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why would a guy dump a girl that he seems to be head over heels for and even thought about marrying to just act like she is not around when he has to be around her?.....does anyone know why guys do this or what may be going on in their heads. I mean what reasons are there for leaving a girl that you care about and can see a future with....

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guys are messed up in the head sometimes. don't you worry about it because you will drive yourself crazy, even worse, make yourself sick. don't dwell on the past. there may not be a true reason why they do this (since it happened to me too) but i figure it happened for a reason and i'm not going to stick around and find out why. i've moved on and useed this time to find out and realize what i really want in a guy... this attitude and behavior my ex (and yours) had is not what i want, definitely. i hope that helps.

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Simple question simple answer guys don't know what they want..... soo if they loose sommthing then they realize it was better with it and try to get it back sometimes and if they get it back they think something else would be better ...... i don't know if that makes a lot of sense but thats the best reason i could come up with ....



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everything was great with this guy....i feel like he is scared and running because he was beginning to really fall in love with me and we had one little incident and he thinks we are going down the same road he went with his ex wife...he was married for three years and she treated him really bad......he wanted to be with me all the time and told me he missed me when we were apart....he wanted to marry me but now he doesnt seem to me to be all that happy but he could be if he was with me and i dont see why he is not. ....there was nothing terrible with us....i wonder if he loved me at all...........

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