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  1. ok to start from the beginning. I met this girl and we had a good relationship for about 9 months we started having some stupid disagreements. and my friend talked me into breaking up with her. well i just told her that i needed a little bit of time alone to straighten things out. She loved me to death i know this and i also took her virginity but she thought that i wasn't comin back so a boy asked her out and she went for it. well a month after we broke up i called her and she told me she had been datin this boy for a couple of days. but she didn't want to break up with him because she didn't want to break his heart like i did to her. and for about a month or two i tried everything to get her to go back out with me and on valentines day i spent all of my money on a very expensive necklace and ring and went to her house and gave it to her and when i did i kissed her and she kissed me back like she loved me. like we used to kiss but she still wouldn't go out with me. I guess now that i know i cant have her back i realize how much i actually love her and i cant stop thinking about her. I try everything to forget about her even dating other people but i just cant and everything i do or see brings her back into my mind. I think i am goin to go insane if something doesn't happen soon either i forget about her or she goes back out with me. we still talk about 1 time a week and she says she loves me but she loves tommy too and she doesn't want to break his heart for someone who broke hers so bad. can anyone give me some advice on winning her back or as last resort forgt about her. but i seriously dont think i will be able to forget about her. my father died when i was 10 and i have cried more over this girl than i have over my dads death.some one helpplease i will appreciate it alot. I have written a letter that is about 3 pages saying i am sorry for everything and just about every one of my thoughts that i have kept in about her (all good) is this a good idea to give it to her?
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