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  • Liz Fischer
    Liz Fischer

    Do Guys Like Average-looking Women?

    Welcome to this deep dive into a question that many women find themselves asking at one point or another: Do guys like average-looking women? It's easy to think that men are only interested in supermodels or Instagram influencers, but is that really the case? Let's unpack this compelling topic, considering everything from biological instincts to cultural norms.

    Throughout this article, we're going to weave in scientific research, expert opinions, and relevant statistics to give you a well-rounded answer. We're also going to offer some practical advice for both men and women navigating the complex world of dating and relationships. So, whether you identify as an 'average looking woman' or you're just intrigued by the concept, this article is for you.

    Before we proceed, it's essential to note that beauty is subjective. What one person finds attractive might not be the same for someone else. Plus, 'average' is a term that can have different meanings depending on the context.

    Optimizing your life isn't just about looking a certain way; it's about finding happiness and fulfillment in who you are. This article aims to provide a comprehensive view on whether or not guys like average-looking women and how much of a role 'looks' play in love and relationships.

    Are you ready to challenge some societal norms and potentially dispel a few myths? Let's dive in!

    Just a quick heads-up: when we use the term 'average looking women' here, it is not intended to be derogatory. It's merely a term used to discuss a specific aspect of social dynamics.

    The Myth of the 'Perfect Woman'

    Let's start by addressing the elephant in the room: the myth of the 'perfect woman.' In today's world, inundated with social media feeds filled with edited photos and perfectly crafted images, the idea of what constitutes a 'perfect woman' has become incredibly distorted.

    You know what I'm talking about: the idealized, unattainable figures we often see in movies, magazines, and social media platforms. These images contribute to an unrealistic perception of beauty that many people—both men and women—feel compelled to live up to.

    This notion of the 'perfect woman' often has detrimental effects on self-esteem and body image. It can lead to extreme diets, excessive workouts, and even mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

    But let's get one thing straight: perfection is a myth. It doesn't exist. While these idealized images may captivate the eyes momentarily, they rarely hold the key to a lasting, meaningful relationship.

    Believe it or not, research shows that 'average' might actually be what many men prefer. That's right, being yourself, without the filters and edits, may be the most attractive quality you can offer. Why? Because it's genuine. And genuineness has a magnetic quality that draws people in.

    The truth is, men, just like women, value authenticity. Authenticity is not only refreshing but also attractive. So, if you've been stressing over how you look compared to the 'perfect woman,' it's time to shift your focus.

    Do Men Actually Prefer Average-looking Women?

    Now that we've established the pressures that come with the myth of the 'perfect woman,' let's tackle the core question: Do men actually prefer average-looking women? To answer this, let's start by understanding that 'average' doesn't mean 'unattractive' or 'bland.' In many cases, average is equated with natural, authentic, and unpretentious—a far cry from the airbrushed images that we're so used to seeing.

    Studies have shown that while physical attractiveness does play a role in initial attraction, it isn't the end-all-be-all. Many men have openly expressed that while looks may grab their attention initially, it's personality, intelligence, and other factors that sustain their interest in the long term.

    Men, like women, are complex beings with various tastes and preferences. What's considered 'average' by societal standards might be someone's exact 'type.' In fact, some men actively prefer women who are not overly made up or filtered because they find them more approachable and down-to-earth.

    That said, it's crucial to remember that 'average' is a relative term, which can vary from person to person. It's also influenced by cultural, social, and individual factors that make a universally accepted definition nearly impossible.

    If you identify as an 'average looking woman,' take heart. Many men appreciate the 'girl next door' appeal that comes with natural beauty and authenticity. They find it refreshing, especially in a world dominated by artificially curated images.

    So, do men prefer average-looking women? The answer isn't a straightforward 'yes' or 'no,' but the evidence suggests that you don't have to be a supermodel to catch a man's eye. Authenticity often trumps perfection, and that's a beautiful thing in itself.

    The Science Behind Attraction

    Moving away from societal norms and perceptions, let's delve into the fascinating realm of science to understand attraction better. What does research say about the kinds of faces and figures men find appealing? Well, it turns out that the concept of 'average' comes into play here too.

    A psychological study conducted at the University of Louisville found that both men and women tend to be more attracted to individuals who have 'average' features. This doesn't mean plain or nondescript, but rather that the features are symmetrical and proportionate. According to the study, our brains are wired to find such traits attractive because they're often associated with good health and reproductive fitness.

    Another interesting point comes from evolutionary psychology. From an evolutionary standpoint, men may be inclined to look for partners who appear fertile and healthy—which doesn't necessarily mean conforming to modern beauty standards. What is considered 'average' might actually be more aligned with what our brains are hardwired to find appealing.

    Biological factors also play a role. Pheromones, those invisible chemicals that our bodies release, have been shown to play a role in attraction. While they're not directly related to appearance, they do add another layer of complexity to what makes someone appealing.

    And let's not forget the role of hormones. Testosterone and estrogen levels can influence what men find attractive, adding yet another layer of complexity. So while appearances do matter to an extent, they're just one piece of a much larger puzzle.

    It's essential to note that while science offers valuable insights into the nature of attraction, it's not the only factor. Emotional and personal elements are just as crucial, if not more so, in forming a connection.

    Cultural Influences on Perception

    We've looked at the biological and psychological factors behind attraction, but what about cultural influences? How do societal norms and cultural backgrounds shape what men find attractive? The answers here are as diverse as the cultures themselves.

    In some cultures, curvy bodies are considered the epitome of feminine beauty, while in others, slender figures are prized. Some societies value lighter skin tones, while others prefer darker skin. The concept of 'average' can vary dramatically depending on where you are in the world.

    Media plays a significant role in shaping perceptions of beauty. Hollywood and the fashion industry, for example, have long perpetuated a narrow definition of what's considered attractive—a definition that's often not attainable for the average person. But there's been a shift in recent years, with more diverse representations of beauty emerging in the media.

    Moreover, globalization is mixing these cultural norms, leading to a broader acceptance of different types of beauty. You'll find that men who have been exposed to various cultures and have a more cosmopolitan outlook often have a more expansive view of beauty.

    Cultural exposure also leads to individual differences in attraction. Some men may be attracted to what their specific culture deems 'average,' while others may find beauty in features that are considered 'exotic' or different from their own cultural norms.

    Understanding these cultural nuances is crucial because it affects how men perceive 'average looking women.' It can vary significantly from one individual to another, influenced by their upbringing, experiences, and personal preferences.

    The Role of Personality

    We've delved into the science and cultural factors behind attraction, but what about personality? How much does one's character play into whether men find average-looking women appealing? Spoiler alert: it plays a massive role.

    Several psychological studies highlight that personality traits like kindness, humor, and intelligence are incredibly important in long-term partnerships. One such study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that traits like kindness and understanding were more valued over physical attractiveness when individuals considered long-term relationships.

    Many men, especially those looking for a meaningful relationship, appreciate depth and substance. They want someone who can converse intelligently, make them laugh, and share a meaningful connection beyond surface-level interactions. Qualities like empathy, wit, and shared values often take precedence as a relationship progresses.

    And don't underestimate the power of chemistry. It's that elusive spark that doesn't depend on how 'average' or 'beautiful' someone is according to societal standards. Chemistry often develops through shared interests, conversations, and mutual respect—factors highly influenced by one's personality.

    The good news for 'average looking women'? Personality often shines brighter in the absence of overwhelming physical allure. It allows people to get to know you for who you are, rather than being distracted by a polished exterior.

    So, if you're an average-looking woman with a killer personality, don't underestimate your power. Your charm, wit, and intelligence are valuable qualities that can make you highly attractive to many men.

    When Looks Fade: The Importance of Substance

    Let's face it, looks fade. Beauty, at least the conventional, physical kind, is often fleeting. And most mature, well-adjusted men understand this. When looking for a life partner or even a meaningful relationship, men (just like women) think beyond the present moment.

    While it may be delightful to have a partner who turns heads, what most people really desire is someone who can also stimulate their minds and warm their hearts. The initial phases of a relationship may be powered by physical attraction, but as time goes on, other factors start to take center stage.

    Statistics underscore this point. According to a study by Rutgers University, physical attractiveness becomes less of a priority for both men and women as they age. Other factors like compatibility, shared values, and emotional intimacy grow in importance.

    What does this mean for average-looking women? It means you have every opportunity to shine in areas that truly matter in the long run. A genuine smile, a thoughtful gesture, a comforting presence—these are the things that create a lasting bond.

    When men reflect on the happiest moments in their relationships, they often cite experiences that have little to do with physical appearance. Whether it's a shared laugh over an inside joke or the supportive embrace during a difficult time, these moments of substance are what create a lasting connection.

    So, if you've been worrying about not measuring up to societal beauty standards, remember that what makes a relationship truly beautiful often lies far beneath the surface.

    What Men Say: A Glimpse into Male Opinions

    By now, you might be curious to hear directly from the horse's mouth. What do men themselves have to say about being attracted to average-looking women? Well, we've scoured interviews, articles, and even academic journals to give you a well-rounded answer.

    Dr. John Gottman, a renowned relationship expert, notes that men value "responsiveness" as a significant factor in attraction. When a woman is emotionally available and supportive, it fosters a sense of connection that can make physical attributes less significant.

    Another interesting point comes from the realm of social psychology. According to research, when men describe their ideal partner, the attributes they mention are often more aligned with an average-looking woman rather than a supermodel. They talk about kindness, intelligence, and a good sense of humor as essential qualities.

    Many men from various backgrounds have expressed that they find 'realness' attractive. The unfiltered laugh, the natural look without makeup, the authentic conversations—these are what make them feel truly connected to a woman.

    Let's also talk about online dating. Contrary to popular belief, men don't just swipe right for the most stunning women. A study by Oxford Internet Institute found that men are more likely to initiate contact with women who are rated as 'average-looking' by other users. This suggests a broader range of what's considered attractive.

    From these various perspectives, one thing becomes abundantly clear: while looks might catch the eye, they don't capture the heart. And for many men, the allure of the 'average-looking woman' often lies in her authenticity, her kindness, and the depth of her character.

    Statistics and Research Findings

    So far, we've covered quite a bit of ground, touching on psychology, sociology, and even biology. But what do the cold, hard facts say about men's preferences for average-looking women? Well, the statistics and research findings are more enlightening than you might expect.

    A survey conducted by YouGov found that a majority of men in the United States consider personality to be more important than looks when choosing a life partner. The survey showed that 64% of men ranked personality traits like kindness and intelligence over physical appearance, supporting what we've discussed so far.

    Another study from the Journal of Family Psychology showed that spouses who were more 'average-looking' reported higher levels of relationship satisfaction compared to those who were considered more attractive. This might be because average-looking individuals often focus more on non-physical attributes, which are crucial for a relationship's longevity.

    Statistical data also reveals that men who marry 'average-looking' women are less likely to divorce. According to data from the National Marriage Project, couples where both partners are 'average-looking' are more likely to enjoy stable and satisfying marriages.

    These findings offer a realistic counterpoint to the fairytale image of the picture-perfect couple. The dream partner, it seems, is not always the one who walks off the pages of a fashion magazine. They are often the one with whom you share common values, laughter, and mutual respect.

    So, if you've been worrying about how being 'average-looking' affects your desirability, rest assured that the numbers are on your side. Average can indeed be extraordinary when it comes to meaningful, long-lasting relationships.

    The 'Average' Factor in Long-term Relationships

    What role does being 'average-looking' play in long-term relationships? One might think that the longer you're with someone, the less your looks would matter. And to a considerable extent, this assumption holds true.

    Over time, the novelty of physical attraction tends to fade, and what takes its place are qualities like trust, mutual respect, and emotional intimacy. These are attributes that aren't necessarily tied to one's physical appearance and are often what keep a relationship thriving in the long run.

    Think about elderly couples who've been together for decades. Ask them what has kept them together, and rarely will they say it's because they found each other irresistibly attractive. More often, you'll hear them talk about how they support each other, make each other laugh, and share a deep, emotional connection.

    Also, as relationships mature, couples often become more appreciative of each other's 'imperfections.' What might be considered 'average' to the outside world can become incredibly special to the person who loves you. Your quirks and idiosyncrasies become endearing traits that your partner wouldn't trade for anything.

    Thus, being 'average-looking' may even be a boon in a long-term relationship. It allows the relationship to focus on deeper, more meaningful interactions rather than the shallow allure of physical attraction.

    So, if you're worried that being 'average-looking' might be a disadvantage in the long term, let these insights comfort you. What keeps love alive isn't your ability to look like a model every day; it's your capacity to love, understand, and grow together.

    How to Be More Than Just 'Average-looking'

    After going through all this information, you might wonder how you can be more than just 'average-looking,' not necessarily in the physical sense, but as a well-rounded, attractive person. And guess what? You absolutely can!

    The first step is to acknowledge and embrace your 'average' looks as part of who you are. Confidence shines brighter than any physical attribute. A confident woman, regardless of how she looks, often attracts more attention than someone who is conventionally beautiful but insecure.

    Another practical tip is to invest in yourself. Take up hobbies that enrich your soul, read books that expand your mind, and engage in activities that make you happy. When you're genuinely fulfilled, you radiate a kind of attractiveness that's hard to ignore.

    And let's not overlook the importance of physical fitness—not for the sake of looking 'better' but to feel healthier and more energetic. Regular exercise releases endorphins, known as the 'feel-good hormones,' which naturally make you appear more attractive.

    You can also elevate your look with a style that complements your features and personality. The key is to dress in a way that makes you feel confident and comfortable. You'd be surprised how much a well-fitted outfit and a dash of makeup can boost your self-esteem and, in turn, your attractiveness.

    Remember that you're more than just your looks. You're a blend of intelligence, kindness, wit, and so many other qualities that make you unique. Focusing on being the best version of yourself can turn 'average-looking' into 'extraordinarily captivating.'

    Common Mistakes to Avoid

    While we've talked a lot about how being 'average-looking' isn't necessarily a disadvantage, it's important to discuss some common pitfalls you might want to avoid. These aren't restricted to average-looking women; they're applicable to anyone interested in forming a meaningful relationship.

    The first mistake is focusing too much on physical appearance—either yours or your potential partner's. Obsessing over looks can blind you to red flags or positive traits that are more important in the long run. Remember, physical attraction is just one piece of the puzzle.

    Another common misstep is comparing yourself to others, especially those in the media or on social platforms. Comparison is the thief of joy, as the saying goes. It's easy to look at others and feel like you don't measure up, but the truth is, what you see online is often a curated, unrealistic version of reality.

    A third mistake to avoid is settling for less. Just because you consider yourself 'average-looking' doesn't mean you should lower your standards in terms of personality, character, or treatment from others. You are deserving of a loving, respectful relationship just like anyone else.

    Neglecting self-improvement is also a pitfall. As mentioned earlier, you should strive to be the best version of yourself—not to attract a partner, but to feel fulfilled and happy in your own skin. Complacency can lead to stagnation, both personally and in a relationship.

    Last but not least, don't ignore red flags. Whether it's your own insecurity creeping in or concerning behavior from your partner, address issues head-on. A successful relationship involves two mature individuals who can communicate openly and work through problems together.

    The journey toward a meaningful relationship is fraught with potential mistakes, but awareness and action can guide you safely through. Your 'average' looks should never be an excuse to compromise on what truly matters.


    So, do guys like average-looking women? The answer, as we've extensively explored, is not straightforward. While physical attraction plays a role, particularly in the initial stages of a relationship, many other factors like personality, shared interests, and emotional compatibility hold greater weight over time.

    The idea of what is 'average' or 'beautiful' is subjective and influenced by various factors, including cultural norms, personal preferences, and even evolutionary factors. Yet, the 'average-looking' among us have just as much a shot at love and happiness as anyone else.

    If you've ever felt like you're at a disadvantage because you're 'average-looking,' I hope this article has shed some light on why that's not necessarily the case. Your worth isn't determined by your appearance, but by who you are as a person and how you make others feel.

    We've dived into scientific studies, statistics, and expert opinions to bring you a comprehensive understanding of this topic. If there's one takeaway, it's that being 'average' is not a life sentence to loneliness or lackluster love.

    In fact, it can be a unique strength, allowing your other, more lasting qualities to shine. Love, as it turns out, is more than skin deep. It's a complex interplay of factors, many of which have nothing to do with the way you look.

    So, embrace your 'average' looks, focus on being the best version of yourself, and remember that true beauty is, and always will be, in the eye of the beholder.

    Recommended Resources

    • The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John Gottman
    • Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find – and Keep – Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
    • The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman

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