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  • kamurj

    5 Simple But Effective Breathing Exercises to Destress and Improve Your Mood

    Taking time out of your day to destress with breathing exercises can have a profound positive impact on both your physical and mental health. From increasing energy and reducing stress or anxiety levels, there are many benefits to breathing exercise that you may find worth exploring.

    One such exercise is cyclic sighing, which has been found to be particularly effective among different breathing exercises as well as being more effective than mindfulness meditation for both reducing anxiety 2and improving mood.

    Cyclic sighing, which was developed by Kenneth Rotch in 1984, essentially involves three parts: inhaling deeply, holding your breath and then sighing out. It works as a form of relaxomuscular release, as the physical act of sighing relaxes the muscles.

    The exercise itself is simple: take a deep exhale, letting the air escape from your lungs slowly; allow your diaphragm to become completely relaxed; close your eyes (if possible); and do statement breathing (inhale for five seconds, hold for the same length, exhale for the same length). Do this for three minutes at least once a day to receive the greatest benefit.

    Other forms of breathing exercises for relaxation and improved mood include the sound of singing bowls, laughter yoga, reflection practices, or meditative breathing. Singing bowls can be used to create a “song” that induces inner calm. Laughter yoga has participants practice deep belly breathing while making calming sounds with their mouths. Reflection practices involve repeating positive affirmations to yourself while taking deep breaths and taking time to reflect on the positivity these thoughts can bring. And finally, meditative breathing takes concentration, allowing the individual to concentrate on their natural and slow inhalations and exhalations.

    To maximize the effect of any of these exercises, clear your mind beforehand as much as possible. Even though it is difficult to do, try to distance yourself from any emotions or feelings related to whatever might be burdening you. This will allow your practice to be most effective by not allowing additional thoughts and worries to creep in and intensify whatever might already be causing your lack of serenity.

    Also try to practice the exercises in a safe and secure environment. If a location is available that’s quiet and comfortable, this can enhance your performance significantly. In this space you can divorce yourself from whatever might be going on in your outerspace, avoiding intrusion from outside stressors and providing an opportunity to really turn your attention wholly inward.

    Finally, breathe with gratitude. Before you begin any of the practices above, remind yourself that you're grateful for being able to find the resolution to reduce your stress. Full of gratitude and giving thanks in advance for the positive result will elevate your experience and help you get more out of the exercise faster.

    So don’t forget that when the days get stressful and chaotic, 5 minutes of breathing exercises can help reset your body and make you feel better. Practicing cyclic sighing appears to be more effective than mindfulness meditation, so give it a try and see what a difference it could make in your life.

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