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Everything posted by Tind

  1. Good morning I miss you.. I miss your company..I miss being able to talk to you about anything but I have to go on.. You are giving me the silent treatment.. I guess you are just not good at expressing yourself.. Or you think you don't owe me anything
  2. I wish I had posted here instead of sending a couple of humiliating text to my ex..which he has not responded to which set me back to feelings of depression.. I was doing so well til that happened.. I have learned my lesson and I will not be texting him again any time soon
  3. You are a creepy underhanded person I wouldn't trust. You as far as I can throw you
  4. Hi do you want to go riding this weekend we are going to have beautiful weather
  5. Give me a ride home I want to go home please call and offer me a ride home how can you be so uncaring if you really cared wouldn't you be wondering how I am getting home.. Just offer to take me home...
  6. Pick up your garbage from my home they are infested you are the one who needs to pay for an exterminator to get rid of the infestation you brought with you when you moved in. You are a smelly disgusting slob
  7. Tomorrow will be one month since the break up and I haven't heard from you I don't care to know what you are doing or how things are going I would only be Happy if you are miserable.
  8. You left like a thief in the night like a prowler you took everything and left you were a coward you played with me you toyed with me and you thought I would break but the universe has it own ideas karma is a b**ch
  9. Let's see if the no contact really works I haven't contact you in nearly 3 and a half weeks but you only contact me once. They say the magic starts to happen around the fourth to eighth week I am waiting to cast my spell on you for me to become so irresistible you become so powerless you have to beg me back can I cast this spell we have to wait and see
  10. I feel so lonely I wish things can be easier but I have to let you go my mind is playing tricks on me my mind is trying to keep me weak why I know you are not good for me and the last thing on earth you would want is to break because you have nerves of steal and you will not be the first to break it is beneath you if you love me you will never let it show if you are weak you have to fight it it is foolish to be weak it is foolish to break you will resist with ever ounce of strength that you have you are above all you look down your nose at the world you have no emotions because emotions is a sign of weakness you will never give in
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