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Posts posted by birdie0013

  1. Well I just figured I'd put my 2 cents in. I absolutely LOVE to swallow. I make my guy tell me everytime he's about to cum just so I can go down there and swallow. He likes that I like to. But not everyone is my guy and I. I think if you really loved the woman (as a man) then you wouldn't care if she swallowed or not. She's giving you head right? So what's the big hang up on one little thing? And girls, if you don't like to swallow, and you really love the guy, find other inventive ways to "deal with the mess". But to the main post, I love the taste and the feel of my guys contractions in my mouth. It's a big turn on for me...physically and emotionally. I know he's feeling intense pleasure and is vulnerable, and is letting me share in his feelings. To be in control of that really makes me feel great. But, cbfan, keep in mind that no two women are exactly the same. "If love was present, nothing else would have to exist"

  2. It all goes to the same place....VAGINA. Remember this term. Everything that you put "into" a girl, for the most part anyway, will go here. There are other parts of a woman's anatomy (clit, breasts, neck, etc.) which need attention also, but the main "everything" is the vagina. If you're unsure of where to put it, just move your hand around and suave-ly ask "Here baby? Like this?". You'll know if it's the right spot.....

  3. Hey, look, I was told before that we're not here to criticize each other. This is a place to voice your anxieties and know that you are not alone in your questions/problems. My man's (he's 20) lays almost on his belly (pointing to his face). This is perfectly normal because it does move and change angles. Just don't move it to a position which is painful for you. Experiment, try new things.....find things that please her, that please you, that please the both of you....then do them. Do the two of you love to kiss? Find a position where you can kiss each other while you're going at it. Does she like to be dominant or you love a chest view? Let her, or ask her, to be on top. Find ya'll's groove and when you do....get your groove on!!!


    P.S. Protection should always be first priority...better safe than sorry....or in this case....better plastic than pregnant.

  4. Hey man, don't beat yourself up over it. Your reaction is normal. It shows you that you did feel deeply for this woman. Don't rush yourself to move on...it'll only wind up hurting an innocent woman when she falls for you but you're unsure/not ready for commitment. Just basically give yourself time to hurt. You need to mourn...accept the fact that you love/loved her....and accept that it's not going to work....then when you understand all of that, you'll be able to pick up the pieces and move on. And I will admit, from personal experience, that "no contact" is a b****, but sometimes it's a sure fire way to get over a person. It's hard, if not impossible, to move on from a relationship with a person if you're still talking to them and physically in contact with them. The fact is, if your heart senses any possibility that it may work ("they're still around? that's a good sign....maybe...maybe....") it's going to hold out some sort of hope, and at the same time, prevent you from moving on. But, listen, I've got way more advice and time to talk if you want to. Just PM me and I'll see what I can do.

  5. I agree with the women who have replied to this post. I would rather have a guy (and I do) who cares about my needs, and my wants, and doesn't always put himself first. I enjoy a man who appreciates cuddling, and talking, and making out, etc. Sex is great, but it's everything that leads up to it, and follows it, that makes it memorable. Just like too small can pose an issue with orgasm time, too big can make sex awkward and just plain painful. So the average size is average for a reason, and to me it's not really that big of a deal. Plus, just like men say for women, I agree that a man with confidence is the sexiest thing out there. It doesn't matter the car that you drive, just be happy and proud that it runs!!!!

  6. First off, every guy tastes different. Just like every guy has a different smell, or a different way of walking, every guy has a different smell/taste down there and a different tasting cum. Food also plays a part in it. The underlying taste within it comes from the food he has just ate. Alcohol makes it bitter, fresh fruits make it sweet. I would have to say it is about the consistancy of beaten eggs, with a salty/sweet taste. I love the taste of it, but that doesn't mean you will. It's all a personal preference sort of thing. I mean, if you want to try it, try it once, and if it totally grosses you out, then just tell your guy about it. After all, honesty is the best policy. Being able to talk about it, and not just do it, makes a relationship that much better. Good luck, and like an above post said, he better be going down on you to make it up all you do for him!!!

  7. I agree with JonnyG. Some tips are generic and are good for all men...some things may not do anything for your guy. My best tip is to simply listen....if you're doing something right, you'll hear it. Whether it's by his moaning, or him talking, or simply his breathing getting faster and harder, you'll hear what works and what doesn't. Plus, some of the tips are simply your preference. I like guys to have their hands in my hair, and even pull my hair, but I don't like them to shove my head on their ****, because it messes up my rhythm. Lots of times it'll make me gag, and generally I never gag. Oh, a tease if you're up to it.....if you can, suck on and deep throat his finger. But do this before you ever unzip his jeans. It'll let his mind make up fantasies about what you could be doing. Something else, use both your hands on his ****, but use your mouth to tease his finger. That way he's being pleasured in 2 ways. What feels good, and what he know's is soon to come. Don't be afraid to touch different areas. My guys nipples are extremely sensitive, but some guys' aren't. Just kiss, suck, lightly bite, on different areas and gauge his reactions. Get a good reaction? Remember it for next time!!!! Anyway, if you want more tips, post or message me.

  8. I'm an 18 year old woman who is going to college soon (UCF). I'm smart (graduated with a 4.0 GPA as valedictorian) and I love to laugh. My question is: is there really anything wrong with a girl that has a great personality but isn't 6'0" tall with blonde hair and long legs? Do guys go for personality or looks?

  9. It's possible she's met someone who she thinks is (sorry) better. I'm not saying that because you seem like a nice guy. But maybe she's immature enough to always believe the grass is greener on the other side. So, she's unsure of how it'll go with this guy, so she wants to keep you there just in case it doesn't work out. Typical girl strategy. I've even used it acoupla' times. Don't get to stressed. You're young, love does happen more than once. Smile, be optomistic, and don't lose hope.

  10. "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" "you can show a heart how to love but in the end you can't make it love"

    Simple enough, if she doesn't love you after a year, then it wasn't meant to be. I've always tried to look at everything that's happened to me (good and bad) with the idea that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you were at a point that you had given up on love and she came into your life to show you that it was possible. But just because she may not love you doesn't give you a reason to keep from trying. If you ask her out and she says no, then you're alone...but if you don't ask, you're definitely alone. See the picture? Pain is only what you make it.

    Next thing....you should never change who you are for someone. If she has shown you how to be a better person, that's one thing. But if you completely stopped doing all the things you loved just because she didn't like them, then that's not love....that's you trying to impress her. If she really loved you she would love all of you and all of your ways.

    Try not to be so down about all of this. If it doesn't work out, you're young. You sound like a really nice guy, and plenty of girls would love to get to know you. The world does keep spinning. If it doesn't work out, just be glad for all the things you've got from her. Take your memories, mourn if you must, then file them away to look at when the wound is healed. You'll make it through this, no matter what the outcome. Good Luck and I'm here for you waiting the results.

  11. Well, I've always looked at potential boyfriends with one question in mind "Could I see myself spending the rest of my life with this guy?". If he passes that question, then I'm game for a relationship.

    But like you said, all girls are different. Some girls go strictly for looks, some for valuables, some for music; you name it, there's a girl out there who bases her opinion on a guy on that. Just realize that not all girls are going to like your personality, just like some girls you "just don't like". But the key is to find a girl who loves everything about you, or is willing to overlook the little things that she doesn't like.

    "Find the one who makes your heart smile"

  12. Don't be so hard on yourself. A general look or appreciative glance at a good looking person does not necessairly mean you're interested. I'm in a committed relationship, but once in a while I look at other guys. It's like appreciating fine art. If you are as good looking as you say, they're probably just looking because you're hot.

    Look for other signs to see if the girl actually likes you. Look for eye contact, a smile, a hello, something besides her looking at you. Plus, if you don't appear approachable, a girl is going to hesitate getting to know you. Just be a friendly guy, make girls laugh, be sweet, and the girls will start to come to you.

    p.s. I'm sure your personality doesn't suck. "It takes a watermelon farmer to appreciate good watermelons". In other words, not everyone will like your personality. But some girl will love it....I promise.

  13. Well, start off with a very general question or statement. A simple "hello" would do. Sit closer to her than usual. If she makes eye contact, or smiles back, or says hello back with some sort of gesture (eye contact, smile, etc.), ask a general question. This would be like "So, where is it you go every morning? If you don't mind me asking." If she answers this with no hesitation, move on to something else.

    The thing to remember is gradual steps. Don't rush right in with "How's your sex life?" or something personal like that. If you take the time to know her, it'll work out better.

  14. My man and I have been talking for over a year, and have been "steady" for about 4 months. Just recently he told me that he was getting nervous because I felt stronger for him than he did for me. He said that he's not saying that he'll not feel the way I do eventually, but that he just falls in love slower than me. Questions: has anyone been in this postion before and what did they do? Has anyone been in his position and been telling the truth? What should I think?

  15. I was kinda surprised that no girls had replied to this question. In all honesty, yes, it does differ for every girl. I have masturbated almost everyday for the last 2 years almost, and I can personally say that there is no one move that gives an orgasm. But I do have some tips:

    1.) Ask questions. A simple "Here?" is sufficient.

    2.) Watch her face as you touch her in different places. If she just looks happy, you're doing great. If she gasps or arches into your hand, or closes her eyes and starts to breathe heavy, you're on the right track. Keep doing what you're doing, and if she starts to breathe heavier, get faster in whatever you're doing.

    3.) It's not easy to get a girl off with just fingering. I personally have a motto "It's easier when you can do and feel at the same time". It's kinda like that. You can't feel what you're doing, so you don't know how she feels. Maybe you'll get lucky and get a girl who is very vocal. If not, learn to read body signs.

    4.) Don't just strip her pants off and stick your hand up there. Kiss her, give her a massage, talk softly and sweetly to her, nuzzle her neck, make her be like "YES!!!" when you do go down there. This will ensure that she's aroused and wet, meaning she's that much further to an orgasm.

    5.) Pay closer attention to her clit and the wall of her p**** about 1-2" inside of her. These for the most part, are the 2 most sensitive area. But just touching these parts will not result in orgasm.

    6.) I personally like circular motions, and from what I've read, most other women do also. But keep in mind, some may like stroking, some may like light as a feather touching, some may like deep massage and stroking, some may even not like any. Each woman differs in what gets her off. It's your responsibility to be patient enough to find out what turns her on, and ultimately leads her to orgasm.

    7.) One more thing.....practice. It won't happen on the first time, I promise.

    Hope this all helps!!!!!

  16. I simply see it as I wouldn't want a guy to judge me/turn me down because of my breast size, so I'm not going to do that to him.

    It honestly depends on how close you and the girl are. If she's just out for sex and your size doesn't meet her standards, then yeah, she might not call back. But if you're together and you feel she really cares for you, she's not going to care. The first 2" of a woman are the most sensitive, so if you're over that (hard), you're good to go. Don't stress because confidence is the sexiest thing!!!!

  17. I'll just throw a clue in the mix of responses: if she takes a sharp intake of breath and then sorta quivers (you should be able to feel her "squeeze" around you") then more than likely, she's having an orgasm. But beware: if she yells out instead of breathing in, she's probably faking it. It is physically impossible to say anything right at the moment of release because the body is forced to take a really deep breath. Hope this helps!!!

  18. I agree completely with kurakage. Have you ever had an orgasm? If you haven't, I totally recommend masturbation. Find out what makes you feel good. For the most part, women can't orgasm with just penetration alone. Most find it easier to get off when they have some sort of other stimulation (clit, vibrator, etc.). Plus, maybe he's just not giving you long enough to get off. It takes a woman 12 minutes to get off, where it only takes a man 2 minutes. Ask him to go slow so you can really concentrate on what it feels like. Plus, maybe you can touch yourself and get yourself halfway to an orgasm before penetration. Or, teach him, and have him do it. The key to it all is foreplay. Kink it up until you just have to have him "NOW". Then go at it. Besides, how do you expect him to know what pleases you when you're unsure of what pleases you?

  19. I completely agree with Tide. You're too young to have high expectations. What I'm saying is, the first time at everything is going to be akward. If you're nervous as to whether or not you're doing it at the right time, just slowly put your hand down there. Put it on her thigh and rub a little and if no objections, go a little higher...still no objections, move around and softly whisper "more?". If she gives you the right moan to go, you'll know. Simply enough, if she's uncomfortable, she'll let you know.

  20. It's perfectly normal what's happening. My guy was "wet" there, and I found it arousing that I could make him that aroused so soon (we were just kissing). The girl you are with has to understand that that is just how the male anatomy works. By the way, women do it too. If a woman is aroused, she is wet enough to "wet her shorts". Hope this helps.

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