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It would seem that since 9/11/01 some people have forgotten about the tragedy that happened in New York.

I saw a documentary on this and could not stop crying. The death toll was unbearable....the sight was unbearable. My father was one of the construction people on the site. He actually saw people falling out of buildings, and he has never been the same. I felt so much grief seeing the documentary again.........I lost a lot of loved ones. Do to those acts of terrorism. I also know that it made New York as a whole, emotinally stronger, and it also made me learn to live my life and appreciate the fact that it could get taken away from me in a matter of seconds.


How do you feel about Sep. 11.


What will you do to show your understanding and sorrow for what took place on that day.


I will light candles for all of the 4 Family members I lost, not to mention the 3 candles for my best friend, and my Father's best friend.

In memory of that day...I would like each of you, If you feel like it..to say a few words on behalf of that day.


Thank you in advanced.


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people have, by no means forgotten that tragic day two years ago. It showed us that the world was by no means a safe place and that we had to cherish every moment of life because we never know when it will end.


Just because People dont talk about it as much or It gets mentioned on TV as Much doesnt mean its forgotten. Im in The UK and It is still a regular conversation piece here Despite it having happened in another country two years ago.


No One will Forget. But We Will Move On.


I will Be Lighting a Candle On Thursday for Those who Lost their Lives.



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Thank you sweetypie for posting this topic. I feel it is something that many, both american and not, will need to cope with in the coming days.

Last year, on September 11, I spent the day remembering, watching the scenes that were recorded that day, watching the reading of the names in New York of all those who perished. This year, unfortunately, I have to work on that day, but I know the day will be spent in rememberance and in self contemplation on what has happened since that day, both in the world and my own personal life. It is a day of sorrow and mourning, but it is also a day for us to reflect on what the event taught us and what we have taken from it.

It is a day that will never be forgotten, and I hope that through this topic, many of the members will be able to express their emotions as the day draws near.

Thank you again Sweetypie, and my condolences for the loss of your loved ones. *hugs*

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I think us pointing the finger is what has put a wedge between us and a lot of foreiners as well. I don't know if many of you know this, but a lot of races died that day. I saw a chinese woman, and Indian, Hindu, Black, White, Hispanic, they died too, and many more cultured and nationalities. This is what happened. A tragedy, so lets not try to put a name on death. Because death already has a name.


I'm not hung up on who did it, this is a post about mourning those who died and showing respect for those who lost their lives. Like the fire fighters who went in and didnt come out, or the woman who almost called in sick but came to work anyways just to never returned home


So please have some sympathy if you can and realize that no matter who did this, it is a day to remember and it is a day to mourn.


(edited by faeriechyld)

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Well I was in 9th grade back then, I was in my Algebra class, when the announsments came on. I couldn't understand a word back then because I just came to the country back then, so I didn't have a clue what was going on with people crying in the hallwaym until my so called friend told me. Damn I was scared. I live near Washington DC, so parents of many students in my school work at pentagon.

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