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Everything posted by tragic

  1. i'd like to thank you for the fast and quik feedback i've gotten,it makes me feel good knowing theres people out there who care,it was just so hard for me that she told me she still loves me and has deep feeling for me but can't be with me,when i call it pisses her off,and she keeps saying she needs her time,but yet talks and hangs out with this other guy who's taking off in a month anyways,so i asked her why she would ruin a 9 month awesome relationship for something that wasn't going to go any further and she said thats not why shes not with me,once again cause its not fair that she loves me and has feelings for somebody else,still really confussing why she'd want to leave,things were good thanks again
  2. I have recently been dumped by my ex,and everything was going so well,no fighting,nothing,just generally having good times.always telling me she loves me and wants to spend the rest of her life with me,out of nowhere she says we have to break up cause i have feelings for someone else and its not fair for you to not know,so i said well do you still love me and want to be with me and she says yes but i can't do this right now,i'm confussed and need time,and i told her that it didn't make sense that something so wonderfull could end so strangely,out of nowhere wanting her space and time,and after 9 months of a perfect relationship,what would it be that would make a girl that loves you want to break it off when she only has feelings for someone else and not love,why would they want to ruin such a good thing
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