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  • Matthew Frank
    Matthew Frank

    How Can I Get Back On Track When Nothing Seems To Be Going Right?

    Dear eNotAlone: I kept telling myself that things were going to get better, but they're not. Everything seems harder to deal with than I thought it would be. Nothing ever goes the way I expect it to. People have been offering me advice, but none of it seems to make a difference. No matter what I do, life looks so daunting and overwhelming. Why can't I seem to get everything together like I used to be? How can I get back on track when nothing seems to be going right?

    * * *

    Life can be unpredictable, that's a fact. In times when everything is hard, it's important to remember that this is just a phase and to focus on the little — but meaningful — steps. It might be hard to press the reset button, but don't be afraid to try new things if you feel stuck.

    First, assess the source of your stress. Are there external or internal factors at play causing these difficulties in your life? Be honest with yourself and try to pinpoint the root cause of your struggles. Talking it out with a friend or a professional can help clarify and offer a different perspective.

    Second, give yourself grace. Wherever you're at in life right now, try to love and accept yourself. Acknowledge your limitations and set realistic goals for yourself. Don't expect things to change overnight — too often we beat ourselves up for not being where we want to be or for being further behind than others. That's why it's so important to treat yourself gently and recognize small victories as you go along.

    Third, take action. When nothing seems to go the way you plan it, it's easy to become complacent. Don't fall victim to the ease of passive living — make choices and work to create the life you want for yourself. Break down larger tasks into smaller, achievable goals and celebrate your successes, no matter how small.

    Make sure you're taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. Incorporating mindful activities such as meditation, journaling and yoga can provide both a grounding and calming effect. Make sure you're also getting enough good rest, eating properly and devoting time to hang out with friends and family. Taking proper care of yourself is more important than you think and will go a long way in improving your mental wellbeing.

    It is possible to overcome pressure and struggle, no matter how big the obstacles may seem. Sometimes all it takes are some good old-fashioned self-love, self-reflection and taking consistent action. Don't be afraid to reach out for help when times get tough.

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