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Posts posted by DAVO11

  1. im a very shy person but when im on the net im fine maybe because i cant see that person face to face. I know it sounds hard but try and talk to her whens shes not around her mates or if you cant do that, give a note saying what you feel.


    Thats all the advice i have i know its not alot but i hope it could help in some way.



    Good luck Mate


  2. im not very good with this kind of subjects, but ill try and help in some way.


    I think your in love with your ex still,i think you know that any way. There is no point going out with some one you dont really care for and dont really love. But in the end the choice is yours.


    I hope you all the best in the future and good luck.



  3. Well, they might just be being honest... no offense or anything. It is a plausible reason, but probably not the ONLY reason. It might be because she just doesn't want to go out with you for another reason too.


    No offense im not ugly and i do have a girlfriend, it just wanted to know why girls or guys prefer good looking people.


    Thanks for your advice any way

  4. it may not be much use, but follow your feelings.


    If you are still in love with him, maybe you should talk to him and find out why he cheated on you and then you can decide if you still want to go out with him.


    Im sure he had a reason and im certain he will tell you if you talk to him.


    Thats all i can say, i hope it helps.


    Good Luck

  5. I think there is nothing wrong with you, this is my view and im sure most people will say im wrong but i think you both care about each other very much and maybe you dont show it or she does not.


    Maybe you two hang around with each other to much and try and have some free time away from each other.


    They might not help but there you go.


    I hope things wrong out for you mate.

  6. im new here, but i agree with QTpie87 you should try and get to know her better, if you can talk to her online then im sure you could do it face to face.


    Just have a bit of faith in your self and you should do great, i hope all the best for you mate and dont leave it to late, like i did.

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