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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    10 Bold Moves to Approach a Guy

    The Courage to Make the First Move

    When it comes to dating and relationships, much of the conventional wisdom suggests that it's a man's job to make the first move. But times are changing, and so should our perceptions. It's 2023, ladies and gentlemen, and there's nothing wrong with a woman (or anyone for that matter) taking the initiative to approach a guy. It's high time we challenged this antiquated ideology and embraced the idea of taking control of our dating destiny.

    I remember when I first mustered the courage to approach a guy. I was at a networking event, and there was this man who had a charismatic aura about him. He was engaging, interesting, and most importantly, he was someone I found attractive. With the traditional dating mindset playing in my head, I waited for him to approach me, but he was too engrossed in other conversations. Finally, I decided to take charge. Nervously, I walked up to him, introduced myself, and started a conversation. And guess what? It turned out great! He appreciated my boldness and we ended up exchanging numbers. This was a pivotal experience for me, underscoring the power of taking initiative.

    That said, approaching a guy requires a certain level of confidence, knowledge, and skill. The last thing you want to do is to come off as desperate or intrusive. So, what's the best way to approach a guy? Let's explore these top 10 strategies, each of which promises to bring you a step closer to your desired outcome.

    The Top 10 Bold Moves to Approach a Guy

    Before we get into the specifics, it's important to mention that every situation is unique, as is every person. What works on one guy might not work on another. However, the following strategies are designed to provide a broad foundation from which you can adapt and tailor your approach. Let's dive in!

    1. Embrace Your Confidence

    The foundation of any successful approach is confidence. Confidence is magnetic, attractive, and gives you the strength to step out of your comfort zone. Practice self-affirmations, improve your body language, and focus on your strengths. Remember, everyone has their insecurities, even the guy you're about to approach. So embrace your confidence, because it's the key to unlocking a meaningful connection.

    2. Make Eye Contact and Smile

    Before you even say a word, make eye contact and offer a genuine smile. This subtle non-verbal communication can be incredibly powerful. It's an implicit way of saying, "Hey, I've noticed you and I'm interested."

    3. Leverage Mutual Interests

    Starting a conversation from scratch can be daunting, so why not leverage mutual interests? If you're at a book club, talk about the book; if you're at a music festival, talk about the bands. Finding common ground can break the ice and create an instant connection.

    4. Ask Open-Ended Questions

    Open-ended questions are a great way to spark a conversation. They invite the other person to share their thoughts and experiences, instead of simply giving a yes or no answer. Questions like "What brings you here?" or "What's your opinion on this?" can lead to interesting conversations.

    5. Be Authentic

    One of the most important tips is to be authentic. Don't pretend to be someone you're not just to impress him. Show genuine interest in getting to know him, listen carefully, and respond honestly. Remember, authenticity fosters trust and connection.

    6. Respect Personal Space

    While approaching a guy, it's crucial to respect his personal space. Invading someone's space can come off as aggressive or uncomfortable. Maintain a respectful distance, and let him guide the progression of physical closeness.

    7. Use Light Touch

    A light touch can be a powerful tool when used appropriately. It can convey interest and build a connection. However, always be mindful of his comfort level. A light touch on the arm or shoulder while laughing at a joke can be a good starting point.

    8. Be Positive and Light-Hearted

    Positivity is contagious, and it can make the conversation more enjoyable for both parties. Keep the conversation light-hearted and fun, especially in the beginning. Save the heavy and deep topics for when you've established a connection.

    9. Show Appreciation

    A little appreciation goes a long way. Compliment him sincerely - maybe it's his sense of style, his humor, or something interesting he said. Genuine compliments can make him feel valued and open up more.

    10. Know When to Step Back

    Lastly, know when to step back. If he seems disinterested or uncomfortable, it's okay to gracefully exit the conversation. Not everyone will respond positively, and that's okay. Don't take it personally. Dating is a numbers game after all!

    Mastering the Approach

    Now that you're armed with these strategies, it's time to put them into action. However, it's crucial to remember that the success of these techniques relies on your ability to adapt and personalize them based on the situation and the person you're approaching. The art of communication is intricate and complex, and it takes practice and experience to master it.

    Just like my personal experience at the networking event, don't expect everything to go perfectly the first time. You might stumble, there might be awkward silences, and there's a chance that he might not be interested. And that's okay! It's all part of the process. The key is to keep going, learn from your experiences, and continuously improve. Over time, you'll become more comfortable and adept at it, and you'll find your rhythm.

    Finally, remember that it's not just about getting the guy's attention or getting him to like you, but about establishing a genuine connection. Approaching a guy should be as much about getting to know him and determining if he's a good match for you, as it is about making a good impression. After all, dating is a two-way street, and mutual compatibility is key to any successful relationship.


    In conclusion, taking the initiative to approach a guy is a bold and empowering move. It's about breaking free from traditional dating norms and taking control of your dating life. Armed with the right strategies and mindset, you can approach a guy with confidence and authenticity. So go out there, make the first move, and remember, fortune favors the brave!

    For more insights and tips, check out the following resources:

    • "The Art of Approaching: How to meet ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANYTIME" - Book by Thundercat
    • "Your body language may shape who you are" - TED Talk by Amy Cuddy
    • Dating - Wikipedia

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