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Currently, I have been with my bf for ten months and I love him dearly. He broke up with me and then wanted to get back together 7 months later, been together ever since. But before he came back I was seeing this guy (one of my good friends) that I really liked. But I picked my ex instead of this guy.


About a week ago, I was thinking that maybe I made the wrong decision. I had a dream that this other guy put his arms around me and said, 'Thanks sweetie.' Cus I had done some favor for him in the dream. But I remember fearing that my bf would see that guy with his arms around me.


Last night I had another dream where this other guy and I hugged and then got closer and closer and started caressing each other. This time, there was no feeling of fear that my bf would see. Even though he was present in both dreams.


Is anybody an expert in dream analysis, or have any idea if this could mean something.


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What's going on in your relationship right now? You state you feel like you made a mistake. Why? What about your current bf is making you dream about the other guy?

Is this a case of grass is greener? Do you have feelings for the other guy?


Did you dream about him because you recently saw him and remembered your past realtionship with him? Has the other guy managed to be friends with you and your boyfriend even though the relationship with you failed?


Your feelings of fear that your bf would see you in your dream are feelings of guilt if you were to actually follow through with it. Is it something you are simply thinking about or looking at acting on pretty soon?

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What's going on in your relationship right now? You state you feel like you made a mistake. Why? What about your current bf is making you dream about the other guy?

Is this a case of grass is greener? Do you have feelings for the other guy?


Did you dream about him because you recently saw him and remembered your past realtionship with him? Has the other guy managed to be friends with you and your boyfriend even though the relationship with you failed?


Your feelings of fear that your bf would see you in your dream are feelings of guilt if you were to actually follow through with it. Is it something you are simply thinking about or looking at acting on pretty soon?


Wow, um ok here we go. I'm fairly happy in my relationship right now. I love my bf, at least I think that's what it is but I sometimes feel neglected by him cus I don't get to see him as often as I would like. I do have feelings for the other guy because it was a very difficult time deciding which guy to be with. I really liked that guy but I had never fully gotten over my bf. So I picked my bf. And I talked to the other guy for the first time in 2 months on MSN and then saw him at a store, so that might have provoked the dream. The other guy and I have never been intimate, we went out of one date but we always kinda knew we liked each other during high school, we just never made a move. The other guy and I are more like acquaintances it seems now and he knows OF my bf, but doesn't really know him. I would never cheat on someone. It would be a horrible thing to do. But I have thought about it and I could never bring myself to do it. I guess I feel like I want to try the other guy but I don't want to lose my bf. (P.S. my current bf was my first bf.)

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I think you need to focus on your realtionship with your bf. And by focus I mean do some thinking and analyzing about it. I don't think you are being very fair to him right now. It sounds like you are keeping him around for some security. You state that you think you love him but feel neglected by him.

What does he say about this? Have you discussed that with him? Does he now that you would like to spend more time with him? What have you done to see him more?


Deep down, do you really want to make your relationship with your current boyfriend work?

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Well I go to school full time (university), he works five days a week. I don't have a car to go see him and he has a company truck that he doesn't like to use. I've told him countless times before that I feel neglected and he says that he's really busy during the week and gets really tired cus of work. We see each other during the weekend, sometimes only for about a day.


Last night I went to visit him for an hour cus my roomate's bf had a volley-ball game and said if I could drop them off at the game, I could take his car to go see my bf. Other times I suggest taking the bus to go and see him and he says that he's really tired and that it would take too long to get there.


So it's not like it's a horrible relationship, it's good. I guess it's just cus I'm curious about the other guy.

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I tend to think that if one has thoughts of person b while in a relationship with person a, the relationship must be lacking somewhere. Or that person does not have full respect for their current partner.


If I was your boyfriend I would want to know of these feelings, so I could leave you be, and let you figure it out on your own. I do not want to *even possibly* be a back up.

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