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im scared,,,, pls help


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Hi im 23 and my family are on my case to get married, its hard situation cos im sooooooo scared by the whole marriage thing, to me all marriages, arranged or love all end up in disasters. I HAVE SEEN TO MANY MARRAGES BREAK UP AND I DON'T WANNA END UP LIKE THAT TO. IT REALLY SCARES ME AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.


I do eventually wanna get married but really worried.


Pls advise.

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Does your family want you to be married in an arranged marriage?


I think you should think that not every marriage has to end up in a disaster,. sure many do, and there are a lot more than dont!


Marriage is commitment, commitment to making something that both people believe is correct. You should look at it that way, I mean it's not just about ppl breaking up it's about ppl sharing life's common goals together!


I have huge thoughts about marriage, so if you want PM me

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I know that feeling, I am also 23 and starting to get the questions... esp. cause I live w/ my boyfriend, that I am not planning on marrying, everyone always asks me though. I am scared to get married as well, at least until I feel really certain. I think that our generation may be extremely cautious when it comes to marriage, having learned about how hard divorce really is, seeing as how divorce became so prevelant while we were children. I mean when I was a kid EVERYONE's parents were divorced....

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