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Posts posted by kekep

  1. id say the biggest reason for the breakup was that i graduated from school and it was really unclear where I would be this year.


    What have YOU done to solve this hazy aspect of your life? I'm also 23, and so is my bf (or whatever you'd like to call him ) so I believe our issues are very similar as well. Was she concerned that you lacked ambition, or were you two moving in different directions? Have you thought about improving on that area in your life?


    why would she be so curious and keep making these attempts just to tease me?


    My concern is your reaction to her when you two cross paths. You can't allow the ball to go into her court, so to speak. Remain in control of yourself and this situation at all times, even if it KILLS you to do so. Bring your new girlfriends along or your single guy friends so that if you two DO cross paths, you are having a fun time (or, at the very least, appearing to). Don't sit there and mope, even if she's flirting with other guys. YOU DO THE SAME! The last thing you want is for this girl to feel sorry for you. It's disgusting to women, I PROMISE. We heart confidence


    People here have preached that if your ex wants to get back together they will come right out and say that. I think tahts an exaggeration, especially from the woman's vantage point, no? Human nature would tend to have things play out more gradually and let the suspense build up again.


    I think this IS an exaggeration. No one likes to immediately admit they are wrong about a major decision like breaking up. I especially don't think people enjoy being labeled as fickle.


    So if a woman breaks off a long term relationship, in what ways would she begin to show she was interested in patching things up?


    If what I've read so far is an accurate assessment of what's really going on, I'd have to say this girl is at the very least curious about you if not interested. If she really wanted to avoid you, she wouldn't be showing up to the same bar that you were at. She'd be avoiding it, like the plague! I just hope for your sake that she isn't being a skeechy tease.

  2. So why did you two end up breaking up, anyway? From what you've said about the situation, it sounds like she's still into you, although she could be a tease (always a distinct possibility with a woman)...If she was the one who ended things, I would continue to play it very cool just like you have been, continue to go out and have fun, and let her come to YOU. It seems like you have your head screwed on very straight and are very confident, and believe me, speaking from a woman's vantage point, that is very appealing to us.

  3. Hello all...my boyfriend and I have had a mostly happy 5 year long relationship. Not to say there aren't issues between us. We had been spending almost every day together, driving to work together, having lunch and dinner, then either going out with friends or doing the movie thing. We are pretty much attached at the hip. However, I tend to get jealous when he wants to go out with all of his friends. He never wants to disclude me but many times I'll not go with him b/c I'll be upset that spending time with just me isn't enough. I know it is childish. That is one big issue. The other thing is we were raised very differently by our parents: mine have always been very generous to me and his made him earn his keep. It has always been a source of conflict, but now he says he is concerned that he cannot live up to my expectations and he wonders if he can truly make me happy down the line. He said he feels like it is always an "uphill battle" with me. Even I have noticed that lately I compare our relationship to other people's, and he says that doing that just makes him feel like he isn't good enough for me. On Tuesday is when things came to a head. He told me that he wanted to take a few days to think about everything. Since then, I have been pretty miserable, trying to stay busy but still thinking about how I'd like to work through this. We have stayed in email contact (always initiated by me) and he has said he is very confused and needs more time to think. One of his emails said that he has trouble gauging how big our issues are and he doesn't understand why I get so mad at him all of the time. But then he wrote that we have something very special and have plenty of good times together. Anyway, finally, today, he agreed for us to meet up after work to discuss everything. I am so nervous that this could be the end and I am scared I am going to freak out and cry during our talk. I want to be strong and show him that we can pull through. Can someone give me advice on what to do?

  4. By boyfriend and I have dated for 4 years, and now we're living long-distance (2 hours) from each other. We see each other often considering the distance (at least 2-3 times a month). He's in school and I am just starting up a new job. We talk on the phone everyday, but lately our conversations are, well, kinda BLEH. It's almost like we've run out of things to talk about. Does anyone else have this problem?

  5. I ordered an e-book on how to save your marriage when you're the only person who wants to do it. The advice it gave me is invaluable, and even though it wasn't a marriage that was ending (just a breakup, but after 3 years of dating), I am now back together w/my ex, and I used these techniques. So you're free to take the following advice or not, but I will tell you that it's worked for me:


    1) Let your wife believe that you are PERFECTLY content with how things are going

    2) Go on with your life, doing the things you want and meeting new people; work on improving yourself and becoming happy with YOURSELF

    3) When you do eventually talk to them, keep it casual and light; do NOT force any serious discussions

    4) Let them know that you respect their decision and that you agree with them 100% ("yes honey, things are getting too serious and i think a divorce is a good idea). It will completely take them off-guard; as long as you are agreeing with them, they are always right, which makes YOU less wrong. Think of it this way: they can't fight you or disagree with you if you are not fighting back.

    5) Express your pent-up feelings in some other form, like writing it down or talking to a counselor (I would discourage inviting family or friends into the situation as they will always say "You'll get over it, just move on.")

    6) Finally, realize that you are 100% OK by yourself. Be happy, with or without them. That is the only way they will want to come back to you. If and when you guys do decide to get back together, establish what went wrong and how you can prevent that from happening. Be a more open person, kinder to a fault, but not accepting of disrespect by any means. And remember also, THEY need to bring something to the table as well; otherwise, it WON'T work. It takes two to tango!


    I hope this helped some. I broke up w/my ex a year ago and he asked me to be his girlfriend about 4 days ago. Take it from me, this advice works. It might seem manipulative at times, but the point is for you to recognize that things will be okay if your ex doesn't come back to you. It's only a preference, remember that!!! Let me know how everything goes--good luck and be strong!!

  6. Hey Everybody,


    I finally got so frustrated with the long-distance situation with my ex that I confronted him and said us just being friends wasn't going to work for me anymore. He said, "If it's between us not being friends and working things out, then I want to work things out." I told him I don't want a commitment from him that his heart isn't in, but he said his heart is in it, he's just scared that he'll get hurt by me again. He phoned me and we discussed the issue some more and he said he does want to be together, but at the same time he needs to ease back into the boyfriend thing. He told me it wasn't in terms of exclusivity b/c he doesn't want to hook up w/other people, but he said "If you don't hear from me for a day and a half, don't think that something's weird." I am all for not getting hardcore into things, but do you guys think it's a bad sign that he's setting up parameters like this already? Even though I don't want to "scare him off," I feel like someone who I'm in a relationship w/would want to talk to me often. We're supposed to go to dinner this weekend, so maybe that would be a good time to ask him about this. What do you guys think??? Thank.

  7. i hooked up with a guy about a week ago and he got my number. we go to the same school and although he never called, he came up to me twice and talked to me, asking what i was doing at night and stuff. i got insecure and looked him up and called him, and i think it put him off. is there anyway i can set things right, or do you think i totally blew it?


    by the way, during the stupid call he told me what he was doing and asked me if i wanted him to call me, and i said yes, but then i went out and did my own thing because i was embarrassed.

  8. Speaking as someone who has been in this situation, it hurt very very badly. And it will probably hurt him just as much no matter what you do, so all I can say is that you've f*cked up...


    life can be painful,


    i think you are coming down on this girl way too hard. just because you were "stung" in the past by your ex does not mean that all dumpers are horrible people. and i am "the dumpee" so it's not like i haven't had the experience. if someone loses their feelings for another person, it does not mean they have f'ed up, it just means the feelings have faded (or were never there in the first place).


    to leylee,


    the right thing to do is break up with this guy and let him find someone who will love him fully, even if it breaks his heart now. maybe with time apart, you will realize that you do love him and things may work out later, but at least take a break from each other. it's only fair to the both of you.

  9. cecelius,


    you're right, i am playing games intentionally. but so does everyone, and you might as well win if you're going to play, right? i want my ex back very much, and i'm very sorry for what i did to him. i betrayed his trust and hurt him very badly, and i fully take responsibility for what i did. i know it sounds like i'm trying to be manipulative, but really i just want him back because we were great together and i love him. the things i was doing initially to try to win him back were only pushing him away (calling a lot, saying "i love you", making it obvious that he was the only one for me), and that is when i finally realized that i needed to get into a different mode if i was going to get him back.


    maybe you're right. playing games can seem like a bad thing, but i think of it more as making him realize (with actions) that he wants to be with me. because it's become obvious to me that words don't do the trick.

  10. My ex and I dated for 3 years in college, but this summer we broke up because I messed up and cheated on him. The cheating (and telling) happened at the beginning of the summer but we didn't truly call it quits until mid-July, and now we're back at school together. When we first got back, he told me he was thinking of asking me to be his gf but after a couple of nights we spent together, he was aloof and pretty much went back to behaving weirdly (didn't call me as much and didn't want to spend the night together). a little distance, and he was back to being up my *ss again, asking "what's wrong? why don't you wanna hang out as much?" yada yada yada...anyway, this cycle has continued onto the beginning of october, with a few "meetings about feelings" instigated by me and talking about getting back together (again instigated by me). he told me he just wanted us to be friends and he wanted to be single for a little while, not be obligated to anyone.


    anyway, so i read this book which basic premise was "get a life, and act like getting him back isn't THAT important to you" and you'll succeed because, basically, anything you chase in life will run away from you. so i've been doing this for the past week and a half, and i've gotta say, it's working like a charm. although we spent much of the week together, he'll call often and sometimes i wont pick up or i'll say i have other plans (which many times i do, but you know...gotta fake em out). this drives him crazy, like he always wants to know where i am and if i'm with other guys. so this weekend was our fall break, and i'm at home while he's there. he called twice today, first to leave a message saying hey and the second to say he was going out of town for a cross country meet so if i called before 6:00 i would catch him. i never called back. anyway, also, the day i left (friday) he wanted us to hang out before i left to drive home (in the morning), he asked me to lunch, he kissed me goodbye twice, helped me bring my stuff to my car, plus burnt me a copy of a cd. also, a few days before that, while we were walking from the library together he called himself my boyfriend (i don't know if on accident or on purpose to get a reaction, but i completely ignored the comment). that same night, he and i watched a movie together and i spent the night in his room, where he told me he really wanted to cuddle then got completely naked and nuzzled me. i was tempted and also got naked, but nothing too serious happened (just a lot of hormones racin and lots of panting). it was an awesome hookup, even without the sex.


    anyway, my question (after this long tidbit) is how to get the commitment back from him. i think i'm going to just continue being available for only half the time and having a life outside of him (obviously a necessity). but is there anything i can do to speed up the process, because it seems like an eternity sometimes? any suggestions would be appreciate, and sorry for such a long post (just wanted to get all the facts in). thanks guys!!!!!!

  11. It sounds like you are taking the right steps (somewhat) to getting her back. However, I would caution you against being intimate with her at all when the relationship's outcome is so uncertain. You two should be fully committed to each other before any kind of action takes place, and I am speaking from personal experience when I say this. Believe me, someone is bound to get hurt if you're having sex without being wholly committed. I say this because obviously you are still in love with her, but think about it: why would she get back with you when she can have her cake and eat it too? You know what I mean? My ex and I had sex a bunch since we broke up, and now I know I can't do that anymore because I need to havemore pride in myself and shouldn't allow him to treat me like a sex buddy if I ever want him back. Don't sell yourself short anymore, and keep continuing to contact her but keep things non-physical. Even if SHE is the one to make a move on you, tell her "that would be nice, but i'm not willing/ready to do that with you because it makes things complicated. i just enjoy spending time with you" this way, you let her know that you want that but that you know exactly what you're worth. that ought to jolt her into some action. anyway, good luck!!!

  12. My ex and I broke up mid July, and got together once toward the end of summer to go see a movie. He expressed some doubt about the breakup, saying he was confused and still loved me, but he didn't think we could work things out (I cheated on him) because there was no trust. We ended up sleeping together. We go to the same college, and now we are back at school and live literally 20 yards from each other in different apartment buildings. I have 2 classes with him. When we initially got back to school, he expressed some interest in getting back together but taking things slowly. I took this and ran with it, going to his apartment often, and trying to hang out in my spare time as much as possible. Initially everything seemed fine, and he would call me and want to hang out too. We also slept together a few times. Then suddenly, he started to act coldly toward me, and when I talked to him about this, he said that right now he just wanted to be friends and wasn't ready to be committed to me. He said he didn't want to lead me on. I was upset about this, and we tried to be friends for awhile (about a week and a half) but eventually I told him that it wasn't possible for me to do this when I still had such strong feelings for him. I told him not to contact me and that I wouldn't come hang out with him anymore.


    One day later, he calls me saying he wanted to tell me about how Tostitos made white cheese dip now and that he just thought I would want to know because he knows how much I like that stuff. I was like, "Ok, bye!" Then the next day, he calls me completely freaking out and saying how he hated this, and he was really bummed out because I didn't want to talk to him. I told him I couldn't do anything about it because we were in different places and I still loved him and wanted to be with him. I told him I would call when I was ready. Later that night, I called him (probably too soon!) and told him I wanted to hang out. He came over to my room and we talked about everything, and he agreed to give me time if I needed it but said he would be really sad if we couldn't hang out. I told him I wanted to try and be friends. This was Tuesday, and up until last night everything was cool and fun and we were just being friendly (no sex, but he slept over on Thursday night). But last night, I got drunk and went over to his apartment and slept in his bed before he even got home from being out! He seemed okay with it, and we talked for awhile about stuff, and this morning we ended up having sex even though he said it was inappropriate.


    Sorry this is so long, but my question is: Am I just being a fool for having hope in us? Am I taking the right steps to get him back, or should I make myself unavailable to him? It just seems like he is just beyond my grasp and maybe by pulling him to me, I am just pushing him away. This relationship has taken its toll on me, but I love him so much that I just want to do the right thing. But I'm also worried that I'll get crazy jealous if he hooks up with someone else. By the way, he is always trying to find out if I'm hooking up with other people, and he gets jealous as well. But he said he knows it would be his fault if I did since it was his decision to break up. Anyway, any advice would be appreciated!!!!

  13. My ex and I met up for the first time last night to go see a movie. On the car ride there, he and I just talked about small stuff and laughed the whole time, not really discussing the relationship. During the movie we shared an arm rest and kept rubbing against each other. Afterwards, on the ride home my ex asked me if I was dating or had hooked up with anyone else, and I said I didn't feel very comfortable discussing it with him. He told me he needed to know for his peace of mind, so I said I had been chatting with someoen on the phone and that I had kissed another guy in the month since our breakup. He told me he was really jealous. I asked him the same thing and he said he hadn't done anything with anyone else nor did he want to, but he was interested in this girl he has always known who lives right around from him, but he knew it would never work out and that he had only thought of asking her out, but wasn't going to act on it. I told him he should go for it at least. we rode around for about an hour talking about the relationship, and he said he was still very confused because I looked so gorgeous tonight and all he wanted to do was kiss me, but he wasn't sure about us. I told him I understood and that I still wanted him, but I had accepted his decision about us. There was more to it than that, but anyway we went back to my house and hung out and watched the Olympics, both of us had a beer. Then I asked him to tell me what he missed about me, and he said "all the small stuff, like just talking to you, and laughing with you and I miss how you can hang with me and my friends and it's cool" and then he said he missed the physical stuff too about me. anyway, so i looked right into his eyes for about 5 seconds and he said "i know, i want to kiss you too. i just don't want to hurt you." and i said "you've got to stop thinking of our relationship in such a logical way. you think the only answer to our problems is to break up with me, but you're only using your head to think about this." and he said "you know, you're right." so anyway, i thought we were just going to kiss but we ended up having the best sex of our entire 3 year relationship last night. i mean, it was gooooood. but then, it really does hurt me that he wants me but not enough to make the commitment to me again. what do i do??

  14. as a girl, i can tell you this chick is playing games with your head. obviously, she thinks you are her doormat or she wouldn't so readily admit to be dating someone else because she'd be worried that you'd go off and find someone else. prove to her that you are fine without her and don't contact her. even if she contacts you, i'd either avoid her calls or pick up and say "sorry, i'm running out the door. maybe we'll chat later." and don't call back. leave it at that. if this girl truly loved you, she would not be trying to make you miserable in this way. she is just being vindictive and trying to make you jealous as a test. WOMEN!

  15. it sounds like she is going through a lot of issues right now. my best advice to you is to give her the time and space she is asking for. obviously, the girl knows how you feel about her already, so i doubt she is wondering whether or not you're still interested at this point. but there will come a time when she does have to sit down and evaluate the relationship, and hopefully (as we all hope on this site) she will realize that you are a good person and she wants you in her life. but you can't force her to return the feelings you have for her. hope for the best, but expect the worst, you know? at this point, i know you think you "can't help but miss her," but you have a lot more control over your own emotions that you think. i mean, if you keep telling yourself the same thing over and over in your head, it's no wonder that you're miserable all the time. at this point, i would focus majorly on self-improvement and surrounding myself with people who are positive and who love me unconditionally. that is what has helped me most through my breakup (and the idea that i know i'll be my ex's greatest regret even if we never get back together ). but back to you, i know you're going through a lot and you want more than anything in the world to get her back, but the key word is WANT not NEED, so try and remember a time before you met her when you were very happy and also a time when you were so miserable you didn't think you were going to survive, and realize that YOU DID, and you WILL be happy again, regardless of whether you ex comes back to you. i wish you luck and happiness, my friend.

  16. it sounds like he has a lot of growing up to do, and the only way he can do that is by you showing him that, as much as you want to be with him, you don't need him in your life. i know you still have a lot of feelings for him (believe me, i understand), but he needs to realize what a special person you are before you can allow him back into your life. when you make it easy for a person to come back to you, you make yourself easy to be taken advantage of and that person respects you less because they think of you as a doormat. this isn't to say this guy doesn't care about you, but the person you need to love the most is yourself, and at this stage i would be very VERY protective of myself and my heart if i were you. if he REALLY wants to be with you, he will find a way to prove it, but at this point HE is the one who needs to worry about getting back with you. i would just play it cool and see what happens, but definitely don't put your heart on your sleeve at any point...hope this makes sense

  17. My ex has pissed me off to no end by his recent behavior. I had finally accepted our breakup as final and we talked on the phone twice (no fighting, just chit-chatting very warmly about this and that). If you have read my recent post, you would know that we had made plans to do something together a few days ago, but he stood me up on those plans to go out with other people. I was really willing to work on a having a friendship with him (especially since we go to school together and have classes together) but obviously he is too immature or doesn't care to have that kind of relationship with me. My question is, when he calls (which he always does), do I just not pick up or do I pick up and pretend to be totally happy and indifferent to what he does? I know this sounds like I'm trying to be manipulative, but I'm just trying to look out for myself and protect myself from being hurt by him. I just don't want him to think he has any kind of power over me. What do you guys think?

  18. Yesterday I was supposed to meet up with my ex for the first time in a month since our break-up. It was my idea to get together, but I left the day and time open for whenever he wanted and he said Wednesday he didn't have plans so he said he would call me sometime the next day. He never called! Finally at 8:00 I called his house and he had just woken up from a nap, and he said he was really sorry but he'd forgotten about our plans and that he had to go out for one of his girl friend's birthdays. I was so pissed inside, but I played it cool and told him to have a good time and that I would talk to him later (click). He immediately called back and left a voicemail on my cell saying how sorry he was and that he had truly forgotten, yada yada yada, and that he would call in a couple of days. I called him back and said it didn't bother me (even though there was steam coming out of my ears) and he said "I'm not trying to play mind-games with you, I truly forgot about our plans." Then he asked if I had plans Saturday and I told him "yes, I'm busy that day." He said he would call soon, and told me goodbye. Truthfully I'm so pissed about this, especially since it goes to show how high I am on his priority list. Even though he may have really forgotten about our plans (still doubtful on this), he has completely proven to me how much he doesn't care about me anymore. I thought we could be friends but it's obvious that he won't make the effort to choose me over other people. As much as it hurts, I think the best thing for me to do is not take his calls anymore. What do you guys think?

  19. okay, the whole friendship thing with your ex--very tricky but it also can be done i think. one of the previous posts said, it is important that you don't have feelings for your ex when you are trying to become friends with them. however, i have to say that you may always have some feelings for your ex, even if you decide to stay just friends. my belief is that if you do hang out with your ex, it should be at a time when you're not feeling needy and emotional about your relationship--you have to play it cool, even if your ulterior motives are to get him/her back. you shouldn't break down and cry about the break-up, you shouldn't tell him or her that you miss and love them, none of these things. if you go out with them, don't talk about the relationship, just keep things fun and light so then they will want to spend time with you again. this is all assuming that you want to get back with your ex eventually, by the way. don't call often and make yourself kind of unavailable--people don't like it when they know they can get someone--they like a challenge, you know? you may think that making yourself always available to your ex will make them want you, but that's just not how it works. anyway, like another poster said, the break-up does get easier with time--im on week 4 with mine, plus our 3 year anniv. would have been in a week, and i'm just trying to move on with my life for right now, even though i'm hopeful we may have a future together. i know it's tough, but trust me, people want what they can't have and it drives them crazy especially when you are completely content with the break-up and move on to other people. i have already seen evidence that my ex is very curious about who i'm seeing. anyway, go with the flow and play it cool is my advice to you--don't show them your true feelings are you will push them away!!

  20. Hello All-


    My ex called me today and we talked for 45 minutes and just goofed off. Anyway, I decided I was ready to get together to do something in person, so I asked if he wanted to meet up sometime. He said tomorrow he wanted to do something. I suggested bowling and I think this is a good idea since we both love to do it and it's fun. But I'm worried that the "date" will last a long time and I read somewhere that you should try and keep your first meeting with your ex fun but as short as possible, so it makes them want to see you again. Anyway, any thoughts on this theory or I am I just analyzing the situation too much? Thanks all!


    P.S. I was also wondering. Everytime I talk to my ex he wants to know if I've been seeing or hooking up with anyone else. I try to be vague with him, but why is he always asking this? Is he trying to make sure I'm still interested or what? For instance, this weekend I stayed at my brother's friend's house and my ex said "I thought you were probably going to hook up with him (talking about the friend)." I'm thinking that's a pretty disrespectful thing to say and think about me, what do you guys think?

  21. i talked to my ex about a week ago (on Sunday) for the first time since our breakup which was the Sunday before. He said the last time I talked to him that he would call in a couple of days, and now it's Friday. I hung in there. He just called my cell phone and left a message saying "Hey, It's Satan (ok, his name is Don), I was just calling to touch base with you and see how everything is going. I'll be at my house until about 1:30 then I'm going to see a movie. You can call me before then. Ok, well talk to you later." Ok, so what does all this mean? The last time we talked it was a little awkward but mostly pleasant. Everyone, i mean EVERYONE, that I work with and am friends with say "Don't call him. He may not call within the next day or week, but he'll call eventually because the curiosity will kill him." The thing is, I was just reading the "How to Get your Ex Back" manual and it says that if you ex initiates contact to talk to him but keep it pleasant and light, and under 15 minutes. it also says don't talk about the relationship or anything serious at this point. so what is the right thing to do at this point? do i ignore his call and let him sweat it out, or do i call and say everything's fine and i'll be in touch later. HELP SOMEONE!!

  22. hey belle,


    it sounds like we're in similar situations, based on what i've read from your post. my (same) college boyfriend (we are both going to be seniors this year) just kind of wigged out on me and broke up with me after almost (in a month it will be) 3 years together. i was shocked, devastated, numb, pissed, sad, embarrassed, jealous, everything. we had had problems earlier in the summer, but i thought things were working out and suddenly he pulled a 180 on me. well, we've been in contact just like you and your man, and everything feels the same to both of us when we talk on the phone. i


    i know, i know...it's hard having those same feelings and thinking they are returned (even if they are), but not having the person want to remain exclusive with you. but that's what is happening right now. it is TRULY IN YOUR POWER to decide what your emotions will be from this point on. you need to take that control out of his hands. the way you do this is by moving on, i swear. if he sees that you are happy (even if you are faking it) and have decided to move on with your life, you will appear SO MUCH MORE attractive to your ex than you could have ever imagined. i'm not advocating not talking to him ever again, and I'm not saying you should go out of your way to make him jealous. but by telling someone, even indirectly, "i care for you, but i can survive without you" displays a confidence and sexiness that most people on this board are trying to achieve right now.


    when our ex sees us as weak, needy and emotionally vulnerable, it is sincerely unattractive to them. there is something about seeing someone humiliate themselves that makes a person want to run away from the situation as quickly as possible. your ex and other people will be drawn to you LIKE A MAGNET when they see you are happy and confident on your own, even without them. BUT REMEMBER, you have to act like they don't affect you the way that they used to, and after they see this side of you, that's when you go in for the kill. That's when it's time to say, okay, maybe we can hang out sometime. Hope this helps you out, and you can private message me if you want anytime. I'm here to help

  23. Right now, I'm at the point where I feel like NC is the right thing and I'm following through with it (although my ex contacted me a few days ago after a week and said he will contact me in a couple of days). At this point, I'd like to hear a few success stories from people who have applied NC and are now back together with their exes. Anyone care to share one? Also, I know that people usually post when they're back together with their ex, but I'd like to see a cluster of stories, even if they're only ones that you've heard. By the way, I'm asking for this as a way for me to see that reconciling is possible, but I also accept that I need to move on in my own life at this time. Thanks to all!

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