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Posts posted by Raiders79

  1. look lost in life... i realize you arent and wouldnt PLAN a failed attempt... that would be ludacris. the only reason someone would ever do that is to get attention. im simply saying that if you ALLOW yourself to fail in suicide then you obviously didnt want to die badly enough to investigate the best way to kill yourself and didnt realize the obvious which was that your body isnt going to let you keep all the medical drugs and alchohol in your system. if you really wanted to die like that then you wouldve found out what amounts your body could keep in the system yet not handle well enough to survive. but to me that seems like a rather violent way to die.


    im not saying that you planned a failed attempt and im sorry i turned your topic into one of my own and that i offended you. I honestly didnt mean for my post to be directed towards you but towards suicide in general. i honestly dont think there is a legal penalty for someone who had tried to commit suicide... how could there be? most of the time the penalty for committing suicide is death (obviously) and they cannot possible punish a dead person in this physical world. so i dont think you could be punished at all... you might however get a court order to make you see a counselor or have you go to an assylum or something...


    once again i am sorry to have offended you but that is my opinion on the matter and you wont ever be able to change it... and to the moderater... why would you ever want to delete a post that is simply an opinion... it didnt say anything bad about any other poster in particular, there were no profane words or anything. all it said was that if someone is going to commit suicide and they are setting their mind to doing that one thing then they should just go and do it... i dont think its the right thing to do but honestly if they are going to look for help then they dont want to die in the first place and i have no respect for them. all they are being is sheep for following the easy road and dogs for putting their tails between their legs and cowaring down. i am not saying that i DO have respect for the people that dont look for help either because i have no respect for anyone who thinks their life is so bad that they need to end it... my point of view i know isnt everybodys but it is mine... and it is that God doesnt dish out anything more than you can handle to you... everyone remember that because when you think that you cant take any more God is behind you saying "i know you can handle this and so much more, you are a strong person, DO NOT END YOUR LIFE!!!"


    i know this is long lol and im sorry for that.... but one more thing is i know you all will hate me for this (the people who have or might have been contemplating suicide) but that is where i stand. and my GF has tried to commit suicide too... she doesnt talk about it but i have told her where i stood on the situation and she actually agrees with me... she thinks its as dumb or dumber than what i think of it...

  2. well being a "sufferer" of the same thing i think i could have something to say on this matter lol...

    my girlfriend doesnt really care... she gives me crap for it all the time but she is just joking around with me... and sometimes me being excited gets her excited... and well thats EXCITING lol... but seriously she doesnt care at all and i think shes actualy flattered by it...

  3. how could you possibly not finish suicide? its been a question that has baffled me since i knew what suicide was... i dont understand it... if ur gonna kill urself then go ahead and kill urself... dont mess around and screw it up... now im not trying to condone suicide or trying to justify it or make it right in any way... but im saying that if you actually allow urself to mess up while committing suicide then you must not really want to die anyways... i wish someone could answer this question for me... its bugging me every time i look at this suicide forum... i dont understand why people would want to commit suicide in the first place... its a rather permanent solution to a surely temporary problem... but whatever i guess... what i say doesnt matter... im not God



    Ok she broke up with him on thursday. Friday night (last night) i was with her and we were cuddling together from like 10:00 at night until 3:00 in the morning... i didnt get to see her any earlier cuz i had a track meet last night too... but we were just laying there on the floor watching movies and cuddling and talkin to each other... it felt so... right, i dont know how to explain it lol... but it was nice... nothing happened between us... we just cuddled and held hands and then she gave me a kiss on the cheek as i was about to finally leave lol... but i know she likes me and everything... its a great feeling but i dont want to become the rebound guy so i think im gonna give it a couple of weeks before i officially ask her out on a date... for now i think we'll just hang out lol...


    Thanks for stating ur opinion to the very few who did...

  5. when i was a freshman there was a senior girl that REALLY liked me... we were in choir together and we the best two singers in the choir by a long shot... choir is mostly just a goof off class in my school cuz its small and thre isnt a lot of talent... but anyways she basically fell in love with me and we were in a musical and a play together too and we flirted all the time and she always found a way into my arms... but i was 6"1' at the time and weighed about 215 lbs of pretty much pure muscle so i was also bigger in stature than most kids my age...


    but i think ur good to go because age really doesnt matter... and this chick seems to like you quite a bit if she looks at you a lot during class... either that or she seems to think ur a good friend and a really funny guy... either way she will probably go to a movie or somethin with you... just go for it and see where things go

  6. yea brilliant thats what im planning on doing too... i just wanted to know if anyone thought that i should just tell her that i want to go out with her... i know she would break up with her bf for me just because she's infatuated with me (shes had a crush for more than 2 years!!!) also i know that her relationship is going down the toilet right now... the guy is a real jerkoff... so i think by the end of this week things between her and her bf will be over and then i will make my move...



    well ive been getting really close with this girl at my school. I've hung out with her all through the last 3 weekends. I also see her every day during school and talk to her and i talk to her on the phone every night for a couple of hours.


    She has a bf but its not going so well. He never wants to be with her. He has a drug and alchohol problem and is always hangin out with his drug buddies instead of her. So she hangs out with me instead.


    Well last Saturday i was really tired and we were at a mutual friends house. I got like 4 hours of sleep the night before because i was hanging out with them and then had to wake up early to take the ACT's. (for those who dont know the ACT's are tests you need to take to get into a college in the midwest). Well after four hours of sleep and 4 or 5 hours of tests or something like that, i spent the whole day at the mall with this girl. i bought her dinner and we had a lot of fun. we then went over to this other girls house (the mutual friend) and watched movies and talked and everything. Well i got so tired around 2:00 a.m. that i was about to pass out. I didnt know about anything that was going on around me or anything. i was half awake and half asleep. Anyways they kept trying to wake me up but i wouldnt and this girl told me later that i "looked so cute trying to sleep" and i would try to hold her hands and hold her close to me and cuddle with her. i dont remember any of this cuz i was pretty much asleep lol. then i guess i kissed her but i dont remember.


    Anyways.. my problem is that i really think im starting to like this girl but she has a boyfriend. i know she likes me too because she has since she moved here. as soon as she met me she had a crush on me but i didnt have a crush on her. but i dont know if she will ever break up with her bf because she doesnt want to be alone and she only wants to be with me but she doesnt know that i would ask her out and want to be with her. i dont want to tell her to break up with her bf and go out with me cuz i know that she loves her bf even tho she isnt happy with him... if that makes any sense lol...


    What should i do? should i tell her that i want to date her and that she should break up with her bf or should i just wait for her to do it on her own and then go in for the kill? i dont know when they're going to break up. it could be tomorrow or it could be next month... i dont see it lasting much longer but i want to date her now lol... all i know is that when i came to school today she was crying and as soon as she saw me her face lighted up and she was happy... and im going to see her this weekend to hang out again... we always cuddle with eachother and get really close but i wanna go further and kiss her without it being wrong and going against her already established relationship. i dont want to be the reason her relationship with her bf fails but i want to be her new bf... HELP... sorry it was so long...

  8. well i go to a very small school... we have pre-school all the way up to 12th grade in one building... a total of not quite 400 students... and out of about 110 high school students i KNOW of at least 15 who either are or have experienced some sort of depression... some have eating disorders, others cut themselves others are just constantly down... some are a combination of all of those etc... this includes 2 of the most important people in the world to me... they are both better now tho... one was raped twice and so she started to blame herself and become depressed and cut herself... i dont think she had an eating disorder but she is pretty skinny and i wouldnt doubt it... the other and probably most important person to me used to live in another country where there was war... both of her parents died in the war and you can imagine what kind of terror and depression this had brought to her... but they are both fun loving happy, optimistic people now but i am amazed at all the others... people you wouldnt ever expect even... straight "A" students, people that are in all of the extra curricular activities possible, etc. they seem so happy but in all actuality they are not... in fact one girl was actually admitted into an asylum because she tried to kill herself... i am just totally amazed... before this year i never really even thought of the possibility... WOW... there is no real question in this post but i just thought i would state how high of a percentage of people (THAT I KNOW OF) in my school are depressed or have been or whatever...

  9. well if you want to know the scenario lol... it goes like this... we were in study hall and she was taking little quizzes on the internet... i think it was on cosmo lol... and then i was like (jokingly of course) well if my guy did that then i would kick his a** or something like that lol... and we started talking and stuff.. and well she was giving me compliments the entire time and then she looked down and covered herself because she felt she was showing a lot of cleavage... and then shes like o well here ya go... and she flashed me... i wasnt even looking at her at the moment and then she had to say my name again cuz i was takin one of those quizzes lol... but yea... i dont know what she was thinkin about then lol... but im not arguing... but i think she really likes me for the reason that shes had a crush on me since last year and last time i talked to her which was only a few days ago she told me that she still had feelings for me... so i know she still likes me...

  10. lol well trust me its not like im against the boobs lol... i like them they were nice lol... but what i meant is that i wouldnt sleep with her or anything because she has been around the block a few times if you know what im sayin... and i just dont want anything to do with that... besides im a virgin and plan on staying that way for a little while at least until i find someone im willing to be with mentally, emotionally and physically.... thats why i wouldnt touch her with a ten foot pole

  11. well this just happened to me today lol... this girl really likes me i guess... lol she has a bf too and she came up and flashed me for no aparent reason... i didnt even ask her to lol... and dont worry i wouldnt touch her with a ten foot pole because she is like this lol...


    but anyways... just like the topic says, has anyone ever had a girl come up and flash you her boobs right in the middle of school? during a class? if so give a scenario please... i just wanna know if this happens anywhere else or with anyone else than this girl lol...

  12. ok now this is just me... or maybe its every other guy too lol but this is what i think... i think goddess23 nailed it... i mean i dont mind to see the abs but i would actually rather not see them... ur stomach doesnt even need to be hard for me... i can be all fat... just as long as its not like a hangover or something gross like that... i have a picture of a girl that i could send you that i think is pretty much perfect but im not gonna do that because i dont think she would appreciate being sent all over the internet lol... but shes curvy... big butt and big boobs lol... and yea she has a little bit in the stomach area to grab on to but i like it... and well she doesnt look fat at all and when she lays down you can see her ribs and stuff... and when she sits down you can see where it rolls up or whatever... just a little bit... but i dont think you ever need to see ur abs or anything... and you dont have to have a totally flat stomach either... i like for my girls to not be supermodel annorexic skinny looking... lol... i like them to have a little meat on their bones but not to be huge ya know... but it sounds like ur probably actually fine how you are right now... but if you feel like ur fat then you should try to lose it so ur happy with urself... not to please guys... cuz when the right one comes along hes not gonna care if he can see ur abs lol... but he might care if ur HUGE... so just keep ur body in proportion... hope i helped in my rambling advice lol

  13. hey im 16 and a virgin... i know im still really young and stuff can still happen between now and marriage but i do want to wait until marriage...


    i used to try and get girls to like me and try to get into their pants and stuff like most other teenage boys... but then one night i actually got a girl to kiss me and then she ended up on top of me with her shirt off and i had to tell her to stop because i realized that i wanted to wait... i think its a good thing to wait until marriage...


    I am proud of myself for waiting and for stopping that girl on that one night... she was my first and only kiss and we went further than just kissing... but im glad we stopped... and im also happy we went that far... i learned a lot about myself that night... i think of it as a good experience for me and for her but i didnt want it to go any further and im proud of myself.

  14. wow i think goddess23 nailed it... in that situation either ur gonna get driven up the wall by listening to what she says and allowing urself to be jealous or ur gonna rebuttle and tell her about all the other girls that you think are hot or good looking or whatever and that makes her jealous... im experiencing that right now lol...ive allowed myself to be infatuated with this girl for about 3 years and she never wanted anything to do with me other than just be friends.. and we got close and whatever... but lol now ive been haning out with a different girl and im taking her to the prom and everything... and i really think that the other girl is getting jealous... cuz she now tells me everyday that she "loves me" in a playful manner ya know... nothing serious... and she always gives me hugs... every time i see her she gives me a hug now lol... and i just think that its funny cuz as soon as i backed off its like she said o no im gonna let this guy get away and now shes trying to get me back so to speak lol.. so i would do that... just tell her about other girls and how you like them... even if you really dont cuz its gonna make her jealous and shes gonna want you back more than likely...

  15. ok well ive been taking ur advice DN... and i know this isnt fair but ive found another girl that i think i could date... and its not fair to her because i know my thoughts will still sometimes be with the other girl... but i am listening to you and findin someone else to try and get over her and remain as friends... and if it doesnt work out then she might say o well i guess hes not such an easy person to go out with me... as in right now she might think well if i ask him out he would say yes or if i wanted to go out with him i could just flirt a little more and he would ask... and then after she thinks im more of a challenge maybe things will work out... i dont have a clue how this is gonna turn out but im gonna try


    thanks a lot guys

  16. ouch... im in that situation too... and DN has given me advice on my post too... if you would like to read it its in Dating and called "i am not the one"... but i dont know what to tell you... its really tough and i will be watching this post too so i can help get advice for me too... but im very sure that it is going to hurt you in the end... as i am going to probably get hurt in my situation also... good luck tho...

  17. actually shidoshi... yes i would still be stuck on this friendship with her... you dont understand and im sure there is no way for me to explain it but we honestly tell eachother everything and i know for a fact that if we lost each other as friends both of us would be devastated... because of what we've been throught together... there is no way that i would get out of this friendship unless she died or flat out stopped talkin to me or something... and i know she wouldnt stop talking to me... so if there was another girl it wouldnt come between me and her same if there was a boyfriend for her...

  18. wow... this is kinda weird... theres a girl in my school that is in that situation... she is the 17 year old and what not... but she isnt jewish lol and seriously if you hadnt said that she was i would think you were the guy she talks to... cuz her msn has been acting up and whatever... very interesting tho... she has an accent and she obviously would have an accent to anyone from a different country... lol... but anyways i just thought it was cool that you were in that situation and i have a REALLY close friend in that same exact situation...

  19. also... i know that in the past she has had a crush on me... but she hid it so darn well... i didnt find out until a few months afterward... one of her friends told me...


    but anyways she did have a "crush" or whatever on me before and i was kinda hoping that she would get those feelings again... i know you dont know much about her or me or our situation but if you could kinda give me what you think is the chance that she could have those feelings again it would be great...

  20. "The Great Gatsby" good book by the way... my enlish teacher called his cat Gatsby... its his favorite character out of all the books he has read...


    all of that aside... i thank you both for your advice and what you have said... i dont like what shidoshi is saying but i know i have to respect what you are saying because i think its probably true... i hate it but i think ur right...


    however i have also thought about just stickin it out to see what happens because i know things do come out of friendship... but i dont know if ill ever get the courage to ask her out because id hate for things to be weird between us... i love her so much as a friend... and as possibly more... and well i dont want things to be weird or have her just stop talking to me or anything... if i lost her as a friend it would kill me...


    please help clear things up... because you both have said the things that i have thought and i never could reach a conclusion as to what i actually think... or what i want to think for that matter... so please keep talking to me and giving me advice... because so far nothing has been cleared up but has just been put back into my head from almost the identical thoughts ive had... thank you

  21. I know im only 16 and ur gonna say well... u can't have too much experience in stuff like this because ur young... but whatever...


    believe it or not I have seen this sooooooooooo many times it would make ur head spin... i think of it like a tango... when one person moves forward... being you at first, the other one moves backward... like he did when you liked him or whatever... now you back off and he just automatically moves forward...


    thats how i look at it anyways...


    i dont think it means anything other than you two are close and when you backed off he thought that he needed to move in or else he could lose you... and asking you out was the way he decided to move in... if that makes any sense to you at all...

  22. I am in love with this girl, well maybe not in love but ive had a HUGE crush on her since... well since i've met her about 3 years ago... at first i didnt talk to her because we were in eighth grade and i was the fat goofy kid that everyone was friends with but no girl would ever date...


    anyways... i have always had a crush on her... and now we are to the point where we are really good friends... she is from a different country and where she came from she had a ton of friends but the people in our school are addicted to the drama and so they stab each other in the back and what not... and well i dont do that... i guess you could say im above that and she always says that that is what she loves about me...also that im my own person... and even though all of my friends go out and drink and party or whatever, i dont do that cuz i seriously have a ton going for me. (straight A student, 4 sport athlete, honor choir, FFA, that sort of thing)


    anyways... we are really good friends which is good for me... i like that... i can handle it... but when she talks about how other guys are hot and o he has a nice body or i like this guy a lot... it just hurts me... im a really jealous guy i guess... and just when i think ive got up my courage and i think she kinda likes me too, and im gonna ask her out... she goes and says something about this other guy "o i like him alot. he is so cool. and he is cute" blah blah blah...


    well i dunno what my question is really i just kinda wanted to vent and tell somebody... but if you have any tips for helping me to get her to at least be willing to give me a chance then please tell me... every time i hear her voice or see her or hear her name... it just reminds me that i will never get a chance with her.. and as much as i love to be with her and near her... i just cant handle it anymore...


    by the way she is by far the most beautiful girl ive ever met... she is unbelievable in every way... i dunno what it is about her but i adore her... all i want is a real chance... o and im not the fat goofy kid anymore... ive actually become quite athletic and some... not many but some girls think im good looking... besides she isnt shallow enough for that to be much of a factor in the dating game i dont think...



  23. hey thanks to both of you for ur input... especially you BellaDonna... since youve been there. well see im not planning on sneaking around with her no matter how fun that does sound lol i also dont want to have sex with anyone yet... so thanks for the whole protection and be safe thing but i wont need protection... my pants will stay zipped i assure you... ive learned a lot of things from my brother's mistakes and i dont need my life to be sped up by having a baby or anything so im just gonna not even risk it...


    but i think you might be right about them not wanting to see her grow up and i think maybe i could suck up to her mom... but ive never seen or talked to her mom... and i havent even talked to this girl very much since i only met her over winter break and shes been grounded from the phone ever since basically... so ive never seen her dad ive only talked to him on the phone for very brief periods of time where it was only him yelling and me trying to get out a peep... lol... well im starting to get over it, i mean i really wanted to be with her... i had soooooooo much fun with her and i know she did too... and she is really beautiful... i dunno... i


    m kind of confused by this whole thing. im usually loved by all parents of EVERYONE... i mean my friends parents even call me their son, and one (who has 4 boys) calls me the "good son that she never had"... so i just am not used to being treated like this i guess... ill get over it eventually but i really like this girl... ill try the whole suckin up to the mom thing... but i dont even know where she lives exactly... i know what city its in and the neighborhood but i dont know the house... so i cant just go over there and expect to see her mom... but i could try calling and hope that either her or her mom picks up... cuz if her dad picks up then he surely will know my voice and hang up...


    if you have any more input or anything that i could do PLEASE chime in and help me... THANKS A LOT

  24. ok well over winter break i met this girl at one of my friends house... i dont go to school with either one of them or anything... but we were at his house (there were like 10 of us there) and it was kind of a small party. we were just hanging out and somebody said we should watch a movie. so we stuck one in (i dont even remember what movie it was) but that girl sat next to me. about half way through the movie she leaned her head on my shoulder so i put my arm around her and we kinda cuddled for a lil bit. then she got thirsty and got a drink for me and her. when she came back she decided to sit on my lap instead of next to me which was definitely cool with me. so we reclined in the couch and cuddled and talked. didnt watch the movie at all. but anyways... the other guys went out to the hot tub and the two of us stayed there together. we kept on talking and she started kissing my neck and ...... other stuff happened... it ended up with me stopping her cuz we just met... and both of us are virgins and i just didnt think it was worth it right there... i asked her if she wanted to hang out sometime and she said no... i was shocked and went home... about a week later she finally called me (i wouldve called her but i didnt have her # and i dont know her last name either lol and i dont know how she got mine)... anyways she said the reason she said no wasnt cuz she wasnt interested in me but it was because her parents are VERY overprotective.


    I asked her dad if i could date her and he straight up told me no. i asked if he would be alright with it if we had a dinner with them first or something so he could meet me and see what im like and he shot that idea down... he really just doesnt want her to date anybody... well we talked on the phone for a while after that without her dad knowing... but one day during our conversation he picked up the phone in the middle of our conversation and started yelling at her and grounded her from the phone...


    i guess all i want to know is what do you think i could try to see if her dad would ever let it happen... cuz im not gonna date her behind her parents back. i dont think it would work too well that way... thanks for reading this LONG post and replying...

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