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Everything posted by solitaire

  1. Thank-you everyone who wrote me. I felt deeply moved by your words of encouragement and inspiration. I hope you guys are right, things will get better, I know it's a long journey to recovering from a broken heart. I'm glad I found this forum, because only people who have experienced a painful breakup can offer some great advice.
  2. My boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me a couple of weeks ago. I thought he was the one, the person I was going to spend the rest of my life with, we even talked about marriage. First he wanted to just take a break from me, and gave all these reasons why he wasn't sure about me. Later I found out that he cheated on me with someone from the internet. He had been calling a girl he met on the internet for a couple of months while we were dating and I never had a clue. Basically he dumped me for her. I never thought he would ever cheat on me, let alone dump me for someone. When I found this out, I went alittle crazy on him, so we are no longer friends. I am so hurt, and feel so empty inside, I can't sleep or eat. I've lost so much weight since finding out he did this to me. What makes it even worse is that he really likes this girl he met on the internet, he says he is in love with her. It took him 3 years to tell me he loved me. It hurts so much knowing he is happy with someone else, it's just not fair, he doesn't deserve to be happy. For some weird reason, I still love him, even though I might say mean and hateful things in the fit of anger. I really don't know what to do, all I think about is him and that other girl hooking up. It's driving me nuts! I just want to hurt him to feel the hurt that he caused me. That's how I feel even though it's very selfish of me to think this way. Moving on is so hard to do...
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