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Posts posted by meant_to_love

  1. Ahhh! ..Thats sweet. Im in my second relationship with my boyfriend of three months, he has told me how much i mean to him and he doesnt know what his life would be like without me.. we both told eachother we loved eachother after one week.. amazing considering in my first relationship we neved mentioned love and after five months we broke up. I seriously think I might want to marry my boyfriend someday. You could give her a wrapped single rose in babys breath(little white flowers.) It was a surprise for our one month anniversary.. and lets say it put a big smile on my face so im sure your girlfriend would really like it! Best wishes.. I hope things keep looking up for both of u!

  2. Well I was 18 when I fell for my ex-boyfriend who was 16 at the time. However HE deceded he was too immature for me and left and broke my heart.. so yeah maybe Its bad I fall for the younger guys.. whom most arent looking for anything serious at their age. : /

  3. My first boyfriend and I broke up six months ago.. thats a lonnnng time really. But the hurt and pain is still fresh like an open wound on my heart that wont heal. During the day I try to lead a normal life and hiding my depression, try to forget it. At night though its weird my feelings are magnified.. I have time to think stupid thoughts and "feel" alone and miss him and feel hurt and confused. Sometimes I drive to some deserted parking lot after my evening college classes and listen to music and just ball my eyes out. (Love and heartbreak can make you unhealthy and crazy like never before) But the next morning I go about my business of work, school, etc. and pretend Im not dying inside. tears*sigh* : ( I miss my smile.

  4. Im a 19 year old girl. I use to be like 100% shy in high school and now Im about 50% shy and 50% outgoing and in my second year of college. (I lost a lot of weight these last few years and also gained more friends/social experience through working at jobs) I guess I have a really attractive and cute face. Im short and I look a couple years younger than I am. I get hit on a lot by guys(not the kind i care for), and it really annoys me. Im also a very friendly girl to everyone which way be a problem cause guys think maybe I like them back when Im just being my nice myself. When I get all quiet sometimes they think there is something wrong or maybe Im stuck up who knows, and they dont understand thats just the introverted person coming out who Ive been most of my life. The kind of guys I like dont ever approach me. I like the cute, quiet, mysterious, sensitive and intellectual guys kinda like my former self. I also like younger guys and it hard to find any that arent immature. Ive only had one boyfriend he was 16 when i was 18.. and I thought he was wonderful even though he convinced me had personal problems and left the relationship just as I thought it was going good and it left me deeply sad and hurt. ...But I even had to first ask him out back then.

    I use to not have any guy friends which is kinda weird.. but now I have quite a few.. I just dont find myself stirred by any of them.


    I guess Im wondering how I get the kind of guy I like to approach me? Will they? Or do you think I intimidate them? Or am I doomed to be asking them out even though its hard when Im still kinda shy.

  5. Humm I was shy in high school so ill try and help you out. Maybe glancing at you A lot from a distance and hoping that one time you'll catch her doing it. If you get the chance to talk to her she might smile and blush a lot (if you are even remotely funny or flirty) and might look at you real deeply for a sec and then turn to the ground or away from your gaze but is still smiling when she looks away. She looks for chances to just be around you.

  6. Its great that you can write out those deep feelings and thoughts.


    It just takes some learning to love, accept, improve and just be free to be Yourself. : ) Try not to compare.


    humm.. i like the cute, bright-eyed, soft, slender, boyish men type myself... however they have to have so many more important inner qualities too that brave through that exterior. But, thats Just Me, so you see?

  7. If you read all of these Ill be impressed. lol I wrote these all within the last six months or so. During a time I had ups and downs. I cant remember the exact order I wrote them. Some are soully about myself, some relate to my breakup with my first and only ex-boyfriend, some relate to other guys, some are about my place in/view of the world, etc. Some were written when i was calm, hopeful, and enlightened, some were written when I was crying, confused, disappointed, etc. So some are in a more positive light some in a negative light. Enjoy! If you want too comment it would be appreciated. : )


    *Eternal Marathon*


    The gun sounds

    I look around

    I only start

    When I see you

    Take off beside me

    I cant strive alone

    Theres no race

    To a finish

    Just run WITH me..


    Don't look behind

    Are shadows are

    Catching up to us

    Lets leave them

    In our dust

    this day

    We move forward

    Steady is our pace

    Just run WITH me..


    Don't fall back

    Ill slow down too

    Lose my hope

    I just couldnt do

    Don't get infront of me

    Ill never catch you

    Even to block the wind

    It intimidates me

    Just run WITH me..


    Air rushes past me

    Like seconds ticking by

    As Im spinning

    Around the track

    Please no more

    Circles anymore

    Lets veer off

    make our own path

    Journey together

    Just run WITH me..


    When the sun's fiery

    Bears down

    Pay no attention

    To the sweat

    Running down your lip

    I only see and feel

    Your smile

    Your eyes

    Focused ahead

    Just run WITH me..


    To the rhythm

    Of our pounding feet

    My heart races

    Faster and faster

    When I Cant

    Catch my breathe

    You fill my lungs

    I can go forever now

    Your strength is mine

    Running THROUGH me..



    *The Blue Lagoon*


    Been living

    for some time

    Stranded on an island

    Starving to death



    Found a lovely fruit

    Picked it for fulfillment

    Artificial it was

    It satisfied me

    I was deceived


    Its resource

    Came to an end

    Left with a sharp pain

    Hunger again



    For what I might

    Reach for next


    Will it nourish me

    Or supply me

    Empty value again



    For what I might

    Reach for next


    But Im reaching..

    So tie me to

    This boat Ive made

    Float me away


    Give me no choice

    To pick wrong or right

    Let me be

    Swallowed by the sea






    My only hope

    Rescuing me






    *Excess Thoughts*


    When your alone

    Your thoughts are yours

    No one can steal them

    No one can swap them

    No one can mistake them


    They're all yours

    You don't have to share them

    But its greed you've invited for company

    And it gives you a gift

    The burden of excess



    When your lonely

    Your thoughts are yours

    No one can swipe the tears

    No one can replace the fears

    No one can take them up in their arms


    They're only yours

    You don't have anyone to share them with

    But its waste you've invited for company

    And it gives you a gift

    The burden of excess






    Who are you love?


    Who walked in the store?


    Who did I meet?


    Who did I fall for?


    Who gave me butterflies?


    Who picked me up at the door?


    Who made a costume?


    Who wrote me a note?


    Who taught me math?


    Who gave me that wink?


    Who opened up to me?


    Who bought me flowers?


    Who texted me goodnight?


    Who shared with me music?


    Who gave me my favorite necklace?


    Who made me happy?


    Who taught me so much?


    Who made me laugh?


    Who drove me around?


    Who told me their dreams?


    Who gave me my first kiss?




    Who held me in their arms?


    Who broke my heart?


    Who made me grieve?


    Who wont talk to me?


    Who do I love still?


    Who do I miss?


    Who are you ex-love?


    Do I know you?




    *Unorganized Dotes of Love*



    Brush back my hair


    Whisper in my ear


    Tell me a secret


    Ill never tell dear




    When we are apart


    Blow me a kiss


    When the distance stretches


    are lips to miss




    Reach for my hands


    Lock with my eyes


    Bare open your soul


    Feed me no lies



    Declare a surprise waiting


    flash your clever smile


    Don't give a clue


    Leave me guessing awhile



    Listening to my heart


    beating on your chest


    its sleeps softly against


    your calm cushion rest


    String together a line


    Pick me a flower


    Words have some meaning


    But actions have power



    Wear your own beliefs


    pack an open mind


    hold steady but know


    change you can





    *The Confusion*


    Ill say anything now

    just need you around

    babble like a fool

    chase you farther

    but I dont know what to do


    crazy over losing someone

    cant see your face

    the one I could always trace

    always have a home in my heart

    my heart is vacant


    for everything you did and didnt do

    you are forgiven

    I miss you

    If you were ever mistaken

    im sorry

    I believe in you

    through what you shown upon me


    If something out there stole you away

    I hope you'll return someday

    Its hurts now that your away

    not an accusation but rather

    not knowing whether you fed me lies

    or hid the truth

    ever loved me

    like I had in me for you


    I just want you

    The you.. no one but me

    knows of.. I knew..






    *Rejecting You*



    You offer up everything


    Whats NOT on sale?


    a salesman you try to convince


    everythings right for me


    You sell yourself short


    There is nothing their I see


    Nothing to buy for keeps


    Ill earn enough for what


    I really want one day


    Im sorry to say


    Im have nothing of me to spare you


    As harsh as it seems






    So I came to love insanity


    As I found out only the sane are liars


    Their faking everything, faking who we are


    outcasts in the polluted streets


    Willowing down in our own defeat


    The world today we made is no longer a place I want to be


    The lonely ones know but we have run into hiding


    Im ashamed of ourselves when we cannot speak


    No way to unite the last true minds, we weep


    Give me the stars on a hill in silence


    And come all you to reveal whats left, down deep


    Past the hollow cavities, inside you and me







    Some fight with violence


    An ugly appliance


    Others fight with beauty


    Against a beast in compliance




    A fist of a fool


    Knows not of


    Our most powerful tool


    Or are weakest weapon


    Our Minds



    Blood be shed


    through the tearing


    Of our skin


    But closed minds too


    Wheres our blood thin




    *Picture This*



    I never did see it


    Till I turned it upside down



    You think you know the right way


    Its always suppose to go





    oh no no


    oh no no



    Nothing was all you ever saw


    When that's all you chose to know



    Keep searching for your answer


    This way isn't working




    *Souls Divide Among The Land*



    Im sitting on this side of the bars


    For sometimes Im afraid


    I see you on the otherside


    And sometimes I put one leg over and teeter



    I can only reach so far accross


    To try and pull you back over


    But maybe Im wrong


    Being the one who's stuck here


    Either way Im confused



    They say to step over is the crime


    But I see it over here all the time


    Whats the difference


    There is good and evil in both lands



    And I see you roaming free


    A soul rejected on the fringe


    Without benefits of "normal" society


    In a different kind of happily played misery



    Where do I wanna be


    They wont let me choose


    So Im still dangling here on the edge


    Between everything



    I wish we were birds


    but I wouldnt perch here


    The land would be one


    And we would all be beautiful creatures






    *First Love*



    My beautiful butterfly


    Your wings glided so freely


    A creature I longed to be


    One day you came by me




    A flutter of color


    Against my pale sky


    You just so happened


    to catch my lonely eye





    All say I only bloomed for you


    If you'll let me dear


    I was the brightest color


    Cause you were my inspiration




    When you landed so softly


    On my delicate surface


    I was afraid


    But not for long





    You sang me a song


    in butterfly silence


    I wanted to smile


    But your song was sad



    You stayed a while


    And told me secrets


    Of a journey


    And I listened



    You told me I was beautiful


    But did I forget to tell you the same


    you were rubbed the wrong way


    but you are never to blame



    You hadnt expected to stay


    So one day you left


    And that was when


    I slowly wilted away



    I lost my love


    Before a cruel summer


    Miss the soothing rain


    Where we had blown about and played





    I lost sight of you


    Your glow, your presense


    I lost sight of myself


    I plucked my petals for existence



    I just couldn't bear


    the element of pain


    But is my heart wise or mistaken


    To find a love like you again

  8. Yeah this is long but I need to share and would like anyone's opinions/thoughts.. Well i am a courtesy clerk/bagger at a grocery store. I've worked their a year. Ok so I got to work with the new hiree we will call him G whos first day was on Friday. It was me, G and three other guy courtesy clerks working. He is about my age cause I found out he is a freshman in college at a local community college (not the one I go to). I went into the store's office a couple weeks ago and he was in there getting interviewed. At first glance I thought he was really cute.. so I was excited when the new guy turned out to be him.


    In my opinion he isnt really the type of guy that girls would go for. He is cute in a little bit of a dorky way and he is really thin, but I actually kinda like thin guys. I am a pretty independent and shy girl myself and ive never had a boyfriend before. I would say I'm pretty attractive cause guys kinda hit on me. Although I use to be chubby so i havent always felt good about my looks. So that isnt really a problem. Sometimes I try to act more outgoing and confident than I really am. I guess to cover up my shyness or work on my shyness?


    I started to tell G what he could do and where stuff was, etc. because he was kinda lost on his first day. Usually Im a big mumbler and am pretty quiet, reserved. But instead I was talkative and asked G some questions cause I wanted him get to know him a little and make him feel welcome. We kept kinda exchanging smiles while we were working, I couldnt help it and oh my gosh he has a really cute dimple! lol So anyways he mumbled his answers a lot, and paused a long time when i asked him a simple question like what classes he was taking and one time he looked kinda nervous and swallowed.


    I really hope I didnt go overboard with the guy. Im just worried I went to fast with everything, and came off as too outgoing or annoying lol. I mean it was his first day and I could sense he was a little anxious. I just wanted to try and help him and seem interested cause I am. I hope he doesnt see me as pushy or bossy or too forward. I probably freaked him out a little cause I know how from being shy myself, when your shy and in a new situation you can get that way. Maybe he isnt really that shy just nervous on his first day? Or do you think he might have felt intimidated by me? Any advice/thoughts/ or opinions would be appreciated..

  9. This post may be a little off the matter.. but It gave me the idea/chance to right out some things and I guess I'll just share them. Being a shy girl myself for the most part, I'd like to give some of my input.. First off in response to other people's posts, my opinion: being shy doesn't mean you would rather stay at home and be alone, or that you dont like to joke around and have fun.


    I think my shyness has developed from a few things. To be honest I'm insecure a lot of times and worry a lot about what other people think of me, which I know I shouldn't. I am more of a quiet person naturally and am a better listener and tend to keep things to myself. When I was in middle school I was kinda chubby which gave me low self-esteem going into high school. I am a pretty sensitive person and have a guard up a lot of the time. I am 18 and out of high school now, more aware of who my true friends are, because I've wound up in a "wrong group of friends" a couple times in school. I have a job now in which I have to be more outgoing with customers and coworkers and that has really helped me.

    I still I still have never had a boyfriend or had anyone ask me out. I think I have had guys like me but they have never done anything about it or they were the creepy kind that hit on you like your a piece of meat. I did ask a guy from work to the Sadies dance but thats it, I dont know how I even got the nerve to do that. I have a lot of people ask why I dont have a boyfriend because I'm really cute, sweet, etc.

    In a group setting sometimes it is hard to join in, sometimes when you think of something, you feel rude if you but in when someone else is talking and then your chance to say something passes. Because I may not talk as much with the individuals in the group I may sometimes feel unapart of the subject at hand and feel more obscure. I love it when people almost ignore the fact that I'm shy and carry on with me like I'm not. Generally that makes me less shy. They probably know your shy but they dont comment about the fact or tease you or ask you dumblly why dont you talk or why are you so quiet cause that only makes you worse, more uneasy. When I am on the right comfort level with someone I can talk about just anything but thats rare. Well in school and at work if I like I guy this is how I act. I tend to be kinda quiet at first, I probably dont know them very well yet so I am just cautious, nervous, dont know what to talk about. This can lead others to think I'm stuck up, not interested, or just really boring I dont know.. In school I just glanced at them mostly, one time I really liked a guy and got to sit next to him. I never had to much trouble with eye contact. I would laugh and smile ALOT. I do this alot to cover up shyness or appear to be more open in general though. (If a guy I liked gave me any reason to laugh or smile I would.) If I'm not as chipper one day I am probably not having a good day or something is upsetting me between me and the guy. It is easier to flirt with someone who is more outgoing, funny, talkative than me but at the same time they are usually more intimidating. If I like a shy guy it is even harder because they might find me intimidating and I have to try the eniciating which is extra hard. They are hard to get a read on or flirt with cause they too open up slower. Also when I'm around a guy I like I will be talkative when they ask me something one minute and the next minute I will kind of clam up. Sometimes I feel like I have to keep things up and so I will ask some question, just so they wont be put off by my moment of quietness. lol If you like a shy girl dont give up on her unless she appears to have no return interest, avoids invitations,etc. If she likes you she will be really excited every time you approach her, even if she is speechless past the hi. I know I get more comfortable with people as time goes on. I recommend asking her to do something with you cause she probably wont eniciate(spell).


    If your still reading this.. hope I didnt bore you.. This was a great way for me to look into my own feelings and actions, sorry if you dont get anything out of this ramble.. good luck with your shy girl.

  10. Thanx for the coaching lol and encouragement.. well I leave for work in about twenty minutes at least all have four hours to think things through before he clocks on. I am a little tense cause so many things have to go right, like you said but i think I can do it. "J" and I dont have each others phone #'s or anything I guess I have to exchange if we do make plans. ahhh.. I hope I dont chicken out. But anyway, thanx again I might try your approach if the timing is right.

  11. Carter.. I think he might be interested in me but I'm not sure. A lot of the guys at work like to joke with me and what not but they have girlfriends. So i guess its just all in a friendly way. Did you reed the earlier topic, that has some situations I've had with him. I am not sure if he has a girlfriend still, but one of the cashiers said he doesnt anymore. I might take your line and use it but I dont know how I can ask when were busy and there are people all around. Should I try to catch him outside while he is on cart duty?

  12. If you could please read an earlier post of mine you could get some more background. Called "This guy at my work" in attraction and flirting forum.


    Anyways I go to work in a couple of hours and I'm going to be working with "J" my coworker/friend that I like at work, later on in the day for three hours. This is the only day I will see him for this week and I want to ask him to Sadies. Sadies is a dance on March 11 where the girl is suppose to ask a guy. He doesnt go to my high school although his younger brother does. A couple of cashiers at work already know I like him so I cant back out. Two set backs would be that I was told he broke up with his girlfriend by one of the cashiers but I'm not sure if thats true, and I know he plays soccer so he might have a game on a friday night. There is also another girl at my work that likes him but I have to put that aside. I work at a grocery store and want to know how I should ask him to go with me. Should I write it out, pull him aside and ask him, or do something like call the service desk when he is standing there cause he always runs to be the one to answer the phone and ask him? Any other ideas, suggestions, opinions would be great. Today would be the day to ask him otherwise I would have to call or come in and ask, I need to find out cause the dance is next Friday. I've only been to one other dance in HS and that was Homecoming with some of my girl friends. I've never had a boyfriend or asked a guy to do something with me. I'm really nervous! Please, any advice would be appreciated...

  13. I work at a grocery store, and there is a guy I work with, will call him J. I've worked there about four months and he started about two months ago. I've worked with him probably more than anyone else cause we both work after school hours. He turned 18 a couple weeks ago. At first I wasn't sure I was attracted to him and he has some acne, but now I can't stop thinking about him. I'm not sure if I like him as a good guy friend or more (maybe cause I've never truly had guy friends.) We kind of tease each other, but I'm not sure if its just in a friendly way. When he first started I asked if he would help me fill up the paper bags in the checkstands and he did but not all the way. I told him I was a perfectionist and so he went back and filled them all up to the top for me. A few days before V-day I was blowing up these annoying, loud singing balloons in the floral department. Well everytime one got blown up or tapped it played about ten seconds. He came by about five different times and hits them all. They start playing different songs and making a ruckus, and I'm just laughing and telling him to stop each time. Sometimes I'll just start smiling and he'll smile and be like what? Two different times I've commented when I noticed he got his hair cut. He got all embarrassed and thought it was because it looked bad. I knew that he had a girlfriend when he mentioned her a while back, so I just thought ooh he's taken all this time. Well last Saturday I was working and that day he had requested of for soccer. He came in with his soccer clothes on to check his schedule and buy something. I was at the other end of the store so we didn't exchange hellos or anything I don't know if he saw me or not. Well later on me and another courtesy clerk "A" were bagging for Jackie the cashier. She is one of the cashiers I talk to the most but I've never told anyone I kind of like Jared. So "A" who is 16 and kind of looks like me except she she has blue eyes and is probably prettier, and also more outgoing, starts telling Jackie that he looked up at her while looking at his schedule and turned around and smiled and said goodbye to her and Yolanda (another cashier) as he left. In my head I was like whoa….and I said who are you talking about and she was like..well… um.. hum…Jared. I said, "why do you like him?" She said "yeah" and then without thinking I blurted So do I!.. but he has a girlfriend. "A" is like "really?" Jackie then says no he told me he broke up with her. After that it was kind of weird being around "A" cause we are both coworker friends. I didn't know she liked him and I didn't realize that I do really like him until that instant I blurted So do I! Anyways this week Me and her both don't get to work with him. I usually get too and I'm sad. I hope neither A nor Jackie tells anyone anything. I kind of don't know what to do. I guess see how things roll I wish the other girl didn't like him too I thought I was the only one. feeling confused..

  14. Thank you for your advice. He still hasnt contacted me so I guess that means two things. He may have decided to not email me but I would think,what the heck? since he sure seemed receptive to me and showed an interest. Im hoping now its because he lost the paper.. I think I'll wait another week and then casually go in. Well see what happens... I have hope.. I have a somewhat silly question.. You know how sometimes you get caught in the moment of introduction and the person tells you there name and you forget it.. I only told him mine once and never put it on the paper.. Would you be to embarrassed to contact the person if you forget their name? Am I ready to much into things? lol oh well

  15. Anyways to start I'm 17( I look about 15), a senoir and have never had a boyfriend. Im kinda quiet and shy around people esp. guys although my job has helped me overcome some of this. I have gone into a semi-local record store a few times over the past few months and have had conversations with one of the workers. He has friendly, helpful, and was teasing me in a good way. Like he told me he was my personal shopper and to come right to him next time I came in. So me being me when I talk to him I am smiling none stop probably cause he is smiling too, I am kinda nervous but to my surprise carry on conversation pretty well. By the way my face felt like a flaming cherry hope it didnt look like one. He was really cute and was almost as short as me.. I'm 5'3" I thought he was maybe 17 or 18. So the last time I went in (last Weds) I psyched myself up to ask if he want to go see a movie with me some time. He said yes and then asked me for my phone number and email. The funny thing is at this time I realized he didnt know my name but I knew his. So we shook hands and exchanged names. I was so stupid at that moment that when I wrote down my number and email I didnt put the area code and I didnt put my name. The piece of paper was really small too. By the way I didnt ask for his is that bad? So after that I felt more relieved and we walked to another section of cds and kept talking. This is when I find out he is 20 and a Junior at the state university. Took me a little by surprise. He also lives in a city/town between the university and the record store. After that our convo continued well, and we talked about our own Christmas plans, what music we liked, etc. So since he had to get back to work cause their were customers in the store lol I finally left and I told him to call or email me whenever. He said I will. So he hasnt called or emailed me yet. I'm not trying to sound over eager cause I know he said he was working Thurs and maybe Sun and he was having a gift exchange party with frinds Chistmas Eve and spending Christmas over at his Grandma's. I was just wondering if he will contact me or not is it to soon to tell? If he doesnt I'll wonder if somehow he wasn't interested or if he lost the little piece of paper he put in his pocket. I know I probably sound to desperate or paranoyed but I just felt those happy butterflies around him you know? I would appreciate your comments/ opinions on the situation. P.S sorry if the smiles were annoying..

  16. The 5 things that attract me(not in this order):

    Funny- If you can say or do little things to make others laugh or smile, that's a plus. I like a guy with a humor who doesn't use it at the expense of others. A guy who is playful and isn't afraid to laugh too.


    Intelligent- I like someone who has some book smarts but not a lot. He can't be a total slacker when it comes to learning. Common sense is important and if he is knowledgeable about something he's interested in that's nice too.


    Sensitive- I like someone who isn't afraid to show his real feelings sometimes. I like to know the guy is actually human and has emotion lol if that makes sense. Someone who can read your feelings and be able to comfort, congratulate you, etc. at the right time.


    Trustworthy- The guy has to be trustworthy and honest with me. No one likes someone who goes behind their back, breaks promises, or lies to your face, right?


    As far as physical attraction:

    Good looking/handsome face- Well I have to be honest and say that I am one sucker for a cute face. The guys I've been attracted too have some feature(s) on their head/face that draw me to them, but their bodies have all been different (height, weight, etc).


    The 5 things I could care less about:


    Nice butt- its kind of hard to tell what a guys butt looks like anyway, the type of pants often make it look different


    Sporty- if the guy doesn't play sports that much but has other interests thats ok


    Height- I could see myself with a guy short like me, medium or tall so this doesn't matter


    Different/ not your normal person- We are all different, and there is no such thing as normal anyway


    Well off down below- this has never really passed my mind when I think about a guy. I guess as long as its in working order lol.

  17. I have trouble talking to guys cause I'm shy too.. but hear is what I think. It sounds like you two hit it off pretty well. What do you talk about for 5 to 10 mins?, Maybe you could try walking with her to where her friends hang out at lunch. If you don't feel comfortable around all those people I suggest you try to get to know her by asking if she would do a certain activity with you sometime. Maybe ask for her number if your brave, so you could talk more and get to know each other. Are you sure she isn't seeing anyone? And does she hang out with many guys? Maybe the hugs are something special maybe not but mentioning you come hang out with her friends means she definetely likes you to some degree. You can do it, get to know her better, show her your interested and then maybe ask her out. Dont let this opportunity pass by. Good Luck..

  18. Boxers or briefs: boxers

    Curly or straight hair: straight

    Tall or short: tall would be best but at least my height 5'3"

    Six pack or muscular arms: On the slim side/little bit of muscule or swimmer's bod

    Good or bad guys: good

    Hat or no hat: hats can look good but not worn every day I like to see hair too

    Ears pierced or not: sure, actually I've discovered that a lot of the guys I've been attracted too have piercing(s) Nothing too big or distracting though

    Tan or no Tan: Anything tanner than pale white

    Dimples or not: Dimples are nice

    Stubble or neatly shaven: shaven perhaps a little stuble

    Rugged or sporty: in between

    Studly or cutie: both leaning on the cutie side

    Accent or not: dont care

    Glasses: if their not whorn all the time otherwise contacts

    Smart or dumb: On the smart side

    What sport should he play: Whatever he wants too I guess.


    Its neat to see how people's tastes are so different, something for everyone.

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