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Am i just not taking the hint?

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Hi, let me give you the spiel of my problem right here. There is this girl and me and her have been friends for awhile, 4 months or so. She is a very friendly person and does anything a friend would do. She makes room for me to sit down at school, she offers to pick me up to go to parties, and she has come to my house quite a number of times. She has never been to my house alone, she usually come with my friends when they are coming. Truth be told, when she comes over she has an OK time but she looks bored some of the time too, supposedly because we are just doing guy things and she is the only girl. But the next day she always tells me what a great time she had and how she wants to come over again.


I am in grade 12 this year and I am young as well, having just turned 16, and she is in grade 11 and is a couple months older. I have never had a girlfriend before and I have always assumed she was just being a friend whenever she offered rides and whatnot. But recently we got our yearbooks at school and I had to leave and I got my friend to get some people to sign it for me. When I got it back the girl had signed it along with her friend. The message from the girl was a joking little message but the message from the friend simply said "Megan(her) loves Chris (me)".


My question is this: does this message actually mean anything? Could it just be the friend teasing Megan (she wouldn't be teasing me as I have talked to her maybe once in my life) in writing that or is it actually a slap in the face kinda hint that I should be doing something about? Please help me out here with any opinions you guys could offer.


PS. She is a very religious person (her father has written books about religion), while I am an atheist. Too my knowledge she hasn't gone out with anyone for well over a year, and to be frank, she would not have any trouble getting a boyfriend since she is extremely attractive, smart, and funny. I hope I don't sound all gushy, I am telling the truth. I geuss what I am trying to say is: is her religiousness going to get in the way between having a boyfriend? Thanks for reading this thing people

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it sounds like there is a possibility that she might like you. i really have no idea though. i can't say whether or not religion is going to get in the way. if it was me, i wouldn't care whether or not my bf is religious. she might feel the same. but it seems like her dad is very religious, so he could possibly have problems with it, but her dad can't control her feelings, so its hard to say. you should talk to her & find out somehow if she likes you, maybe you can ask that girl if what she wrote in your yearbook was true.

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Hi Nameof the game !


Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing with us.


I would see two situations here.


The fact that the message was written would say to me that they as friends have at least talked about you and her at some stage. The question is which of two possibilities is there then?


The First:

She has a thing for you, and the friend knows about it.


The second:

She knows that you have a thing for her and the friend is teasing her.


There is only one true way to find out!! You need to talk to her about this. Be upfront and honest to her - tell her you really like her, and would love if just the two of you could hang out alone. Don't worry about the complications of doing that, just see if she is interested first by asking her straight out !!


It sounds good to me that she returns to your house after looking so bored. Is there any chance that she could like another of your friends? Either way, you should move now while the iron is hot ! You'll surely feel better after you have got things out in the air


Hope this helps you some,



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thanks for the tips guys! to Charmed: I have never made any sort of pass with her, and besides some harmless flirting here and there, I don't believe she would know that I like her all that much, though I do. I was happy with just being friends, but I would love to be more then that, that is why the note in the yearbook is such a big thing, because I had no real way of knowing what she thought of me before then, you know what I mean? She does have guy friends, but they are merely just friends to her as she has known them a loooong time.


To enadevoli: yes I think I will talk to her friend about the note in the yearbook.


Thanks for all your ideas guys and keep em coming!

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