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  1. I think you should just start behaving with your friends normally as you did before. Don't ask them if they want to be friends? Never give the power in other persons hand not even a friends. Just go to the parties hang out with them. when you act normal they will too! If they dont you will know that they dont like you. So all the best!!!!!
  2. Hi Jt I can tell you from the way our common friends treat my ex bf. They were upset with him because he did not trust them enough to share his feelings with them. it has nothing to do with his been weak. They saw how I suffered after the break up since I was talking and sharing all my hurt. And my ex always eluded that subject even was rude to one of our friends. So they thought my ex was mean guy! I always defended him and l love him in spite of whatever our friends saybecause I know he is not a mean person. I understand why he broke up. But every time I tried to defend him I think things went worse. And my friends also started getting mad at me, so I stopped. believe me I want to talk to him real bad I have a question for you. Since you are behaving in the same manner as my ex, How will you feel if your ex comes up to you and says that she wants to be friends again, only friends?
  3. hi JT, I am going through a similiar situation but I am in the position as your girlfriend. When my ex and I broke up. I talked to our common friends about it and never said one word bad about him even defended him sometime. But my friends were the ones who were telling me that he treated me bad. They stopped being as friendly to him as before. But I had no play in this they decided on their own. One cannot influence the way their friends behave. our common friends also tried to talk to my ex about what went wrong in the relationship to which my ex replied very rudely and refused to say anything which pissed off our common friends. so whatever happened it might not be your ex's fault. You should talk to her and try to sort out the misunderstandings. Do you expect her to say good things about her after you broke up with her. Dont you see how the people on this forum suffer after being dumped. My ex too has become totally aloof from us and doent come to our common parties and I feel totally sad about it. He hates me and thinks I am spreading bad things about him I miss him still!
  4. Hello everybody, my ex boyfriend broke up with me about five months ago. We were friends for 6 months and were dating each other for only 3 weeks. The six months we spoke to each other I knew he was interested in dating me but he never had the courage to ask me out. Finally he did with some hints from me. when we were officially dating I did many stupid things like praising my other guy friend, saying how I enjoy their company. My ex is a serious guy not very funny. But I used to love him the way he was. One day out of the blue he tells me he wants to break up. we had little quarrels. And once I said that I dont thing our relationship was a good idea. the next day he tells me he wants to breakup. i used to see him in school. for the first two months I did not try to speak to him in person. But I called him twice and spoke very normally. later once i smiled at him in school and he waved me back. But i did not go and talk to him because it was hard to be friends. Then one of our common friends told him that i was saying nasty things about him (one of my friends told me). He got really mad and has stopped responding to me. I went to him and told him i need to talk to him. he said he did not want to talk about anything. its been one month now and I want to talk to him and just be friends nothing more what to you guys think I should do? Should I call him or not?
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