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Complicated...his new g/f coming

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Try and distract yourself. We are here for you, not many people have responded but we are listening. Be polite but dont meet the new girl. I dont see what good it will do you, better to keep it to your imagination, unless you feel really compelled to. Be honest about your feelings but dont show any desperation, or it will push him further away (although I dont know if that is an issue). Try to keep a neutral tone about the whole thing, and if you need to explain calmly why you dont want to meet her. That is my opinion at least. I am sorry you had to go through this. Good luck

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I don't want to hear it ever again that your problem isn't worth discussing. There's always people who are better or worse off, that's not the point, the point is that the problem matters to YOU, which is why its worth discussing about.Everythings should be discussable, this because a problem that remains undiscussed cannot be solved, so by all means please do repost what you stated in here.

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