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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Need Help Choosing Between Two Paths After University?

    Dear eNotAlone: I really don't know what to do. Basically I am about to finish university and can't decide which of the two paths I should take - one offers a lot of potential in terms of career but confines me to the same location (which is not a bad place). The other option is more of a wild card, it makes me more open to new experiences but I'm not sure if it holds enough potential down the line.

    * * *

    It's here: that critical moment when two seemingly indistinguishable yet drastically divergent paths unfold before you. You're tasked with unraveling the intricacies of each and deciding if one offers a better future than the other, but at a certain point, it really comes down to a wild coin toss. As you hover on the edge of that metaphorical precipice, you may feel like you're without a handhold, without a life rope, without anything to catch your descent if you make the wrong decision.

    Just take a deep, calming breath. No matter which alliterative road you take, it can be hard to tell what awaits you-- are you headed toward a boon or a bust? To find out, let's explore some of the larger, overarching questions you should consider before making a decision. What is the endgame? How much potential does each path hold down the line? Will either require sacrifice? What goals do you want to achieve?

    For starters, have you properly assessed each choice against your long-term vision? If so, then you'll likely have a more established sense of what you wish to accomplish. Think of it like a roadmap: if achieving success is your ultimate aim, then review both options accordingly and pick the one that's more likely to take you there-- by no means an easy feat! That said, career stability and salary growth are important too; so, analyze these aspects and see how they fit into your ethos.

    Remember, when weighing your options, it's important to consider other parameters too. Will one keep you confined to one location a.k.a. in a literal holding pattern, limiting your ability to explore possibilities elsewhere? Or will the other bring unprecedented freedom and the chance for a fresh start? Knowing the answers to such questions can provide invaluable clarity.

    Furthermore, look beyond the tangible benefits and bare minimums; challenge yourself and ask what meaningful milestones you'd like to tick off along the way. Doing so can help you excavate the pathways you're contemplating down to their core—to identify what it is you truly want, whether it be more fulfilled in a professional capacity or an enriching personal journey.

    Above all, trust your intuition. Whichever route you choose, the wider world won't be the same as either one you've left behind. There'll be risks, new discoveries, and even failure, but maintain heart and hold fast to your principles— it'll be the very rails that conducts you to the destination you seek.

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