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Posts posted by nomore

  1. I think this is a very naive way of looking at things. How can you possibly say I like person A with physical qualities x, y, and z but not B with physical qualities m, n, o?? It's just insane.


    I have come to the realization a few years ago to demolish all the physical preferences in my head and do one thing instead: like every shape and form for what they are. Since then I've pretty much physically become attracted to almost any girl I have come accrossed to. I wish people just could surpass each other's appearance and focuse on things that matter the most.

  2. Well, beside those few interviews, I got a couple of more lined up for the next week and early Oct but mostly looking for specific skills. Only big companies are looking for a well-rounded person. My interpersonal relationship is not the strongest point of sell and usually become a nervous wreck so the second round interview call would be surprise for me.


    I think the first interview I did last year was the best since I was just going into the room with absolutely no expectations, just went with the flow. If I didn't know the "right" answer (ya cuz everyone blurts out something regardless), I wouldn't mind admitting to not knowing (bad strategy by the way).


    One thing I have noticed is I'm getting far more phone interviews rather than face-to-face ones. And I am not talking about small companies but rather international ones prefer to process the candidates over the phone. I cannot find an effective way to overcome my nervousness; you can literally see physical changes (color, shape...) from neck up. It is not that I don't know how harmful my anxiety is effectting the outcome of the interview but rather my lack of ability to bail myself out when the tough questions are asked.

  3. First of all it should be a mutual agreement between two parties at the time of dating to prevent pregnancy. Second, for me personally, if a woman pulls such a trick, I consider it more hurtful than getting cheated on. Put yourself in guy's shoes; trust is gone forever, the pain of becoming a parent knowing he wasn't first officially invited for this miracle of life and second being resentful of the mother of his own child, is just unbearable.


    I know kookie didn't ask to get bashed over this matter but just to clear this up: in my opinion, chances of redeeming yourself in this relationship is slim to none. Anyway, I'm so glad that you have realized your mistake and that's a very important part of healing. You came to your senses and recognized your wrong doing. In my opinion, embrace it and move on. You can also geniuenly apologize to your partner to have a closure on that end.

  4. I couldn't agree with Day_Walker more. She cannot be trusted and here's my two cents on this. She obviously is afraid to be alone, that's why she has kept her bf from the other state just in case. Now she is hastingly looking for another fish to fry. Just becareful, you don't know much about her and no idea where she's come from (not geographically of course).

  5. Casual sex is too loose and reminds me of fruck buddies. It's 21st century and frankly marriage was so 20th century. It just wouldn't work out in this society and culture (I take statistics as my proof). Marriage has just become another high school fling with two parties signature on a paper (make sure you have pre-nup marriage agreement). I think if you find someone suitable to have a strict bf-gf relationship, my hats off to you. But I don't have to go far to show you the relationship just wouldn't last long.


    Now, what I prefer is a casual relationship where two parties do not have any string attached. They work on it as they continue the relationship but not necessarily bounded to each other. That way if one or both feel they want to go their separate ways, fine, the break-up, which I don't think is a right word, would be much more pleasant. Again, I am not talking about a one night stands.

  6. Crap, what do you know? I got two interviews just today and another one which I'm going to find out when tomorrow. A company that has been one of my first picks and the other with one of the biggest defense contractors but I have morally not comfortable to work for even if I get a job offer. I hate 3-stage interviews, two is enough IMO.

  7. Do you mean seeing someone "during" the relationship you had with him/her or after the break-up? And also since this is "Getting Back Together" forum, are you planning to get back together or done with a through break-up? If it is after, well, I don't know why you still keep in touch with your ex-partner, unless you guys decided to be friends. If not, then I would probably not tell him/her cuz it wouldn't do any good other than hurt him/her emotionally and let them wonder for the rest of his/her life that he/she been cheated on. Unless he/she persists on knowing that truth which in that case... He/she is asking for it.

  8. She didn't break any known law. Religious police (Baseez or Commiteh a.k.a fascist animals) randomly rounds up people in every protest or demonstration for no apparent reason as a mean to scare off people and oppositions (nothing new). They just slap the detainees with some pointless violation later on. Just to clarify that story: she was detained for photographing demonstraters which is not illegal. So not only she didn't do anything wrong, which is the case in most occasions, she got sent to coma for it. Unless you are talking about a totally different story.


    I understand your point with regard to this issue of whether prostitution should be legal or not. I am not questioning it should be illegal, my remark was about the apparent loophole in the distinction between the prostitution and pornography. I am arguing that both are essentially the same and if one is legal OR illegal, the same law should be applied to the other as well.

  9. Hi lonly112000,


    Is it only that you hear voices in your head sometimes or is there something else that is bothering you. We are open to hear anything you want to share with us. As it was mentioned, if you think you can share your thoughts with your parents openly, then do so. You are only 12 and they would be delightful to help you. Write for us more, thanks.

  10. What is the point of this post? Get more women? It really bothers me to see people run around claiming "untold" secrets how to get into someone's pants quicker and easier. Is it really about who can impress his/her opponent? Approaches like this remind of PR companies who try to push the product out in any cost. I thought finding the soulmate was about something more profound. What happened to a good-hearted decent compassionate caring person? It seems like we are trying to manipulate our nature to win more hearts, get more attention. And sadly most people, just as they are sucked into the spiral of purchasing something they don't need, fall for it.

  11. bestfootforward,


    elaborate on your comment, I don't see a relation between victimless crimes and what my statement is trying to convey. Second, if there is a crime, you can bet there is someone that is being hurt, physically, financially, emotionally. So I don't know how you came to the conclusion that some crimes don't have a victim associate with them.

  12. Do NOT threaten him as it worsens the situation. This is your husband, family, and your kids we are talking about not some guy you were dating in early teens. You can also call a doctor and ask how you can convince him to see a professional help.

  13. Couple of notes:


    To me if two people wants to wait until marriage to have sex, you may as well stay friends. Beside, what if it turned out that either of you is not sexually compatible with another. Then the whole deal WILL go down the drain, trust me.


    There are people who give execuses like this because of fear of having sex. Making love can be a great and there is no reason to be affraid of it.


    I had a g/f who said wants to wait until marriage, great I said. Then she cheated on me despite the fact she had vowed she wanted to wait. So watch out, people would break promises that easily.


    Most people who say they want to wait until marriage, they usually end up getting married in a very early age. And eventually they get burnt since they don't have much experience to how to keep the relationship alive.

  14. You can continue cheating on him and loose everything you hold dear or pursue him in seeking professional help. What bothers me is that he is being stubborn about his problem and I know it must be really hard on him as he feels half the man he used to be. Why don't you tell him this is a problem that many men suffer and there are very effective cures for it out there and he shouldn't be ashamed to better his situation.


    Couldn't he meanwhile satisfy you in some other ways (i.e. going down on you, using sex toys...)? If he is a very sensitive type person, make sure you approach the issue in such a way not to hurt his feeling. He must have figured this out by now that you are being exteremly frustuated by the whole ordeal.

  15. You are focusing on a field that is proven to be a dead end. IT related jobs such as network admin or hardware technicians are looked upon as a liability. As long as everything is working, you are not outputing any product for the company (doesn't matter if it is a consulting firm, a hospital, or an insurance company) which means you are not generating any money. But as soon as something breaks, they go apesh|t.


    thereforeeee, the first group of people who are downsized would be you. Being a computer technician is like being a car mechanic which is totally different from mechanical engineering. No university teaches you how to fix your car studying ME. That's something you learn at some technical school. If you are really into hardware, why don't you try computer engineering. I don't know how much you into architecture trend but it sure hell pays handsomely. Number of companies that looking for CE/ECE/EE/ME are just outrages; I wish someone would have made me to go into CE/ECE or even EE.

  16. Well the only thing I have time for is exercising: 6 days running, 4 days workout. That's pretty much what I do. As far as classes, I just graduated a month ago and frankly the last thing I want is to take another useless course. Beside, I am spending 5 to 8 hours daily reading books and article to expand my knowledge.


    It's interesting now that you look back at Bushes tax-cut agenda, you realize it was an utter scam. They sounded the drum that all the money the corporates and entrepreneurs save is going to create more jobs in the private sectors. Well here we are and almost 0% job has been created by the private sector and most jobs are either governmental jobs or self-employed. So wouldn't been better if the tax-cuts targeted the middle-class and small business rather than big shots who didn't do jack?

  17. Why on earth you didn't get HIS number? You could have reasoned since there is a possibility either of you could loose each other's number, he should give you his number. Beside, in scenarios like this, you can always ask your potential date that since you may have plans during such and such period, it would be great if he/she contact you no later than a week or so. That way if in case he/she doesn't call, you know he/she is not interested.


    Anyway, there are two possibilities: Either he is not interested or he has forgotten about the whole promise. Maybe since you weren't too assertive about your intentions, he didn't think it is important to step up and accept the invitation. Or perhaps he is just too shy. Is there a way to look up his address/phone number from the online school/student directory? Unless you don't know his last name.

  18. Is anyone else in the same situation as I am; it seems like I can't even get an interview in the IT industry. I have gained 25 lbs due to the depression this has caused me despite the fact I exercise vigorously everyday. Where have all the jobs gone or am I just so incompetent no one wants to hire me?

  19. Being nice wouldn't get you anywhere in this society. It is a brutal world that we have created that everything you want must be earned with force and assertion. Sad but true and surely not the way I would want to live. On way is to find the way to walk on a thin line of thread or totally exclude yourself from everyone. My dad has always told me that if you don't fight your way through life, you wouldn't go anywhere in your life. True but unfortunately, I am not that type of person and surely I am being stepped on every day of my life.

  20. Threesome usually means that all three parties going to enjoy the engagement throughout the session. I don't understand why you didn't involve yourself in the act. I wonder why you didn't ask for any of them to please you as they were having sex.


    Threesomes are usually a sign that one of the people in the relationship is not satisfied with his/her sexual life and usually it causes the relationship to go sour.

  21. I thought you mentioned that you are a very sexual person so why don't you reach the climax as fast as he does (considering a good amount of foreplay)? Second question is how fast does he come? 5 mins, 10 mins? Not knowing that, no one can speculate that whether he cums too fast or you have an orgasm too late.


    One way to prolong reaching the climax point is to ask him when he masturbates and gets close to orgasm, press hard on his PC muscle (area between the testicals and the ahole). That would force him to injaculate rather that ejaculate. After a few month, he'll last longer. Second, as it was mentioned, he can always relieve himself a few hours prior to the sexual engagement with you. Penis decentesizer does not work because his way of reaching orgasm is more mental than physical, which is good.

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