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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Coping with the Seven Most Serious Childhood Traumas

    The world can be an unforgiving place for a child, especially when faced with a traumatic event. Childhood traumas, no matter how large or small, leave an imprint on their developing minds and emotions that impacts their lives for decades to come. It's easy to recognize signs of depression and anxiety, for example, but many more serious traumas lie far beneath the surface. Here are seven of the most serious childhood traumas and how to cope with them as an adult.

    1. Physical, Sexual, or Emotional Abuse

    Abuse is any action that is intended to control, frighten, exploit, or harm another person, and it is particularly damaging in childhood. The effects of abuse can include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and suicidal tendencies, making it a very serious trauma. The most important thing to remember if you experienced abuse as a child is that you are not responsible for what happened and you need to forgive yourself and seek help.

    2. Neglect

    Neglect is defined as the failure to provide adequate physical, emotional or social care, and it is just as damaging as abuse. It creates feelings of abandonment, worthlessness and even psychosis in some cases. Reintegrating back into a loving and supportive family environment can make all the difference for people who were neglected as children.

    3. Bullying

    Bullying is persistent, negative behavior aimed at scaring, hurting, or humiliating another person. It can leave victims feeling ashamed, alone, and helpless. Learning to recognize and develop self-worth is a major step towards healing from this trauma.

    4. Witnessing or Experiencing Domestic Violence

    Witnessing or experiencing domestic violence in childhood can have a profound psychological impact. It might be harder to recognize than other traumas because there’s often lingering guilt associated with witnessing or experience it. Understanding that you are not responsible for the perpetrator’s actions can be key in coming to terms with the emotional impact of this trauma.

    5. Unresolved Grief

    Grief is a normal response to death, but unresolved grief can have a major effect on a child’s mental and emotional wellbeing. If a child doesn’t have the resources to adequately process the loss, then it can lead to major emotional distress. Talking about the loss and seeking professional help from a counselor can begin the healing process.

    6. Disrupted Attachments

    Disrupted or interrupted attachments occur when there is an abrupt change in the primary caregiver or lack thereof, such as with foster care or adoption. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and helplessness in adulthood. Creating healthy attachments with supportive people can help survivors rebuild trust and self-confidence.

    7. Trauma in Foster Care

    Foster care is designed to protect children and give them a chance to lead better lives, however, it can sometimes have the opposite effect. Lack of stability, mental health issues with their caregivers, or even abuse and neglect can negatively affect foster children later in life. A supportive, safe environment with attentive adults is necessary for these individuals to avoid and more serious traumas that can result from foster care.

    Though childhood traumas can have a long-lasting and negative effect on our lives, there is hope. Learning to recognize and treat the effects of these traumas can help lead to a healthier and happier adulthood.

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