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What to do?


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Well, i aint a guy... But from a female point of view. Id like you to be sweet but not too forward y'know? Telling someone their beautiful is a lovley compliment but over doing it just makes you think as though your lying, so dont say it every 5mins.


Id like to be taken out some wehre very social, but im only a teenager so what do i know lol? Take me to a fun fair and im all yours lol. But yeah like i said just dont be too 'in her face'

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be honest, loyal and trustworthy, also keep your eye open for any changes this girl has done to herself, if she changes her hairstyle or buys a new shirt of something like that, compliment her on it, tell her shes wanted and tell her you care about her, girls like to hear that from time to time, take her places, restaurants, pool halls and like nikola said, fun fairs, stuff like that, i'm not sure how this girl is, but wait till the second date to kiss her, make your move casually but not too obvious, get her alone in a nice quiet place, talk sweet to her, tell her how good she looks, but don't exadgerate, she'll think your bullsh*tin, get infront of her, put your arms around her waist, sweet talk, get her smiling then move in for the kill, by that i mean kiss, in time you'll know what to do, it'll all come naturally, trust me

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hey, i agree with the above opinion on what should happen and be said and everything.

but most of all be yourself, theres nothing more offputting (from a girls point of view here) than person who is flase, who does and say how other people act and then looses something that meant so much to them.

so on some counts take your own judgement of the situation, because when your in it then everything will come too you anyway.


good luck


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