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Posts posted by Eagle

  1. Yeah.. That's what I wanna do, give up. But now that im into her alot, it's hard. She tells me, no I still like you and blah blah blah, then she starts acting like she does for like 1 or 2 days then it's the same thing all over again..

  2. I'm pretty sure I posted about this girl before, but not sure... Anyways, theres this girl whom left me her number to call her, So I thought she was very pretty and went for it... We started talking and having long conversations on the phone and online, then we set a date to hangout, so we did and we went out to eat and stuff, then after that it went all wrong. Like, it most of time she doesn't answer my calls, she never calls me anymore, doesnt ever wanna hangout she always tends to have some lame excuse, when we do get on the phone, shes on for like 5 minutes then shes she has to go, and says oh I will call you in a half hour and then never calls me back. I tried asking her a million times to actually be truthful to me and tell me whats wrong, and she says im lossing it and that im going crazy, she thinks its a big joke... I wanna give up but its hard.

  3. Yeah, well I talked to my brother about going to the olive guarden and then to the movies afterwards, mayb I can see if she wants to go and be ablt to talk lol.. but, I gotta think of a way to start a convo with her tonight.

  4. Theres this girl I got a number for, and I called her and we talked for like 5 mins then I knew I was going to be silent, since I dont know here at all, so I made up sumthin like I had to go.. Im calling her tomorrow, but I have nothing to say, what are some things I could do to bring out a good convo for both me an her, I was thinking abou asking her out on a date to get to know each other, well a double date that way we'd both feel comfortable.

  5. That's why it's a hard decision..... I mean, I like what we have now. When we're working together it's so much fun, but when I'm home and I begin to think about her, I realize that what I'm doing is going to make it harder for me as the days go on. It's hard to explain actually, have you ever done something in your life that you thought would make you happy, but in the mean time it makes u feel worse?

  6. Hello everyone,


    Well, here it is... Theres this girl I know at my work, she hasn't been there that long, but we're very close co-workers and were always hugging, and shes always kissing my hands and stuff, but she is bi-sexual and has a girlfriend, now I enjoy all the times we fool around, because it makes me happy, but in the longrun I tend to get jealous at times, and feel used, in the past I've been used all the time, so it's hard and depressing. Tonight we were talking on the phone, and it was a very good conversation until near the end, We were talking about things we thought between us, and she told me some things, and I said stuff back, and one of the things I said, was that there were times at work I wanted to actually kiss her, and she said she could tell and stated the times in which I actually did want too, it was still fine, but later she said she doesn't think she'd do anything more than just hugging and kissing my hand and stuff, and being on the phone with her after that just felt very ackward, and I didn't feel right... She said she doesn't want to be leading me on, but now in my head that's exactly what she is doing, and she doesn't even realize it, and it's hard to talk to her about these things because I work with her, now the reason why im posting is, I need advice because I cannot seem to make a decision, so I need people to do it for me... Should I continue on letting us hang all over each other and me getting hurt, or should I just END everything the next time were working together, and then try explaining to her, like saying, look, I really like you, and I enjoy all the thigns we do while fooling around, bu I cant go any further because Im going to end up getting hurt and it's hard already, and tell her I dont want her getting her feelings hurt either, or something like that, please help me people, im alreadu hurt because of all of this.

  7. Well, theres this very attractive girl I tried talking to and getting with, so I get one of my friends to ask if she had a boyfriend, and she said no. So im like nice, so I go talking to her and stuff and we play around alot and then I find out shes a lesbian?? I was shocked and now, I have no idea what to do, should I give up? I don't know if theres a way to change her sexuality preference.

  8. Hello, this is kinda weird, but I always think of having sex all the time, and when it comes to the actuall time to have a chance of doing it I stop it, because well my penis isn't very that big, I think its actually small its about 6 inches long, but its not thick like most girls would like it, its thin and im embarressd because I think when I go to have sex the girl wont like it and just pretend she does, then wont wanna talk to me ever again, what could I do to get over this or sumthin to make it bigger, please help..

  9. Hi,


    There's this girl I work with, we've been working together for awhile now, I also happen to be somewhat a friend with her B/F. Now, about a month ago, I've been getting feeling's for her, the more we're together the more I get. She also know's I like her I believe. The problem is, recently everytime we're together in/out of work, I'm so depressed and angry. For the past couple day's I've been ignoring her totally, and I don't know why. I feel bad after we're not with each other, she alway's ask me why I'm mad at her and I just walk away without saying a word.. I don't want to either, but when she's by me I just automaticly do this.

    She's like the sweetest girl I know, and I'm being a total * * * * * * * to her, is there any solution to this? Like a way to change the way I feel? Or am I just messed up in the head.... I'm so confused.. Just like when I see her talking or sitting next to other guy's I get so damn jealous and pissed as if I was her B/F, like I said it's confusing, I'm not her B/F nor will I ever be as She's been with her b/f for almost 3 Yr's... So, you do the math.




  10. Theres this girl that I just started talking to, and I had her friend find out if she liked me and she does, and I wanna start dating her but I dunno, I'm not really the type of guy to actually come out and start a conversation with her and then ask her out, it's just hard. I don't wanna loose my chance on being able to get with her either, plus just because she likes me I don't know if she would actually want a relationship with me... I would like to get guy opinions on what they would do in my place, just as well as, ladies if you liked a guy, how would you hint them as to wanting a relationship with them, and would you like to get to know them good? How would you like the relationship to start meaning how would you prefer being asked out? Now, guys and girls, if you were in my shoes what would your steps be? Any tips and hints as to getting a chance with her and starting a good conversation would be useful. thanks.

  11. I liked this girl, then I finally told her. I told her I was in love with her and I wanted to be with her, she then told me she don't know what to do now, as she was tryin to get wit sum1 else then all of a sudden I ask her, so she said she doesnt knwo what to do now. She has been having problems in her life and so have I, I just wanna be with someone that I know will make me happy. Because, im just not happy. Do you think I still have a chance with her?

  12. Hey, everyone. I posted about liking a girl, but was having problems. Anyway, there is no chance for me getting her now, she only likes black boys, and she's white. I have nothing against her liking black boys, but why ONLY black? I mean I would date black girls and also white ones. This is not fair, I really like her too . It's hard for me to even talk to her now..


    All my hope for getting her, is completely gone....

  13. Well, I had other topics about this issue, but this is concerning not a date thing. Anyway, a girl IMed me last night on aim, I didn't know who it was and I still don't but they supposely knew me and the girl I like. They got into a conversation, and the girl I like actually said she only likes me as a friend to this other girl, this really blew my mind. Her best friend said she liked me, but if she did, why did she say she didn't?

    My life sucks, it's turned all around. Everytime I like a girl, she don't like me, but when I don't like a girl she likes me, I've had 2 g/f's in the past which I never really liked, I don't know what too do anymore, my life is so boring, and I just wish I had someone in my life that I really care about and that would make me happy. Nothing ever works out the way I want it.

    I don't know if the girl just said it because she doesn't want me knowing that I like her, but I hardly doubt that is correct. This has been on my mind ever since last night, maybe knowing the truth isn't always best, I would have rathered never knowing the truth,

  14. Well, I was talking to the girl I liked last night. We started a good conversation off, then I was like "So, you doing anything friday" she said She didn't know. I then said "Oh, I was thinking about going to the movies, wanna come?" But she then said I dont know, I will think about it.

    This has been really frustration, I have so many 'What If?' questions running though my mind, "What if she meant No thankyou in a nice way" "What if she said that because she dont like going to movies" "What if she said that and needed to check with her parents"

    I just don't know what to do ppl, I really like this girl. She has an excellent personallity, she is funny, smart, she is everything I wanted. When i'm mad she makes me laugh, I mean I need her. I don't know if she likes me, I know her best friend told me she did, but not sure if it's true. After she replied to my question about the movie we were talking for 3 hours after that.

    Is what she said bad? How can I start talking to her and see if I could get her to say something to find out if she likes me? I think about her alot, I don't wanna come right out and say 'do you like me?' We've known each other for a few months. She doesn't have a b/f either, so what am I suppose to do, I don't wanna wait too long then I may loose her.

  15. Hello, I've been posting about other things here at enotalone, but heres something new.

    Theres this girl I really really like, she knows I like her and her friend once told me she liked me, but I'm not sure it's true. I wanna go out with her, I love her. But I just can't ask her out, what should I say? I don't wanna ruin our friendship. I've been thinking about her a lot, I've been having a lot of things going on in my life and I need someone to make me happy again, I like this girls personality, and all that. Any help is acceptable.

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