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  1. Well we are going to the movies tomorrow, I think tonight I might just say to my parents that im going to the movies with *her-name* (and explain that I met her on the bus etc). It might be best to just play along and not mention her age at all and get away with it. She looks much younger so I think that may decrease the chance of me having to explain how old she really is. I could imagine that one day my parents would like to meet her. I mean my parents can't stop me, All they'd want is for me to be happy, and I am, also I am nearly an adult, so I can do what I want.
  2. Yeah, a number of guys have said that, but please be serious, What can I do without making my parents freak out??!! Oh she looks much younger, And we have thaught of saying that she is younger, but that might lead to trouble further down the track.
  3. To give you a basic rundown... There has been this chick who I see on the bus once a week and about a month ago she came upto me and gave me her number. Anyway we have gone out a few times and had our first kiss the other day. The problem is that I have no idea how my parents would react if I told them that I am going out with a 24 y/o (when im only 17). I make up lies most the time when I go out to see her, but that is becoming harder and harder. If I tell my parents, what should I say? They would be fine if I was going out with someone my age but, the age gap may freak them out. If I tell them It would be much easier to go out and be with her. They can't really stop me from going out with her but you know. We love one another very much and talked about this situation, which she understands. Maybe if I slowly drop hints as time goes by. What do you all think? What should I say and how?
  4. Well i dunno much about this, but for me that stuff came naturally, My g/f and I have talked about it, such as just cudding and taking things just a tad further to make the relationship easier. Anyway, one night after coming home from a day out with her, I put my arms out and we hugged and It went from there...Had our first kiss.
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