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blah, what does this mean? mind games?

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I think you jumped the gun by contacting him only two days later. Step back. Let him contact you. Let him anticipate seeing you. Act like you would when you first start casually dating someone but be careful. I seem to recall something in another post of yours about how he has a gf? Don't let yourself get played here. Keep it casual. Keep it friendly. Don't act like he's your bf or your date (kissing etc) until he actually is.


OR you could radically go in the other direction and say "Sorry, you have a gf, I'm not interested," and see if he leaves her.

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We can't tell you what it means because it is very likely he doesn't know what it means either. It is very likely he is devastated and confused by the resulting feelings as are you.


Just because he was the proverbial "dumper" does not preclude him from feeling the effects of grief and does not validate the assumption that the "dumper" knows what's going on and has their head on straight. But remember, in light of all the other options available, he chose to end this. That is very telling.


In situations like this, talk really is cheap. Unless he shows you something real and directed beyond these words and confusion, it is probably a manifestation of his grief and inability to deal with it and is nothing to give weight to.


What do you really want from this situation? To get back together or to move past this?

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