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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    Do Girls Like Kissing Guys With Beards, Mustaches?

    Do girls really like kissing a guy with a mustache or a beard? It's a question that has plagued the bearded and mustached men of the world for quite some time. If you've ever pondered this, you're not alone. Whether you're considering growing a beard or simply curious, you're in for an informative read!

    The question is deceptively complex and can't be answered with a simple yes or no. Various factors, ranging from individual preferences to societal norms, play a role in determining the answer. In this article, we'll delve deep into the subject to help you navigate this hairy situation.

    We've consulted experts, examined scientific studies, and even touched upon the impact of popular culture to provide you with a comprehensive answer. Read on to find out what women really think about locking lips with a man who sports facial hair.

    But before we dive in, let's set some context. The styles and fashion trends related to facial hair have seen a tremendous shift over the years. From full beards to clean shaves, mustaches to goatees, each era has had its popular facial hair styles. How has this influenced the art of the kiss?

    Let's explore.

    What Do Women Generally Think About Facial Hair?

    First things first, let's discuss general sentiments. Women's opinions on facial hair can vary widely. Surveys suggest a diverse range of preferences, with some women loving the rugged look and others preferring the clean-shaven aesthetic. There's no one-size-fits-all answer here.

    What we can confidently say, though, is that there's often a middle ground. For example, a well-maintained beard might be received more favorably than a scraggly one. Women might prefer a trimmed mustache over a bushy one. Ultimately, it's not just the presence of facial hair but how well it's groomed that can tip the scales.

    Facial hair also tends to be associated with certain personality traits. A clean-shaven man might be perceived as more responsible and organized, while a man with a full beard could be considered more mature and perhaps a tad adventurous.

    The critical takeaway here is that while some women might have a strong preference for or against facial hair, many are somewhere in between. Your facial hair, when well-maintained and thoughtfully considered, can either be an asset or a liability. It all comes down to how it complements your face and personality.

    Moreover, trends and societal views on facial hair do play a role. If a particular style is in vogue, it's more likely to be received favorably, at least temporarily.

    So, if you're a guy with a mustache wondering how it will be received, the answer might be more nuanced than you think. The key lies in understanding the other factors that come into play, some of which we'll discuss in the sections that follow.

    The Mustache Factor

    So you've decided to sport a mustache, and now you're wondering how it fares in the romantic department? Well, you might be surprised to know that the mustache can be a bit of a wild card when it comes to kissing. Unlike beards, which cover a larger area, mustaches are concentrated around the upper lip, making their impact during a kiss quite localized.

    Some women find a mustache charming and even sensual. It adds a touch of sophistication and can make a man look more distinguished. Others may find it ticklish or uncomfortable during a kiss. Like we mentioned earlier, it's not just about having a mustache but how well you maintain it.

    Interestingly, the type of mustache can also matter. Thin, pencil mustaches may offer a different experience compared to thick, bushy ones. A well-trimmed mustache might hit the sweet spot, offering a unique sensation without causing discomfort.

    If you're a guy with a mustache and find yourself on the receiving end of mixed opinions, don't fret. In the grand scheme of things, a mustache is just one small aspect of your overall personality and look. If a woman really likes you, the mustache is unlikely to be a deal-breaker.

    Still, if you want to make sure your mustache enhances your kissing game rather than detracts from it, consider its upkeep. A well-groomed mustache can make all the difference, so invest in some quality grooming products.

    A mustache can be a unique feature that sets you apart. Just be prepared for varying opinions and remember that, as with anything in life, how well you rock it is up to you.

    The Beard Factor

    Now, let's talk about the beard. Unlike the mustache, a beard occupies a larger real estate on your face, including your cheeks, chin, and neck. This gives it more room to either impress or disappoint. A well-maintained beard can feel soft and comfortable, making for a pleasant kissing experience.

    Beards can also add a layer of complexity to the kissing dynamic. They can provide a cushion of sorts, making the kiss feel softer. Additionally, they offer a tactile sensation that a clean-shaven face simply can't. The interplay of textures between a beard and skin can create a unique and enjoyable experience.

    However, just as there are pros, there are cons. A poorly maintained beard can be rough and scratchy, causing discomfort or even irritation during a kiss. So gentlemen, if you're going to keep a beard, keep it well.

    The length and style of your beard also come into play. Shorter beards are often easier to maintain and less likely to interfere with a kiss, while longer beards can sometimes be a hindrance unless managed well.

    According to some surveys, women seem to prefer "heavy stubble" over full beards or clean-shaven faces. The ruggedness associated with this style seems to strike a chord. However, always remember that these are general trends and not strict rules.

    A beard has the potential to either elevate or ruin a kissing experience, depending on its upkeep and style. Like a mustache, it's not necessarily a deal-breaker but can influence the overall quality of a kiss.

    The Sensation of Kissing

    Now that we've talked about the mustache and beard factors individually, let's get down to the real nitty-gritty—the sensation of the kiss itself. How does facial hair impact the tactile experience of a kiss? Well, it varies.

    A beard or mustache can introduce an element of surprise or excitement to the kiss. The varying textures can create a different dynamic that you won't get from a smooth, clean-shaven face. Some people find this variety stimulating and exciting.

    On the flip side, facial hair can be an irritant. For those with sensitive skin, the friction caused by a beard or mustache might result in a rash or irritation. And for some, the tickling sensation from a mustache or beard isn't delightful but rather distracting.

    Moreover, the sensation can change over time as you grow more accustomed to your partner's facial hair. What felt ticklish initially could become comforting as you get used to the feel of the hair against your skin.

    One significant point to consider here is hygiene. A well-maintained beard or mustache that smells good and feels soft can substantially elevate the kissing experience. So, if you're a guy with a mustache or beard, don't skimp on cleanliness.

    The sensation of kissing someone with facial hair can be a complex interplay of various factors, including texture, comfort, and even individual tolerance to ticklishness. What's important is to keep an open mind and be willing to adapt, whether you're the one with the facial hair or the one kissing it.

    Practical Considerations for Men With Facial Hair

    Alright, so you've made the decision to sport some facial hair and you're wondering how it might impact your kissing game. Beyond the aesthetic and sensory elements, there are some practical aspects you should consider.

    First and foremost, hygiene is crucial. A poorly maintained beard or mustache can harbor bacteria and food particles, which is hardly romantic. Regular washing and grooming are non-negotiable if you want your facial hair to be an asset rather than a liability.

    Invest in a good quality beard shampoo and conditioner. Yes, they make those specifically for beards, and for a good reason. These products are formulated to keep your facial hair clean, soft, and smelling nice, thereby enhancing the overall experience for both you and your partner.

    Next, consider the length. Too long and it might get in the way; too short and it might be prickly. Find a length that suits your face and is comfortable for both you and your partner. Remember, the aim is to complement your features, not overshadow them.

    And let's not forget about styling. Beard oils and waxes can be your best friends here, helping you shape your beard or mustache in a way that's both attractive and functional. They also add a nice sheen and can come in various fragrances to add that extra oomph.

    To wrap it up, if you're a guy with a mustache or beard, think of it as an extension of yourself. It requires care and attention to ensure that it not only looks good but also feels good to the touch, especially when you're in close quarters during a kiss.

    What Science Says

    Curious about what the realm of science has to say about the impact of facial hair on kissing? Interestingly, there has been some research on the subject. A 2013 study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior found that heavy stubble is most attractive to women for short-term relationships, while full beards are more appealing for long-term relationships.

    Another study suggests that beards may also signal traits like masculinity and maturity. This could imply that the perception of beards goes beyond mere fashion and taps into evolutionary biology. In a way, a beard might not just be a beard; it could be a signal of your genetic fitness.

    Moreover, science also tells us about the sensory aspects of facial hair. The skin around your face has a high density of sensory nerves. Facial hair can act like a secondary tactile organ, making the experience of a kiss more nuanced and complex.

    However, one must also consider that tactile sensations can have different effects on different people. Some might find the added complexity enjoyable, while others may find it distracting or even irritating.

    So, while science does provide us with some general trends and insights, it's crucial to remember that individual preferences and experiences can vary widely.

    Science offers some fascinating perspectives on how facial hair might affect the dynamics of a kiss, but the final verdict often boils down to personal preference and comfort.

    Expert Opinions

    So what do the experts have to say about all this? Renowned relationship counselor Dr. Jane Greer suggests that the impact of facial hair on a relationship, including the act of kissing, should be considered in the context of the couple's overall compatibility and communication.

    Dr. Alan J. Bauman, a hair restoration physician, emphasizes the importance of grooming. He states that a well-groomed beard or mustache can significantly improve a man's attractiveness, potentially making the act of kissing more enjoyable for the partner.

    Experts in the field of dermatology also weigh in on this subject. Dr. Doris Day, a New York-based dermatologist, advises men with facial hair to maintain excellent hygiene to prevent any skin irritation for their partners.

    Fashion experts, on the other hand, often discuss the aesthetic aspects. Tim Gunn, the fashion consultant and television personality, believes that the style of facial hair a man chooses can say a lot about his personality, which in turn can influence his attractiveness.

    Collectively, these expert opinions suggest that while facial hair can have an impact on the act of kissing, it's not the only factor that matters. Compatibility, communication, and mutual preferences often take precedence.

    So there you have it, expert insights that delve beyond the surface, offering a nuanced view of how facial hair influences the art of the kiss.

    The Influence of Popular Culture

    It's impossible to discuss the impact of facial hair on relationships without touching on the influence of popular culture. From iconic mustachioed figures like Tom Selleck to bearded heartthrobs like Jason Momoa, public figures play a significant role in shaping perceptions.

    For instance, in eras where clean-shaven faces dominate the entertainment industry, you may find a cultural lean towards preferring smooth faces. Conversely, when a bearded look becomes popular in movies or music, you'll likely see a corresponding uptick in beard appreciation.

    Popular culture also reflects diversity, showing us that different styles suit different people. Just consider how Johnny Depp's unique mustache styles contrast with the full-on bushy beard of a Viking on a TV series. These representations can influence what women find attractive, and by extension, how they feel about kissing a guy with a mustache or beard.

    Magazines, social media influencers, and even memes further perpetuate these cultural standards. It's not uncommon to see articles or posts extolling the virtues of bearded men, or conversely, advocating for the timeless allure of a clean-shaven look.

    What's key here is recognizing that cultural preferences are ever-changing. What's "in" today might be "out" tomorrow. So if you're rocking a mustache or beard, know that public opinion is fluid and often driven by the zeitgeist of the time.

    To wrap this section up, popular culture has a powerful but transient influence on what is considered attractive, and this certainly extends to how women feel about facial hair when it comes to the romantic act of kissing.

    The Age Aspect: Do Preferences Change Over Time?

    Does age play a role in how women feel about kissing men with facial hair? Anecdotally, it seems that it might. Younger women, perhaps influenced by current trends or peer opinions, may have different preferences compared to older women who have more life experience and established tastes.

    Older women might associate facial hair with maturity and stability, qualities often deemed more important in long-term relationships. In contrast, younger women might be more inclined toward the raw aesthetic appeal, swayed by what's fashionable at the moment.

    It's also worth noting that as women age, their tolerance for certain tactile sensations may change. What felt ticklish or irritating at a younger age may not be bothersome later in life.

    Furthermore, life stages can influence preference. For instance, a woman in her 20s may prioritize different qualities in a partner, and by extension their facial hair, than a woman in her 40s.

    However, these are general observations and shouldn't be considered hard and fast rules. People are complex, and preferences can be influenced by a myriad of factors, including but not limited to age.

    While age can offer some insights into how women might feel about facial hair in the context of kissing, it's far from the only factor at play.

    The Individual Factor: Every Woman is Different

    At the end of the day, the most crucial point to remember is that every woman is different. Some might adore the feel of a bushy beard during a kiss, while others may prefer the smoothness of a clean-shaven face. And guess what? That's perfectly okay.

    The diversity in individual preferences is what makes human relationships so fascinating and unpredictable. You can't please everyone, and that's not the goal anyway.

    If you're a guy with a mustache or beard, the key is to find someone who appreciates you for who you are, facial hair and all. It's far more rewarding to be with someone who likes your natural self than to constantly adapt based on someone else's changing tastes.

    Open communication is vital here. If you're in a relationship, talk to your partner about your facial hair and how it influences your intimate moments. Their feedback can be invaluable, providing insights you might not have considered.

    Remember, it's not just about the facial hair. It's about how that facial hair fits into the larger context of who you are and how you relate to your partner.

    To wrap things up, individual preferences will always trump societal norms or even scientific studies when it comes to something as personal as a kiss. Embrace that individuality, and you're likely to find someone who appreciates your facial hair just as much as they appreciate you.

    Tips for Men with Facial Hair

    If you're a guy with a mustache or beard and you're wondering how to make your facial hair more "kiss-friendly," you're in luck. Here are some tried-and-true tips to ensure that your facial hair enhances rather than hinders your romantic endeavors.

    First, invest in grooming products. Beard oils, balms, and specialized shampoos can go a long way in making your facial hair more touchable and less scratchy. They also often come in a variety of fragrances, allowing you to add a subtle scent that can enhance the experience.

    Second, get regular trims. Maintaining a clean, neat appearance is key for both aesthetics and comfort. No one wants to kiss a wild, untamed bush of hair.

    Third, focus on hygiene. Facial hair can trap bits of food and other particles. Make a habit of washing your facial hair every day, and especially before a date.

    Fourth, conduct a "kiss test." This can be as straightforward as asking your partner what they think of your facial hair. The feedback can offer valuable insights into how your facial hair feels during a kiss from the other side of the equation.

    Fifth, consider your partner's comfort. If they find your beard or mustache irritating to their skin, it might be worth re-evaluating your grooming routine or even the style of your facial hair.

    Sixth and finally, be yourself. If you feel comfortable and confident with your facial hair, that will come through in your interactions, including kissing. Confidence is attractive, and being yourself is more important than conforming to someone else's ideal.


    So, do girls like kissing guys with beards and mustaches? As we've explored, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Preferences vary from person to person, influenced by a range of factors including personal taste, cultural norms, and even age.

    That said, if you're a guy with a mustache or beard, you have plenty of options for making your facial hair an asset rather than a hindrance in your romantic life. From grooming and hygiene to understanding your partner's preferences, there's much you can do to ensure that your kisses are as enjoyable as possible.

    It's important to remember that a beard or mustache is just a part of you, not your whole identity. If you're considering growing facial hair, do it because it makes you feel good, not just because you think it will make you more kissable.

    The key takeaway here is that communication and mutual understanding are crucial. If both you and your partner enjoy the added texture and sensation that facial hair brings to a kiss, that's fantastic. If not, that's okay too. What matters most is the connection between the two people involved.

    We've covered a lot of ground in this article, touching on everything from scientific studies to expert opinions and cultural influences. But remember, the final arbiter in any relationship is the personal preference of the people involved.

    Thanks for journeying through this fascinating topic with us. Whether you're a bearded guy, a clean-shaven man, or someone who likes to switch it up, may your kisses always be memorable!

    Recommended Resources

    1. "The Bearded Gentleman: The Style Guide to Shaving Face" by Allan Peterkin and Nick Burns - A comprehensive guide to all things facial hair.

    2. "The Art of Kissing" by William Cane - A book that dives deep into the mechanics and emotional aspects of kissing.

    3. "Mating Intelligence Unleashed: The Role of the Mind in Sex, Dating, and Love" by Glenn Geher and Scott Barry Kaufman - A scientific look at what attracts us to others, including the role of physical traits like facial hair.


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