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  • kamurj

    Finding Friends Who Will Nurture Your Strength

    Searching for reliable and steady support can be both an exhilarating and exhausting experience. In a world that often swells with criticism and competition, it is difficult to discern which people will nourish your spirit and who will deplete it. But take note: if somebody touches your life, it's for a reason. Everyone has something to offer us - even if only a valuable lesson. It is important then to recognize the people who energize rather than exhaust us, who nurture your natural strengths, cheer on your endeavours, and always extend more compassion than condemnation. That's how you find the friends who will lift you up.

    As with any mission, it requires some effort to look for those who bring out the best in us. We may need an extra dose of perspective in identifying these particular people, or sometimes we may just need a different scope of vision to glimpse them. It is our responsibility to be open to the possibilities that exist around us and brave in our approach to give trust its chance. Realize there will be mistakes made and successes earned along the way - these are what help us shape and define ourselves - but also keep an eye out for those who encourage that trajectory when their understanding surpasses our accomplishments.

    Evaluate the people who challenge you in productive ways; the ones who question more for clarification than for discredit. Everyone has their shortcomings, but those with exceptional insight recognize the many faces of potential in each individual. They discern unimaginable potential and the ability to reach ambitious goals. It is these people who have faith in you as an ever-evolving entity, who still understand your every trial and error, and who point out the light within amidst a sea of darkness.

    There's no denying the presence of negative influences in everyone's lives, especially when we're at our most fragile and vulnerable. But by no means should we succumb to their influence because they'll never push us towards what we were meant to be. Keeping in mind that the greatest accomplishment is not proving that we're right all the time, but learning to do what is right without fail.

    It takes discriminating wisdom to sift through the good, bad and ugly and recognize wholesome integrity. Avoid those who only acknowledge you on days when you give in and agree with them, or become surprised when you disagree, or attempt to change or mask who you are to suit their needs. Instead, seek out those who celebrate the unique qualities you offer - the ones who appreciate your presence in the form that you take and who hold you to that momentary version of yourself.

    Maladaptive coping strategies sometimes rear their ugly heads in order to shut out the negativity of people who try to bring us down. We may focus our energies on becoming success stories to prove them wrong, or find ways to simultaneously excel but also maintain exceptions to their ideals because a sense of autonomy helps us stay on our course. But simply empowering ourselves is insufficient if we don't also have a safe circle of friends and support. These must be attuned to our values, convictions, and dreams.

    Find the kindred souls who embrace your differences and treat them with unshakable acceptance, the ones who speak out louder than the voices of criticism.The individuals with an unwavering desire to expand your full potential, to open you up to opportunities you never imagined. It is these whom you must cherish—the ones who encourage and challenge us to be our very best. Because these are the people who affirm your power and help you make inspiring strides towards true greatness.

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