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Everything posted by xinyuan

  1. I was with my ex boyfriend for around 1 year.That was my first serious relationship and he's my first guy. I felt (or maybe still feel) that he had all the qualities I want in a partner. But apparently the relationship didn't work out. He wanted to break up when we were still together, partially because that he liked one of his colleagues. It sounds stupid that I tried so hard to stay with him even though I already knew at that time he wanted somebody else. Besides, he constantly tells "small" lies before(He told me that he had already broken up with his ex while in fact they were still together),during and after our relationship (He tired to hide the fact that he was dating with other girls and stuff). And when we were together,he frequently made fun of the way in which I dressed up (the education I got from my parents is that inner beauty is more important than appearance), which didn't help to build up the self confidence he condamned I was lack of. We broke up last October and I came here to Europe to study my master degree. I traveld a lot and enjoyed great time here. And I have been with another guy too. I have all the reason to move on.But still I have been hanging on with the past and suffered a lot.On the contrary it wasn't hard for him to start brand new again, he started dating weeks after I left and got a new gf in months.I called him regularly and he encourage me doing so but several times when he was with his new girl, he treated me really badly over phone. The thing that makes it harder is are all photography lovers, and i can see the pictures he took of his new gf in his web site. My problem right now isn't even how to get over him. But a question lingering in my mind: Why that girl? or ,Why those girls? This new girl doesn't even speak english .(My ex is from Canada and he doesn't speak chinese)I asked him a lot of times why he chose her, but my ex always refuses to answer. All I know about her is from the pictures that she spends a lot of time in clothes and stuff. I don't know if such superficial thing is so important. ( It doesn't mean that I don't take care of myself,but there are qualities on which I put more value) or it's just that I liked the wrong person. what should I do?
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