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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Is Jealousy a Valid Emotion?

    My friends have all found someone to date, whereas I'm still single. Even one of my closest friends recently started dating someone and I can't help feeling jealous. Is this a valid emotion or is this wrong of me? Is there anything I can do to not feel so left out?

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    Jealousy can be a very confusing and uncomfortable feeling. It's a normal emotion and an instinct almost everyone experiences when someone we perceive as a rival is favored or has something that we want. However, it's important to remind ourselves that our friends still love us, even when they get into relationships.

    The important thing to do when you're feeling jealous is to focus on yourself. It's easy to be overwhelmed by other's successes and relationships, but it's essential to keep your perspective. Shift your energies to what YOU want to accomplish and focus on positive self-development activities.

    Make plans with your friends that do not involve their significant other. Spend time cultivating new friendships, or join a new club. This can help you to build a stronger, independent social life so that you may become less dependent on any one person for your sense of belonging. When we take off the pressure of constantly comparing ourselves against others, we can instead recognize our own uniqueness and strengths.

    Most importantly, don't lash out at your friends in a competitive way. Make peace with the fact that your loved ones have their own lives and decisions that don't necessarily concern you. Everyone is growing and navigating their relationships and choices independently, and your friends will be much happier if you support and cheer them on from the sidelines, rather than begrudging them for their newfound relationships.

    Try to take things slow and ease into the new situations. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. After all, relationships can also be complicated and challenging, and our own attitudes towards it should always reflect respect and empathy.

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