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Posts posted by The1

  1. i dont know where to start, well i met this girl at work and we got along pretty good. its only been about 2 weeks and she is my g/f, but the thing is she is sayin she loves me already, this being like the first time this has happened this fast my reflex was to say it back too, even though i didnt mean it. i like her a lot but im not at that point yet. i dont know what to do now, just leave it at that or tell her im not quite there yet. i dont know how to tell her.

  2. hmm where to begin. well last year(school year) maybe liek around the end of may, i started talking to this girl. got to know each other and i ended up likeing her quiet a bit. i got the feeling she liked me too so i got her #. i called her up a couple of times had some good convos. well eventually we went out on a date, wasnt the best but not the worst. she was kind of quiet the whole time, i kept trying to get a convo goin but, jus couldnt keep it goin. well, i called her up again, we set up another date then last minute she blew me off, gave me some reason sounded legit so she she then called me later we talked and i set up another. deja vu or sumthin she calls it off the day before. the thing is, i dont like being blown off like this too many times so i jus didnt call her anymore and she did the same too. i have a friend who is her co-worker, and i guess she tells him to tell me she said hi quite a bit,and she also talks about me with him a bit. that was like a month ago and now we saw each other the other day. it was from a distance, but her eyes did seem to widen with a smile, brought back old feelings. now i dont know weather to call her again or to just let it die out. so i need some advise.

  3. its all about the diet (food that youre eating) believe it or not, U HAVE TO EAT MORE TO LOOSE THE WEIGHT. i dont mean eat like crazy, but eat 5-6 small meals a day. this will boost youre metabolism. figure out a good diet plan that you WILL stick with. its all about the diet. you have to figure it out first otherwise youll be wasting youre time at the gym. gl

  4. well ive been out of the dating game for about 2 years, jjust got out of a relationship. i can get the phonenumbers and emails really easily, but what i have trouble with is how long do I wait to call em. ive been experimenting with diffrent amount of days and im getting mixed results. and how many rejections to a date, after u alredy have her number, should be tolerated before moving on to the next.

  5. just start getting farther away from her. dont talk to her, and try not to think about her. it feels just as bad being their friend and not being with them as it does not being friends with her at all. just try to stop thinking about her because if she decides that she doesnt want you, then you'll most likely never be with her. get out more and meet other girls. have fun

  6. talk to her then bring up homecoming. see if she has a date, if not then ask her out. youre mindset has to be that she likes you.if there is any doubt in youre mind that she doesnt,you most likely wont aske her out. so say to youreself "she likes me,she wont reject me" then ask her.

    good luck and godspeed

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