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so much for that...

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Well I started uni at the new campus. Its been ok, I was excitied about making new friends however everyone there are really up themselves! They dont joke, they dont smile... its like they are frozen cold! I feel like a loner big time!! I miss my old campus, everyone was much nicer and the whole campus had a warm feel.


I wish I didnt tranfer!



Wait theres more... we have a group assesment to do and guess what?? I was ignored by the first group I was supposed to be in!!!... I didnt know what to do so I just swapped groups. It really made me feel rejected!! Ive never felt rejection so much this week. Its so depressing.


The uni doesnt have very friendly people, everyone sticks to their own nationality!! Its so dumb!! At the other uni I had friends from different backgrounds and stuff.


Arghh! I think Im going to invest in a new video mp3 player and a new book each month or so, that way when I eat lunch by myself I wont look like such a looser!](*,)


Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do??

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Hey LS-

I can sympathize with you here. I went to undergrad at a university where I had many friends and I truly had the best time of my life.


I have now continued on for further education and I cannot seem to relate so much to the students at my new university as they are competitive and hop from 1 bed to another.


I just end up talking to all my friends back home instead.


Maybe you can find more pasttimes and meet friends outside of school. I spend my free time outside of my school environment and there are times I eat alone, etc, but I just read while I eat. It's hard but definitely overcomeable.


It's hard not to feel leftout but time flies and it will soon be over. A few days ago, I found out my friend here was talking behind my back, etc, and I felt hurt, and pulled away from people, because it's common here, but you know what, focus on school, that's what you are there for, and join clubs or extracurrics outside of school.


Hugs, Rose

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Hi LS,


When I attended school a few years ago I had much the same experience.


One thing, I was a little older than the average student I think. Also, I had just recently moved to the area and didn't really have any friends that way either.


I tried for one thing to pick subjects where the age group might be a little closer to my own. (Like painting for instance had more people my age...)


I seemed to start with a lot of electives at first. That way I could be among people with common intertests. (I also liked music and had that for another elective.)


It afforded me more opportunity to make at least some friends instead of say taking all my general ed. at first and feeling all alone in those classes.


I also looked at the bulletin board and campus website just to see what was going on.


Hope things pick up for you.



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