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How to get over the one u loved? ....especially at my age (i am 18 and all that emotional boom) .........

Can't stop thinking about one person.......and its kind of my fault.....If i were a little bit more confident and perky.....i wouldn't suffer now.......I kind of let my first love go.........and never had a chance to say what i feel toward him....

Actually, i undertood how much i miss this person over the summer....Now he is far away from me...and i have no ideas where he is (only that someever in cali) and im in nyc.................ONly now i feel how much i love this person......ONLY NOW

.....sometimes i ask myself why didn't i feel that feelings b4......why i was so egoistic and selfish......now that i lost him.....(i wanted so much to say that i love him, but my "stupid selfestim stuff" didn't let me) Help me to get over it.........What to do? Once i felt so bad....i even started crying on the street..thats how sorry i felt...............................



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Look, break ups hurt soooooooooooo damn much, trust me I know! Its hard, but what you got to do now is consentrate on yourself.

Go to the mall and buy yourself a nice mask you know pop it on tonight, and just relax.

Break ups are hard, and believe that with every person that we meet we learn something from. SOme break up healing processes take a year, my one took me 2 years before i fell in love with someone else, and I am just recovering from it now.

Take time out and just say to yourself, that what you had is in the past. And you have to come to the terms that it has ended.

If you wanna chat, PM ME!

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getting over your first love is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do! But it is possible (i should know i've spent most of the summer moping around after losing my ex!) But you begin to realise that they're not worth your time! The person you once loved changes and i now realise my ex isn't the guy i fell in love with!


All i can say is avoid him it makes the healing so much easier! I had the unfortunate thing or having to bump into him (twice last week!) because its so small where i live and it hurts a lot more if you see them with another girl!


Go out and meet new guys go on a few dates but take it slowly don't jump into anything to soon but most of all have fun!!! Although now it seems you'll never fall in love again but you obviousley broke up for a reason and i once read somewhere 'never get back with your ex unless its to get married and it feels right, otherwise its pointless!'

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