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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Finding Companionship in Times of Desolation

    Desolation. An unwelcome feeling; engulfs the soul, causing one to feel lost and lonely. In a world that seems so vast and ever-changing, how can one find solace in their own company? When the world feels cold and unfeeling, what should one do when they need companionship?

    First, it is important to recognize that this feeling is a normal human emotion. Everyone experiences loneliness at some point or another, especially during moments of transition or hardship. It is essential to create an environment of comfort where it is safe to explore feelings of isolationism. It is also important to remember one is never truly alone, as there is always someone who understands the feeling of desolation and is willing to lend a listening ear.

    It is also beneficial to focus on creating connections with those around them. Whether it be family, friends, coworkers, or acquaintances, relationships are immensely valuable. Connecting with people helps limit the feeling of loneliness and allows one to experience true happiness and joy.

    Additionally, taking part in activities can be incredibly useful in reducing loneliness. Participating in hobbies such as painting, writing, sports, or whatever interests them can provide an abundance of satisfaction. Doing something that brings solace and pleasure allows one to be in tune with their own thoughts and feelings in a healthy way.

    Furthermore, getting involved in the community can provide a connection to the greater good. Volunteering or participating in group events allows one to socialize and build meaningful connections on a deeper level. People come together for various purposes — helping the homeless, donating clothes, planting trees — the list goes on. Joining forces with a noble cause can bring a sense of purpose which will fight against feelings of helplessness and emptiness.

    Lastly, taking care of one’s wellbeing is important. Eating healthy, exercising regularly, or engaging in self-care routines are fundamental for personal wellness. Many people subtract themselves from social situations because they are too busy exhausting all other avenues of companionship. Self-care can fill the gap and still bring light to the darkness within.

    Life has its highs and lows and true companionship can be hard to find. Nonetheless, one should not lose hope in challenging times. Learning to be content with one’s own presence is a daunting task but one that begins with accepting loneliness as part of the human experience. There are countless tools available, allowing them to gain meaningful insights into their lonesome and allowing them to come out triumphant in the end.

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