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I know, I knew, but still I flew

into the blazing light in view

A moth, I am, to pain I flew

Head on, blindly, to my death I knew


Again again, was burnt am I

But still a moth I surely am

to death, to death, O'I rejoiced

Be burnt to ashes, tears in joy


In pain, in pain, a pain I seeked

In joy, in joy, a pain enjoyed

Your eyes, your face, my fading sight

Soon a moth be gone into the endless night.


~ Eterna2

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Rivers flowing accross the plains

The same yet changed, the old man says

Gushing waters, I felt a pain

So deep within, where no eyes lays


Rivers flowing accross my face

Warm and bitter, with touch of gay

Seeping sorrows, through the lace

A wound was weeping, through the endless days


~ Eterna2

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