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  1. A friend of mine was telling about something she read in her mother's car about why some girls seem to like bigger men (not bigger as in muscles, bigger as in weight-wise). She said that it said some girls who like bigger men may have problems at home, or maybe are depressed and/or stressed and look into a bigger guy for comfort and care. She also said something about food, a girl will see a bigger guy and think that they eat a lot and somehow that has something to do with care and comfort... I guess I should've been listening better but I was too busy playing with my cellphone. I was just curious if anyone knew anything about this. I do like a guy that is bigger, although he isn't exactly what I would call fat, he is just "big-boned", he isn't flabby or anything. I was attracted to him for no reason at all, I mean I found him attractive and all but I wasn't sure why. Usually I detest men who are overweight, but I for some reason like this guy a lot and I barely know anything about him. I do not think it is lust, because I do not wish to sleep with him. I just always get the sudden urge to hug him. I think of him as a giant teddy bear. I, however, have never heard of anything about what my friend had told us (a group of friends and myself). A different friend of mine pointed out that maybe that's why I like this guy, and I got to thinking about it, and I guess it kind of makes sense... I do have some problems at home, and I am stressed, and at times (not so much anymore) I am depressed for no reasons at all. So, in short, I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me anything about this. I tried looking it up on Google and AskJeeves, but I got nothing. Thank-you in advance if you are able to.
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