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Posts posted by Daeralic

  1. As a guy myself he's interested very well may be interested. He remembers you and jokes with you and is seemingly nice. I'd just ask him if he wants to go out. And just so you know. you may be shy but as far as i know NO guy would turn down a woman because she's shy. Just ask him. Before it's too late and you regret it. I'm shy myself and know how you feel.

  2. Whatever is getting you so down you really should talk about. There might be a way to fix the problem. I once thought about suicide. Then realized that i was the one causing the problems by allowing them to happen. People stepping on me and my family treating me like crap, always doing the same thing day in day out, had my heart broken, couldn't understand why i felt down about it when it was always happening. You obviously have reason to live. Find someone you trust and talk about your problem. If you don't trust anyone then post online about it. We've never met but I still don't want you to die. Life can be beautiful if you let it.

  3. Okay first off. I have friends who aren't virgins. It might be the "first time" syndrome you're feeling. Most people often find themselves going crazy for the first person they sleep with. It's expected and happens ALOT!! Just ask yourself this. Do you want to be with "sara" or "lisa"? And keep sex out of the question. Maybe lisa is better in bed and that's why you feel like this. Maybe it's cause you wanted her so bad. Not to mention lots of people often find an adrenaline rush and excitement from cheating or being with someone who is cheating. Maybe she wants you now that she can't have you whenever she wants. If it is one of the above then leaving "sara" may end becoming the worst decision of your life down the road with "Lisa". Is isn't my place to tell you so don't go out and just do something based on one person like me. Who do you want to be with when there is no sex involved? And who are you willing to hurt to be with that person? "Lisa" might be hurt because she really did want a relationship but only now realizes she only had a chance then. But "Sara" will be hurt because you said you loved her and went with someone else. Tough choice but it needs to be made. One or the other is the only way things like this work

  4. Not too lucky in this area but maybe i can help in some areas. First off remember it's not just what you say or do but others as well. If you act like something your not she'll notice. You say pickup lines she may think you pathetic. If her close friends don't like you she may not want anything to do with you(sometimes people take their date to meet friends so their friends can judge them). And let me say this....confidence does play a huge part however you only need to appear confident. Just take a few deep breaths before talking to her. Strike up a conversation by asking her how her day is going and then just ask her what she likes to do for fun. Then just say you want to spend some time doing that to get to know her better. Just remember that it may take time for her to want to do anything( some people like to spend time with themselves)and it's always her choice. Just don't sweat it. No need to be nervous. If you don't ask her nothing will happen. If you do the worst that can happen is that she'll only be your friend but even with that there's always the chance for later. Confidence is saying to yourself what have i really got to lose if i ask. Just be yourself cause she'll see right throught every lie and stupid move you do to impress her and it may make her think about the others more. Just at least let her know you're interested in her

  5. Growing up most of my friends have been women. If it's one thing i know it's that women hate to be shown pity. By saying you pity her it's like saying i'm sorry you'll never be as good as me and everyone else. That's why she got angry. That or she felt like the only reason you're even friends with her is because you pity her. Just remember asking is okay just not so much you look like an idiot.

  6. I know it's hard. My sister had a child at 15 and adoption was looked at. She chose to not to and instead has been raising him with the help of my parents. What you really need to do is look at the entire picture. Are you wanting to give him up merely because you don't feel you can support him financially? Is it partly because having him meant you had to give up certain aspects of being young and you want to experience them? He is your child and wanting the best for him is NOT selfish.


    Just take some time with this before making your decision. You might even want to look at maybe getting some things from uncle sam for being a single mother. Either way it won't be easy. Just make sure what you do is what's best for him and you. You will want to see him if you're apart. Just don't make a decision based on what you missed.


    My sister is now 18. Not too many friends doesn't do much except take care of her son. But she is happy for having him in her life even though she never got to go out partying or stay out all night with her friends. But they understand and most importantly both her and her son are happy. Living proof that sometimes getting help is better than giving up.

  7. I know it's hard telling someone you care for something big. Nothing ever seems like it's right. But you really need to get it out in the open at least for your sake. Things like this eat away at you and eventually control your life. Someday when she's not busy and you can get her in private just tell her you need to get something off your chest and tell her exactly what you told us. It will be hard to say and might take a while to find the courage but it needs to be done. TELL HER! If you really are friends and she is your dreamgirl then she NEEDS to know. And being a friend she will understand why it was so hard in the first place. You'll feel better getting out. Don't let it eat away at your life

  8. I've never dealt with adhd myself but i do know someone who's child has it. From what i've seen the doctors immediately put him on very expensive drugs that do nothing whatsoever as far as i or anyone else can tell. He also seems to be aware that he has it and uses it to get his way constantly, knowing that everyone is treating him like the exception simply because he has adhd. His teachers friends and even his parents are trying to deal with the adhd when he's using it as an excuse. It sounds to me like maybe there is something he hasn't told you guys. And it's possible that maybe he just hates having it and feels in a way that maybe family is responsible for making him like this. I would sit him down and force him to have a serious family talk and try to get to the root of the problem before seeking professional help. Sometimes people need a family member to force something out of them rather than a shrink to talk it out or medication to dull it out. Just my thoughts. I truly hope you get through this

  9. I need some help. For a long time now i've been very close friends with a woman. My problem is that i have become seriously attracted to her and she is married. I morally want nothing to happen other than friendship but i can't stop thinking about her. I also know that she is EXTREMELY unhappy in her marriage. Keep in mind she has 2 kids but not with her current husband(she has been divorced once). I decided that i should at least let her know how i feel for her and ask her how she feels for me so we can get it out in the open and figure out what needs to be done but she just says "All you're feeling is that we're close friends".


    The way she says it though is almost as if she's ordering me to feel like that. Body language and the way she talks with me is making me think that MAYBE she does want something more(giving me mixed signals). For her i would be more than willing to set aside my morals for a relationship. I just can't figure everything out though and your advice would be helpful

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