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Calvin Ong

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Everything posted by Calvin Ong

  1. its jus tat i like tis girl very much. Thxs a lot for yr advice.
  2. Me jus would like to noe whether will a girl like a person she has rejected later as time goes by??
  3. thxs a lot man!! Me hope everything will turn out all right.
  4. Yo. Recently i got to noe tis girl. she is a very nice person, me very happy to get to know her. Me tried to ask her out, she agreed but only if she can ask one of her good friends along. She said she do not want to seen together with me as people might mistaken us as being together. Do i stand a chance with her or is she hinting me not to go for her anymore?? Can someone help me figure out what she is thinking. Thx pals!!
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