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Everything posted by LupinT3rd

  1. Thank you both for your advice, Even though it hurts, I have decided that maybe moving on and just try to be her friend. my friends have helped me alot, as has your advice. As for being a wuss... hmm, I dunno how to reply to that. We both have discussed alot in the past few days, She says that even though we can't be together, she would still like to be a very close friend with me... as long as it is ok with me. I am not quite sure how to reply to that... she also tells me that I am the only person she knows and trusts to be that close with her. I tell you, even though this was my first relationship with a women, I would have to say that if given the choice, I would do it again, even through all the painfull times and fun times. thanks for all your help and for the advice.
  2. Does she love me still? or has she lost interest? I am so confused. My girlfriend and I have been going out for the past 13 months. A few days ago I noticed that somthing was wrong, she would becoming quiet around me and on occasion try to avoid me. well, I went to ask her what was wrong and she said she wasnt sure, the next day she went off for a walk in the park and when she came back she told me that she doesnt love me, but loves me as a friend. Our relationship was a good one as far as I can tell, we were trusting of each other. We did have a argument once and a long while, but it is nothing different then an average couple. I am in alot of pain and am very confused, I need help, I dunno what to do. I am 19 and she will be 18 at the end of this month. I asked her if it was anything I did, but she just said that she just doesnt really love me, she just loves me as a friend... she also said that she has no regrets about being together with me. This is...was.... my first and only girlfriend in my life so far and I am her second boyfriend. Please help me, I am hurting and not sure what to do or say. - Alfie
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