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I think i might be anaemic. I dont really know. Im often really breathelss and feel as thought im going to faint after a while, and sometimes i do. I dunno fi this si a sign of anaemia but im also usually very cold even with jumpers on. Does anyone know what it could be? or am i over reacting? People have said it could be an iron difency but i dunno much about it.

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thats the best advice, go see ur gp, he/her will ask u some questions, about ur eating habits ie are u vegi, if u have been feeling faint, short of breath on excertion. lifestyle etc


u will have a sample of blood taken and tested by ur local haematology department at ur local hospital yeah


the test results will come back after 48hrs and ur doc will explain them to u and the best course for treatment.


dont worry this is very common and is easy to treat.




(spot the haematologist )

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The fact that you feel this way often...and that you actually fainted sounds rather severe. We all, throughout our lives, will sometimes feel a little weak or dizzy, but this usually doesn't last long and are few and far between in frequency. How you are feeling could be caused by a number of things so I don't know how you came up with anemia, which is a lack of iron in the blood(??). If your having trouble breathing...chances are its not anemia.


First thing I suggest you do is visit your doctor immediately. Let him do a checkup on you, and follow up with blood tests. If there is something wrong with you, this will pinpoint it. Then your doctor will give you advice on how to treat it.


The two most likely candidates are either stress (nothing wrong with you physically) or low blood pressure. Stress can have a horendous toll on the body and can lead to shortness of breath and weakness, especially when it is consantly on your mind. The fact that you said you feel cold, and weak, could mean low blood pressure. People with LBP feel cold because there isnt enough blood circulating around the body. Also, they often get dizzy and faint, especially when suddenly standing up. It is not uncommon for someone with LBP to faint.


So once again.....just relax, understand you are in good care, and make a trip to the Doc. He will sort things out for you. Go as soon as possible.



Slim Shady

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