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  1. I have been in my second marriage for 2 months now and found out today that my wife has been talking to an ex-boyfriend of hers. She at first told me an "alias" name then told me it was a guy named mike, but not either one of her ex's named mike. She even put him on the phone with me and he lied to me about who he was too. Also she had him come over as a "friend" and they went out and supposedly talked for an hour and a half. Everytime our relationship is the slightest bit rocky she walks away and calls him immediatle. My first wife cheated on me and I just see this going the same route even though she professes that they are just good friends. He has aslo just broken up with his girlfriend conveniently and her intimacy level has gone considerably down. I don't know what to think, I love her but I can't trust her after all these lies and I am not really sure what his or her real intentions are. PLEASE HELP!!! I want to leave before I get cheated on again .
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