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Posts posted by LostWithoutYou

  1. okay...so it seen like me and my ex g/f is kinda sorta talking again but taking it slow....we talked this morning and it went pretty well. At the end of the conversations as we both are letting each other go for our day's businesses she said well, give me a call sometimes...how long should i wait to call her back, tonight? wait it out for couple of days? any advises

  2. I've been trying to do the NC and sticking to it, but last night she called my house phone and my little brother picked up the phone and handed to me, it was her on the phone. She wanted to know if I was ingorning her? so I said no and without going into details, she started to asked me what did I do for the past 4 days? I couldn't really talk because I was having dinner with my parents and told her of that, she said she will let me go and have dinner.


    I'm really baffles as to why? she knows how I feel about her, i've told her many times and I had gotten to tbe point I don't need to say it any more. ( I still love her, want us to give it a another try but she wanted her space.) SHould I continue doing the NC and let her come on to me more? I know, don't over do it just enough for me to know she's ready for me?


    ps. I didn't even call her back after wards...

  3. thanks everyone...okay speaking of the devil, I got a text message from her around 2:15pm "how r u, haven't heard from you in a long time (4 days)". so I ingnored the message about 30-45 minutes later another message came through "How are you" again I ignored the message. 15 minutes later a message came through and I guess it bothered her that I didn't reply and this time it says "Ingorning me? I understand". I turned off my phone this time.


    I hope what i'm doing is not childish like and not being abit harshed. so I started thinking "what if she just wanted to see what i've been up too, to see if everything is okay on my end?" but i know as soon as I reply, I will be back to square one.


    ps: is it me or do you feel much better knowing that you're ex is trying to figure out what you're doing and how come you haven't return her/his message/phone calls/text etc...

  4. Okay, for all of you thats doing NC for months and months how do you do it? its been 4 days for me and I'll tell you, its probably the hardest 4 days of my life...


    Been brokenup 11 months but we kept on keeping contacts between us (she does most of the contact)...just recently she stopped calling me 4days ago and all these thoughts are running through my head. I don't know weather I should call her or just leave her alone and wait til she call me back? I'm giving her her space and I don't want to ruin our chances of getting back together.


    For those that has been doing NC for months and months how do you do it? please give me any advices on how to remain calm and how to take your mind off of the phone. thanks

  5. hey, i'm in somewhat of the same situation as you...I know its hard not to think about your ex/gf and this new guy because i'm having a hard time too. You can't really blame her because you to are not together. give her her space as I'm giving my ex/gf hers...if she really misses you and love you she will take you back. Good luck


    ps when you talk to her, don't bring up the subject of this new guy like mataney said. it will drive her away, just act cool.

  6. My ex and I broken up for 9 months and we're been talking since our break up. Yesterday, I was able to pay her a visit (2 hours drive) and spent the night with her. When asked how she felt about me, she said she loves me but not the same love that once she had with me so I dropped the subject and started to talk about something else.


    I want to show her that I still love her and I think about her everyday. But, it kills me not knowing that her hearts still with me or is it focusing on someone else. So, my questions is, should I just take things slow, less contact than before? (we talked almost once every other day). been supportive even if she talks to her guy friends? (she told me, she has alot of guy friends). I don't know what to do? I really want to be with her but I don't want to push her away.


    Please, someone tell me the meaning of taking it slow?

  7. Why is it that when you love someone so much, you just can't seem to let them go? and you always constantly thinking of them 24/7...and is it true, "If you really love someone, set them free and if they come back it was meant to be?"...Its been 9 months for me and I still love my ex dearly. I just can't seem to get her out of my mind.

  8. whoa...and I thought I'm the only one thats going through this heartache. My ex and I broken up for 9 months now and til this day I still think about her and hoping and praying that she will come back to me. Just yesterday I found out that she's talking to her new so called guy friends and I'll tell you a ton of bricks just dropped on top of me. I feel like i'm back to square one after 9 months of healing. I don't know what to think and how to feel? I just hope I'll get over this and move on for good!

  9. okay...as I was doing fine for the past 2-3 weeks when my ex g/f and I broken up for over 4 months it seems that when we're just broken up we talked to each other almost everyday and as time goes on, we talk less and less....well, yesterday she called me and told me she was in town and staying at a friends house, so I said okay..my feelings for her started to come back and I wanted to meet up with her so bad...she also mentioned that her car got broken into while she was down here. I feel rreally bad for her and I can't stop thinking and worrying about her....I told her that if there's anything that I can do, let me know and since then I've been sitting by the phone and waiting for her to call me. (No, call as of yet) why I do feel like this? am I a sucker? I just can't seem to stop thinking about how she's gonna get home. what she's going through and stuff....

  10. I just found out today that by this coming Friday, I might or might not have a job...my company is down sizing....I don't know what to do? I just renewed my lease at my apartment complex 2 months ago. I don't want to have any bad credit on my file and finding a job nowadays is not like what it used too......GrrrRRR!! why does my life sucks! at the beginning of the year, my ex g/f and I broke up and now its this....I can't take this anymore...I want to DIE!!!!

  11. nosoul,


    Sorry to hear about what happened...I want you to know you're not alone. Right now I feel like my life is worthless, I can't seem to do anything but all I can think is about my ex g/f. How, much I want her to come back to me etc...I know you probably hear this all over the forum but "Time heal all wounds" right now, just keep yourself busy and try not to think about him. I know its easier said then done but you have to just start thinking about yourself first, and do things that makes you happy. I know i'm giving you advised but I can't seem to follow it on my own. So good luck...

  12. Here is something I found and I know alot of us here can relate to this song...


    Stevie B-Waiting for you love


    How can I explain

    The sorrow and my pain

    I believe that you and I should be

    Together once again


    Every night I pray

    That you'll come back to me

    But the tears keep falling down my face

    When you're not around



    But now you're gone

    Gone away

    All I do is wait for you

    Each and every day




    I'm waiting for your love

    I'm wondering where you are

    Are you with another guy

    Are you showing him your world



    I'm waiting for your love

    I want to see your smile

    Brighten up my day

    Yes I'm waiting for your love

    Yes I'm waiting for your love


    Many sleepless nights

    I've waited by the phone

    I'm wondering where you are tonight

    If you're all alone


    If I had another chance

    I'd never let you go

    My heart's been broken in two

    And it's all because of you



    Now your gone

    Gone away

    All I do is wait for you

    Each and every day




    I'm waiting for your love

    I'm wondering where you are

    Are you with another guy

    Are you showing him your world



    I'm waiting for your love

    I want to see your smile

    Brighten up my day

    Yes I'm waiting for your love

    Yes I'm waiting for your love



    I'm waiting for your love

    I'm wondering where you are

    Are you with another guy

    Are you showing him your world



    I'm waiting for your love

    I want to see your smile

    Brighten up my day

    Yes I'm waiting for your love

    Yes I'm waiting for your love

  13. DragonGirl724,


    Believe me, everyday is so tough its like you want to get this feeling and pain to go away but you just don't know where to start. Maybe this is where I should start to get it off of my chest for once and for all to let her know exactly how i feel about her, and when I lay down to sleep at night knowing that what I did was I gave it my all.


    Best of luck to us that needs closeure from our ex-es so we can start the healing process....

  14. thanks everyone...I was thinking for closure on my part, next time she calls should I tell her...


    "By now, you should know how I feel about you. I love you with all my heart and it hurts me alot because we're not together and hearing your voice makes it even harder. I always have hopes in us getting back together everytime you called but its been 3 months now and you're still there and I'm still here. I wish you the best in pursueing happyiness in your endeavors. Please don't call me no more because I feel like riding a train to nowhere and riding it over and over again. If you said you loved me, please let me go."

  15. I just found out that my ex is talking to someone....what should I do? I still love her and wish one day we will be back together, one thing is that she still calls me but she doesn't know that I know she's talking with her new man...I'm so confused and heartbroken and it looks like my world just crumbling down on me. I don't know what to tell her nice time she calls, I want to wish her the best and just end it and ask her not to call me any more....please help....

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