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Everything posted by shyandsocial

  1. I need advice as to whether this is a lame-brained desperate idea or if I should go ahead and do this. "Average Joe" was a manager that my company hired 3 months ago, but 2 wks ago, the company decided to eliminate his position and he was let go. It was not because he was doing a bad job. He was my superior, and I did not report to him. I was attracted to him from the beginning, and now that he's gone, I've been thinking about him constantly. We're a laid back and casual group of people. My company has a history of people dating within the company; many have since married their colleagues. I consider myself to be a friendly and well-liked individual at work, but do not flirt with other co-workers. "Joe" and I saw each other at work everyday, exchange a few words and occasionally play fight. I am 27 and he is 34. Now that he's gone, I do not need to worry about office romance angle, but…there are no more opportunities available to get to know him better. He was too new to the company to form any bonds with any colleagues, so there is essentially no way to get to know him better. Now, I just thought of this up, and wondered if this is a horrible idea and would potentially scare him off. I was thinking of sending a short message by snail mail. The message would be along the lines of "I've been thinking about you since you've been gone, if you're interested, email or call me" and then sign it off with my name and contact info. -Would do you think of my idea? -Am I making a fool of myself? -Would it scare him off the fact that I found his address and am sending messages to his home? -Since he left the company and I'm still there, would it be too embarrassing for him to respond to me even if he's interested? -Should I wait a while before I send this message to him? Or should I let this attraction die and fade away from my mind? We both live in the same big city, but I highly doubt I would ever see him again. What else can I do? Any feedback is welcomed.
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