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Shy Guy

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i have found that when i am with a group of my friends i can talk to the most gorgeous girls you can imagine and have no trouble with it, but if i am by myself and a girl approaches me i freeze and become nervous.

anyone have a reason for this and ways i can stop being so nervous when alone?

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Because you know there is an easy escape if things go arry with the conversation you are having with a girl in a group. You know you got your buddy to back up the stupid things you may say... or help joke about it... even if you don't think so, i'm sure its somewhere there in your subconscious.


Also, when you talk to a girl 1 on 1, you are deliberately confirming social interaction, meaning you are wishing to talk to her too. You have to be more careful with your words in these situations because, what you say could invoke things you don't intend... so choosing your words also become more critical.


Finally, I'd say that your a guy and she is a girl, and the way you communicate with guys (which you do most often I'm sure) is different... so you actually have to think about it.

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i have found that when i am with a group of my friends i can talk to the most gorgeous girls you can imagine and have no trouble with it, but if i am by myself and a girl approaches me i freeze and become nervous.

anyone have a reason for this and ways i can stop being so nervous when alone?


My friend is just like you. He is extremely good in group situations when he is entertaining people. Yet he messes things up when it's a one on one interaction with an attractive women. The guy is a great talker. But he doesn't have a clue about women behave.


The reason why you feel comfortable with a group of friends is the fact that you feel like you have a security blanket whenever you are with your friends. If you don't know what to say next, you can depend on your friends to carry the conversation. While this is safe, it will not get you the girl. Instead of relying on your friends, you need to be the alpha male. You need to learn how to lead the interaction. How is your personality supposed to shine through if your friends do some of the talking for you?


How do you stop being nervous when you are alone with a girl? You can't. Every guy gets nervous around women they find attractive. What you need to learn how to do is to be confident despite your nervousness. Through practice through a lot of interactions with women, you will develop the confidence you need to interact with the opposite sex.

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