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  1. Needed to bump this thread cause it's another one of my down days..... Gonna talk about my other cousin who got dumped a long time ago by this guy she was convinced was the one she was gonna marry. They went to college together and were together for quite some time when one day he just felt like the two of them were not compatible enough and just not going anywhere together. She was absolutely devastated, crying all the time and my own mom told me that the whole family believed there was no chance they would ever get back together. He initiated NC and she basically had to just go along with it. It was quite a long breakup from what I've heard from my family and such. Months to maybe even up to a year or so. But now they're happily married with a son. I need to find out the full story from them! Will definitely update on here when I do.
  2. Was talking to my cousin yesterday about my breakup and she reassured me that everything will be ok, then proceeded on telling me her story w her husband. Basically they had dated in high school and things just didn't work out. She said it was bad timing. They ended up breaking up and not speaking to each other for some time. Then, slowly, they started talking again and became really good friends. They ended up getting into several relationships with other people and whenever they had some issues they would talk to each other about it and give each other advice. She said that when they were younger she never really thought it would work out just because he pretended to be such a "tough guy" but everytime they were alone together he acted so differently and soon she fell for him while being close friends. I'm pretty sure it was years that they were broken up because she was with several guys and they were mostly long term relationships. Now they're married w three kids. She told me that separating was probably the best thing for them because it allowed them to grow up and have separate experiences with other people. It also allowed them to really appreciate each other. She said that breakups are ridiculously hard but the best thing to do is move on and just see what happens. Eventually one day things will work out regardless with who it's with.
  3. Saw some good things on here recently and just needed to add some more stories! 1) An old friend of mine from hs was dumped by her bf a long time ago. I can still remember her being so devastated and was begging and pining for him back. He was so against it. She would do silly things like drive all the way by his house just to see if she can get a glimpse of him (no judgement). They were pretty NC as initiated by him. Pretty sure once we all got into college she became more focused and tried to move forward, realized it wasn't worth it anymore if he didn't care. He noticed and quickly realized he actually didn't want to lose her. Fast forward 7 years later, they're still together with a puppy baby and living with each other! 2) Know a girl who was kind of dating this guy when we were in hs. Never got too serious but I don't think she really liked him. She ended up getting pregnant and almost marrying another guy. They ended up breaking up. First guy showed up and they've been happy ever since! 3) Another old friend of mine from hs was devastated when her ex not only dumped her but cheated on her. You could always tell she was never really that happy afterwards. But regardless she tried to move on. Guess he realized grass was not greener and they're now back together and she looks ecstatic. Side story: Was talking to a coworker of mine who's been with her husband for 16 years. Told her about my recent BU. She was telling me that relationships are not easy and regardless of what we see on the outside, we don't know what's going on behind closed doors. A lot of couples break up, whether it may be for a short amount of time or years. Sometimes it really does depend on the circumstances. May it be distance, stress, timing, etc. A relationship involves two people and if one person feels like they're no longer happy they have the right to leave. You don't want to be stuck in a relationship that you don't think would work. It's unfair for both people when one of them just aren't in it 100% anymore. The other person in the relationship should also be able to let go if they care for their significant other deeply. Sometimes space needs to be created where people can find themselves. One day they might just come back, realizing they do, in fact, need you. Take that time to grow and succeed on your own. Also it's important to love yourself. If things don't work out with your ex, someone else will come around and they'll grow to love you as much as you'll grow to love them. It's hard and after having your heart broken you oftentimes feel like you can't move forward. But it's possible. I'm currently learning that myself. I forgot how to do things on my own and how to enjoy my own company! I truly believe that if you're a good person regardless of what was said, done, etc during the breakup, with time people eventually start to remember all the good that happened in the relationship. Keep the faith people, everything will work out eventually!
  4. Really struggling lately because my ex actually just recently blocked me on everything, so now it's really strict NC so I thought I'd bump this thread.... Know a couple who had been together since hs. Then I think they hit a rough patch in the middle of being in college. They were single for awhile and I don't think the two of them really dated anyone else, just really focused on themselves. Well the guy ended up going to police academy, came back. She ended up contacting him and now they're back together, looking happier than they've ever been.
  5. Another story, been having a lot of these lately. Lol I know a couple who was in a relationship when they were young, maybe early high school. It didn't last long, not sure how long, but they ended up breaking up. Fast forward a few years later and they were still in love with each other. They ended up getting married, however, another few years after, they ended up getting divorced. He's in the air force and she's in college. Not sure what happened there but I know that she ended up following him to wherever he went. It could've just been a stressor on their relationship. Not a successful relationship in the end, but they still tried, and who knows what's going on now, they've been very quiet about it.
  6. More stories: 1) I know this couple who were on and off for years. Pretty sure they initially met in college and then when they graduated they were LDR for awhile. She cheated on him all the time, and vice versa. Absolutely terrible but I mean I guess that's what LDR's do. You miss the comfort of having someone there all the time and you look for that elsewhere. Anyways they ended up breaking up, what looked like for good. Fast forward a few months to a year later and I see her posting a lot of cutesy photos of them again everywhere. They look really in love. Good for them, but still I don't like the cheating. Guess we'll see how that goes! 2) Another couple I know were together for years as well, hs sweethearts. They ended up breaking up for unknown reasons. I remember seeing the girl all last summer at parties and she was living the single life. He, on the other hand, got into a relationship with another girl. Pretty sure it was for a few months or so. Saw him around too, seemed happy. Then one day out of nowhere while out eating breakfast w my now-ex, we saw them walk into the same diner. They were back together! And the girl he was dating seems to be back with her ex now too. Lol. Funny! Goes to show that no matter the circumstances whether there was cheating involved, moving on to another relationship, etc, if things are meant to be, it will be.
  7. Another story (that is actually a personal experience): This guy was never actually my official boyfriend but we did date. He was emotionally abusive and downright mean. And he honestly dragged it for two years, making it seem like he always liked me. I was so dumb, didn't know what was and wasn't good for me. One night we just got into a huge argument (which was normal for us honestly), him yelling at my face & he made me cry in front of our friends and everything. From then I told myself I'd never ever talk to him again, I deserved better. I initiated NC from then. He even called me the day after, I ignored it. In a few months I actually got into a relationship with my ex now and old abusive guy texted me "congrats" when he found out because he saw it posted on FB that I was now in a relationship. I was actually angry, but I calmed myself because I was now happy so I just ignored it. I was in a much better place. But then another few months later he decided to call me, repeatedly! I didn't answer any of his calls. I ended up telling my ex (who was my boyfriend then) and he was PISSED! Literally wanted to beat this guy up. I was pissed too because after all the emotional abuse he actually put me through he would not stop trying to contact me. From then I blocked him on everything, deleted his number, everything. Not a good reconciliation story, but yes they usually do come back. He's someone I plan on never talking to ever again though. You can't put someone through something like that and expect them to come back. This is why I appreciate my ex so much right now. He literally taught me how it was to be in a good relationship. And he taught me that what I had gone through was not healthy at all and I was worth more and deserve the best. I seriously love that man so much. I don't even think he knows how much. Hoping I can write a reconciliation story about us one day.
  8. Going through a breakup myself & it's been terrible. But this thread is giving me hope so I figured I'd bump it Some get back together stories I know: 1) One of my friends and her bf have been having issues for a few months now. They live together and there's a child involved. He ended up cheating on her and she found out and became devastated. Ended up breaking up with him because she just couldn't handle it any longer. Issue is, they STILL live together so it's kind of hard to do NC. But he's been really working hard to show her how much he messed up. She's working on it too and I honestly think it's gonna end well. They love each other so much! 2) One of my other friends recently got dumped too. They were together for 5 years, high school sweethearts. They've been LDR for quite some time now. One day a few months ago he just decided to pick up the phone and say he couldn't do it anymore. She was absolutely devastated. Did NC for a month, told me that one day she just woke up and realized she'll be ok. That very same day he started coming back to her. Almost like their roles switched! Begging and calling nonstop, apologizing for the huge mistake he just made. We went out to dinner and drinks just this past weekend, he would not stop calling her! And my friend was basically over it, ignoring him the whole time. Said "if he really wants me back, he needs to better himself. He made this decision, now he needs to deal with it." She is pretty bada**!! (Not exactly the reconciliation story you probably wanted but they do come back eventually!) That's it for now, I'll possibly be posting more. I have tons of hope. Some days I feel like it's really over between my ex and I but other times I just feel like our story isn't over yet. Read my thread if interested, I need all your advice! It's under breaking up: Blindsided.
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