guy is a real tool. He also is a drug dealer and got her started on x and coke. But anyhow she told me how she wanted to quit i helped showing her alternatives to that stuff and taking her on her first vaction. Anyhow her friend got her some coke and they started doing it and i am not going to put myself through the hardship of being with someone that does this. SHe also told me that she is forceing her feelings for me away because she has never met someone like me that is genuine and treats her good. but our relationship is over and i have no problems moving on but as a person i wanna try to help. The deal now is that her ex is holding drugs over her head to get her back and i guess (from what her friends tell me) he held a gun to his head saying that if she didnt come back to his life he was going to shoot himself. and now we dont even really talk. Now my problem is i dont know where to go from her cause i do honestly want her to be happy and i cant just sit here and know she is killing her self (she has complained about health probs and last weekend she looked like a ghost and could hardly breath) i have been barely sleeping and stuff thinking about her so any help would be appreciated. thanx
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