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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    What to Say When A Guy Asks, 'What Do You Want From Me?

    Understanding the Question: The Emotions Behind 'What Do You Want From Me?'

    First and foremost, let's delve deep into the emotional bedrock from which this question arises. When a man poses the query, "What do you want from me?", he's often seeking clarity and understanding. It's not merely a superficial call for a direct answer, but also a quest to understand the underlying emotions and intentions of the one asking.

    This question often surfaces in moments of vulnerability or when the dynamics of a relationship face challenges. It's a clear indicator of the need for improved communication and understanding between both parties. Hence, addressing it isn't just about providing a straightforward answer but also understanding the deeper layers of the relationship.

    Before delving into specific responses, we need to remember that communication isn't just about words. It involves understanding body language, emotional cues, and the context in which the conversation is taking place.

    A 2010 study by the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology revealed that men, on average, tend to communicate in a more solution-oriented manner. Thus, when they ask questions, they're often seeking clear, actionable insights. However, understanding the nuances of the situation is vital before jumping to any conclusions or crafting your response.

    It's also essential to note that a man asking this question might be feeling overwhelmed, confused, or even frustrated. Empathy should be the guiding principle in our response, ensuring the conversation remains constructive and does not escalate into an argument.

    Remember, both parties in a relationship have the responsibility to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding. The onus of effective communication doesn't rest on one person alone.

    Response Strategies: Crafting Your Answer

    Understanding that every individual and relationship is unique, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. However, a few general strategies can guide you in crafting a meaningful response that fosters understanding and growth in the relationship.

    1. Be Clear About Your Needs: One of the primary causes of miscommunication is vagueness. When you're aware of what you need from the relationship, express it with clarity. For instance, if you desire more quality time together, be specific about what that looks like for you. Is it a weekly date night? Or perhaps just some uninterrupted conversation at the end of the day?

    2. Reflect on His Needs: While it's essential to express your needs, it's equally crucial to understand his. Before answering, take a moment to reflect upon what he might be seeking from the relationship. This demonstrates empathy and can lead to a more balanced discussion.

    3. Avoid Blame: The tone in which you communicate is just as important as the content. Instead of saying, "You never spend time with me," try expressing, "I feel lonely when we don't spend quality time together." Using "I" statements can prevent the conversation from becoming confrontational.

    4. Be Open to Feedback: Once you've expressed your feelings and needs, give him space to share his perspective. Remember, a relationship involves two people, and both voices matter.

    While these strategies provide a foundational framework, always remember that sincerity is key. Your words should be a genuine reflection of your feelings and intentions.

    In the context of "what do you want from me", a study from the University of Illinois in 2015 suggested that direct, honest, and open communication can significantly reduce misunderstandings in relationships and improve overall relationship satisfaction.

    Fostering Open Communication: Beyond The Immediate Question

    While addressing the immediate question is essential, fostering a culture of open communication in the relationship ensures that such queries arise less frequently and are addressed more effectively when they do.

    The importance of open communication in relationships is well-documented. According to a 2017 report from the Pew Research Center, 64% of adults believe that open communication is a significant pillar for a successful relationship, ranking higher than shared interests, sexual intimacy, and financial stability.

    Open communication not only involves expressing oneself clearly but also actively listening to one's partner. Actively listening means fully concentrating, understanding, responding, and remembering what the other person is saying.

    Another effective technique is the practice of regular relationship "check-ins". This involves setting aside time, perhaps weekly or monthly, to discuss the relationship's status, address any concerns, and express appreciation for one another.

    Introducing activities that foster deeper understanding can also be beneficial. For example, reading a relationship-focused book together or attending couples therapy or workshops can provide tools and insights to enhance communication.

    Additionally, understanding each other's love languages, a concept popularized by Dr. Gary Chapman, can lead to better appreciation and fewer misunderstandings. Whether it's words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch, recognizing how your partner expresses and receives love can make a significant difference.

    Fostering open communication is a continuous journey. While it may require effort and patience, the rewards, in terms of relationship satisfaction and understanding, are well worth it.

    Final Thoughts: Building A Relationship of Mutual Respect and Understanding

    When faced with the question, "What do you want from me?", it's essential to view it as an opportunity. It's a chance to not only address immediate concerns but also to deepen understanding and trust in the relationship.

    By approaching the situation with empathy, clarity, and openness, we can transform potential conflicts into moments of growth. As with any relationship advice, the key lies in understanding that both individuals bring their unique perspectives, feelings, and experiences to the table. The goal isn't to "win" an argument but to grow together as a unit.

    As the renowned relationship expert John Gottman stated, "Every positive thing you do in your relationship is foreplay." Every act of understanding, every effort to communicate better, and every gesture of love, no matter how small, contributes to building a lasting, loving relationship.

    So, the next time you're faced with the question, "What do you want from me?", take a deep breath, reflect, and approach the situation as an opportunity to deepen the bond you share with your partner.

    Relationships, in their essence, are complex and ever-evolving. They require effort, patience, and mutual respect. The question "What do you want from me?" is just one of many that may arise in the journey of love. Addressing it with understanding can pave the way for a deeper connection and mutual growth.

    Understanding Relationship Dynamics: The Role of Individual Growth

    At the heart of any relationship lies the individuals involved. Each person brings their baggage, dreams, aspirations, and vulnerabilities. Before addressing the relationship's dynamics, it's crucial to understand and acknowledge personal growth.

    Individual growth plays a pivotal role in the relationship's overall health. If one person evolves and the other stagnates, it can create an imbalance. A 2018 study from Stanford University highlighted that couples who grow together, learning and evolving side by side, tend to have longer-lasting relationships.

    The question "What do you want from me?" can sometimes stem from a feeling of being left behind. Hence, ensuring both partners are on the same growth trajectory can reduce such feelings of disconnect.

    Seek activities that allow both partners to learn and evolve. Whether it's taking a course together, traveling, or simply reading a book side by side, shared growth experiences can foster understanding.

    Moreover, acknowledge and appreciate each other's individual growth journeys. Celebrate achievements, and support each other during challenges, ensuring that both partners feel valued and understood.

    Setting Boundaries: The Foundation of Mutual Respect

    Boundaries are essential in any relationship. They help define what's acceptable and what's not, ensuring mutual respect. Sometimes, the question "What do you want from me?" arises when boundaries are either not set or inadvertently crossed.

    Setting clear boundaries ensures that both partners feel safe and respected. It's about understanding and acknowledging each other's limits, whether emotional, physical, or even time-related.

    Discuss boundaries openly. Whether it's about personal space, time with friends, or even past relationships, clarity can prevent future misunderstandings. Remember, boundaries are not restrictions but markers of mutual respect.

    A study from the University of Texas in 2019 underlined the importance of boundaries in maintaining relationship satisfaction. Relationships that lacked clear boundaries often reported higher levels of dissatisfaction and conflict.

    Regularly revisiting and updating boundaries is also crucial. As individuals grow and evolve, so do their needs and limits. Being adaptable ensures the relationship remains relevant and understanding.

    Embracing Vulnerability: The Strength in Being Open

    While vulnerability might be perceived as a sign of weakness, in relationships, it's a testament to strength. Showing vulnerability means being open about feelings, fears, aspirations, and dreams.

    When a man asks, "What do you want from me?", it can often be a call for vulnerability – a moment to break down walls and be truly open with each other. Embracing these moments can lead to deeper connections.

    Dr. Brené Brown, a research professor, emphasizes the power of vulnerability in her works. According to her, vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, and empathy. It's where the magic of human connection happens.

    However, showing vulnerability requires trust. Building and maintaining trust ensures that both partners feel safe to be vulnerable without fear of judgment or ridicule.

    It's important to acknowledge the moments when your partner shows vulnerability. Provide a safe space for open conversations, and the relationship will thrive.

    Conflict Resolution: Navigating Difficult Conversations

    Conflicts are inevitable in any relationship. It's not the presence of conflicts but how they're handled that determines the relationship's health.

    "What do you want from me?" can sometimes be a result of unresolved conflicts. Navigating these conflicts with patience, understanding, and effective communication tools can prevent such questions from becoming recurring issues.

    Active listening, as mentioned earlier, plays a pivotal role. It's about genuinely hearing what the other person is saying without formulating a response while they're still talking. This ensures that both partners feel heard and understood.

    Furthermore, taking responsibility for one's actions and apologizing when wrong can diffuse tensions. An authentic apology can heal wounds and pave the way for constructive conversations.

    Seek external help if needed. Relationship therapists and counselors provide valuable insights and tools to navigate conflicts effectively.

    The Power of Quality Time: Strengthening Bonds

    With the hustle and bustle of modern life, finding quality time for each other can be a challenge. However, it's these moments of togetherness that strengthen bonds and deepen understanding.

    It's not about the quantity but the quality of time spent together. A 2016 study from Harvard University highlighted that couples who engage in meaningful activities together report higher levels of relationship satisfaction.

    Carve out regular "us" time. It could be a simple walk, a shared hobby, or even just uninterrupted conversation. These moments can be instrumental in preventing feelings of disconnect and the subsequent question, "What do you want from me?"

    Moreover, these shared moments become memories that both partners can cherish, further deepening the bond.

    The Role of External Influences: Guarding Your Relationship

    External influences, be it friends, family, or work, can often impact a relationship. Recognizing these influences and guarding the relationship against potential pitfalls is crucial.

    It's essential to prioritize the relationship, ensuring that external influences don't overshadow the bond shared by both partners. A 2017 study from UCLA emphasized the importance of couples setting clear boundaries with external influences to maintain relationship harmony.

    Discuss potential external stressors openly. Whether it's work-related stress or family dynamics, addressing these proactively can prevent misunderstandings.

    Lastly, seek support systems that respect and support the relationship. Surrounding oneself with positive, understanding individuals can provide the necessary reinforcement during challenging times.

    The Evolution of Relationships: Embracing Change

    Relationships, like individuals, evolve. Embracing this evolution is crucial for the relationship's longevity and health.

    Change, while inevitable, can sometimes lead to feelings of disconnect, giving rise to questions like "What do you want from me?". Recognizing and addressing these changes proactively can prevent potential pitfalls.

    Regular relationship check-ins, as mentioned earlier, can be instrumental. These check-ins provide an opportunity to discuss any changes, concerns, or aspirations, ensuring both partners are on the same page.

    Moreover, celebrating milestones, be it anniversaries or achievements, can reinforce the bond and provide a reminder of the love and commitment shared.

    The Role of Empathy: Feeling with Your Partner

    Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. In the context of relationships, it acts as a bridge between two individuals, allowing them to connect on a deeper emotional level.

    The question, "What do you want from me?" can often arise from feelings of disconnect or misalignment. In such moments, empathy can be a powerful tool in understanding the underlying emotions that led to the question in the first place.

    A 2020 study from the University of Chicago highlighted the pivotal role empathy plays in relationship satisfaction. Couples who regularly practiced empathetic listening and communication reported higher levels of trust and overall satisfaction.

    Practicing empathy isn't just about listening, but truly feeling with your partner. It involves putting oneself in their shoes and trying to understand their perspective, even if you don't necessarily agree with it.

    Moreover, empathy can act as a protective barrier against unnecessary conflicts. By understanding and acknowledging each other's feelings, couples can navigate challenging conversations with grace and mutual respect.

    Regularly checking in with each other and practicing empathetic listening can be instrumental in fostering connection and understanding in a relationship.

    Nurturing Mutual Dreams and Aspirations

    Every individual has dreams, aspirations, and goals. In a relationship, it's essential to not only recognize these dreams but also support and nurture them.

    The question, "What do you want from me?" can sometimes arise from feelings of stagnation or the perception that one's dreams are being sidelined. It's essential for partners to actively engage in each other's aspirations and provide the necessary support and encouragement.

    Carve out time to discuss individual dreams and goals. Understand what each partner aspires to achieve and find ways to support these dreams, whether it's through encouragement, resources, or simply being a sounding board.

    A study from the University of Michigan in 2021 emphasized the importance of mutual dream support in long-lasting relationships. Couples who actively engaged in and supported each other's aspirations reported higher levels of happiness and satisfaction in their relationships.

    Moreover, consider finding shared dreams and goals. These mutual aspirations can act as a bonding agent, bringing both partners closer as they work towards a common objective.

    Celebrating Individuality: Maintaining Independence in Togetherness

    While relationships are about togetherness, it's crucial to recognize and celebrate individuality. Each partner brings a unique perspective, experiences, and strengths to the relationship, and these individual attributes should be celebrated.

    Maintaining a sense of individuality ensures that both partners feel valued and recognized for who they are, not just for their role in the relationship. This can prevent feelings of being lost or overshadowed, which can sometimes lead to questions like "What do you want from me?"

    Encourage each other to pursue individual hobbies, passions, and interests. While shared activities are crucial for bonding, individual pursuits ensure that both partners have the space to grow and evolve independently.

    A 2019 study from Yale University highlighted the importance of individual growth in relationship longevity. Couples who encouraged and celebrated individuality reported a deeper connection and mutual respect.

    Remember, it's the unique attributes and perspectives that each partner brings to the table that enrich the relationship. Celebrating these differences can pave the way for a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.

    Conclusion: The Journey of Love and Understanding

    Relationships are a journey, filled with highs and lows, joys and challenges. At the heart of this journey lies understanding, communication, and mutual respect.

    When faced with questions like "What do you want from me?", it's an invitation to delve deeper, to understand, and to grow together. Such moments, while initially challenging, can become pivotal turning points in strengthening the bond between partners.

    Addressing the underlying concerns and emotions behind such a question requires patience, empathy, and effective communication. Remember, it's not just about providing an answer, but about understanding the sentiment and addressing the root cause.

    Relationships, by their very nature, are dynamic. They evolve as the individuals within them grow and change. By staying connected, setting clear boundaries, and investing in shared experiences, couples can navigate these changes together, ensuring the relationship remains strong and fulfilling.

    So the next time you're confronted with the question, "What do you want from me?", see it not as a challenge, but as an opportunity. An opportunity to understand, to connect, and to deepen the bond you share with your partner.


    1. Chapman, Gary. The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts. Northfield Publishing, 2015.

    2. Gottman, John M., and Nan Silver. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work. Harmony, 2015.

    3. Brown, Brené. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Avery, 2015.

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