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Posts posted by mataney

  1. he's contacting you because this is his way of not feeling like a jerk to you. forget it. you don't need this. he sees you this way, all sad and who'd want to be with someone like that. force a smile here and there. you're just making him feel good because he knows that he has an affect on women. guaranteed, once you stop contact, he'll call more cuz he misses the attention.

  2. you could do the "while you're talking and walking move." as all of you guys are walking, as you're talking to her, you can simply ask "are you cold" (hopefully it's a little brisk, if no ask something else) then put your arm around her. you'll get a reaction. from there you'll know whether or not to go for the hand. just try to be more touchy feely with her. good luck

  3. just talk to the guy. act like you're interested in what he's saying. ask him about sports or music or hobbies. then slip in the "you should show me how some time" number and see where it goes. if that's too hard then just talk to him constantly more and more. good luck

  4. what are you doing with someone you're scared of? if it's on your mind you can just tell him, "hey, i just talked to so and so and they said you went to anger mgmt. is that true?"


    he can either get mad. then you say "see ya, i don't need this"

    or sad. you say "hey, it's all good. i don't think you have a problem"

    or nothing. you say "it's all good. i don't think you have a problem"


    i'm sure if something was on his mind you'd want him to ask. you don't want this to grow into something it's not. good luck

  5. i say you step it up a notch. try to talk more. get to know her more. it'll bring her down from you pedestal when you realize she has flaws. just be confident. ask her to hang out or something. you just seem stuck. do something. if you get shot down, then forget about her. next please. good luck

  6. i agree with bethany but don't need to tell her how you feel. that'll make you look weak. she needs to know what she's missing in order to create a need. just be strong. doesn't sound like there's too much history behind it so it's not a big loss. good luck

  7. seriously, you need to cut all ties with this guy. you're basically letting him get away with whatever he wants. just keep asking yourself, why would you ever want to be with someone that treats you like this.


    best thing to do is make yourself better. make yourself happier. you have to realize that you aren't the problem and that it's his loss. good luck.

  8. you need to talk to him. find a time. tie him down or something. relationships, esp. marriages are about communication. there's none going on here.


    if he won't sit down and talk with you (i say talk, meaning both of you guys talking it out, not you nagging) then just do less things around the house. he needs to feel the impact of how much you do and that if he wants it kept up as it was, then he's gonna have to give back to you.


    don't wanna come up harsh, but it could be that you're pregnant and emotional right now. but i understand that he does need to fulfill some of you needs as well. so have a talk or start boycotting the chores. good luck

  9. it means you just like her as a friend.


    i think the fact that you are not experienced may have some effect on your decisions. you're just not used to it, so you might not know what to do. you could be just very nervous about the whole issue so hence the avoidance.


    my advice...tell this woman that you don't know what you're doing and let her take control. good luck

  10. if it bothers you so much. i don't see why you can't give her a call. once you find out, you can continue to ignore her. remember, she cheated on you and treated you like crap.


    you obviously are still concerned about her well being but to make things at ease with yourself, go ahead and talk to her. on the phone or in the hallway. but don't get sucked in. good luck

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